
NASA Says UFO Over Arizona This Week Was Meteor...But Can We Still Trust NASA? April 14, 2014, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: April 2014
Location of sighting: Arizona, Nevada, New Mexico
News Source: http://www.myfoxphoenix.com/story/25236843/2014/04/14/nasa-confirms-a-meteor-was-sighted-in-the-valley-sky

NASA is telling Fox 10 News that the object that was being reported as a UFO over Arizona is actually a meteor. The object was caught on a camera at New Mexico State University and shows the object streaking across the sky. NASA was quick to say it was a meteor, however can we trust them. This is the same area where in 2008 at Needles California, just 5 min from Arizona, a blue UFO crashed and was seen by multiple eyewitnesses as USAF helicopters retrieved it and carried its glowing blue body off to the local airport where a Janis plane full of scientists awaited it. What I'm saying is that this object could be alien tech in USAF hands. A top secret experiment seen entering the earths atmosphere and NASA was told to cover it up. SCW

Below is the Needles California UFO Crash News Video. 2008. Massive cover up began.