
Ancient Site On Mars, Rover Photo, July 2014, UFO Sighting News.

Date of video: July 2014
Location of discovery: Mars

Eyewitness states:
I was watching Brian Hopkins (The Martian Archaeoligist's) latest video the top 5 Mars Anomalies https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Cex6L... and I had never seen this one before. It had a great graphic that went along with it. So I downloaded this photo and it just looked like a monument that had been destroyed and sent flying into little pieces. The way these blocks look to be cut and polished (most likely by the sands over time) is remarkable. The blocks all seem to be shaped and cut perfectly off flat. This video went a bit long but I hope you enjoy it and download the photo today at http://photojournal.jpl.nasa.gov/cata... 


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    1. Sorry for that. I get a lot of spam sites leaving their URLs and have nothing to do with UFOs, and have to delete it. I've been busy at work so had little time lately. I will try to stay on top of it. SCW

  4. The pictures/ anomolies taken of mars are actually of the deserts and mines on earth. The government and nasa is screwing everyone.

    1. I have suspected that they faked the Mars landing by putting the rover on a deserted island somewhere that has similar geography as Mars. It is possible.

    2. scott please take a look at your rock formations do you not see rocks carved with eye sockets long bridge noses and wide mouths just like mini sculptures of the mars face please take a look with this in mind and tell me what you think??????????? what is nasa and the us govt trying to hide and why ????????

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