
UFO Sighting in Daytime over Wexford Bridge, Ireland Caught on Cam, Dec 16, 2010. UFO Sighting News.

UFO Sighting in Daytime over Wexford Bridge, Ireland Caught on Cam, Dec 16, 2010.

UFO sighting Date: December 16, 2010
Sighting location: Wexford Bridge, Ireland

Watching the live web cam of Ireland I noticed that the still photos of a half hour earlier caught what looks like an odd shaped UFO. This craft seems to have several colors in it.

I looked at the next photo to see if it was in any others and found what looks like the same craft again, but this time the UFO looks 30% cloaked from view, but you can still see the other 70%. The coincidence that theres two UFOs were flying over the bridge at just a few hours apart must mean that they have a high probability of being the same craft.

First photo was taken at 12:50 Noon on Dec 16 where the next photo was taken on the same day at 15:11 PM (3:11PM) Just 2 hours later.

The live cam these were found at is at: http://www.viewwexford.com/live/index.html

☯ Scott C. Waring wrote novels “Dragons of Asgard” & “UFO Sightings of 2006-2009” at online bookstores, or visit my UFO Video channel at http://www.youtube.com/user/TaiwanSCW?feature=mhum ☯