Date of discovery: July 21, 2013
Location of discovery: 37° 5'45.66"N 116° 5'35.77"W on Google Earth Map, AREA 51
This pyramid was discovered in Area 51, which by the also includes the underground base Area S4. Near the pyramid there are two hovering craft. Because of the pyramid shape structure, it tells us that the scientists and military there wanted to meet and greet aliens in the proper settings. The two craft are probably alien UFOs of dignitaries or VIPs sent for communication, sharing and of course taking USAF personnel off world. UK hacker Gary Mckinnnon has proven that off world US military does exist, since he found the names of ships, soldiers, ranks and more in US military computers.
Oh, and a message to China and Russia, this is why America has been and will remain a world power. SCW