
Alien Fairy Caught Fluttering Near 9/11 Tribute Lights On Live Cam, Sept 2015, Video, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: Sept 13, 2015
Location of sighting: New York City, NY, USA

This fairy was caught by Youtube user Orlando Bosca. He has caught many interesting UFOs Near and around the New York area all on live cams. Since it was so close to being 9/11, Bosca took a long look at those live cams. What he found is remarkable. He caught a fairy on cam as it was dancing near the 9/11 tribute light. The camera doesn't lie, and the the three screenshots above show this does appear to be a tiny being with wings. 

Such beings that size do exist. I remember talking to Apollo Astronaut William Rutledge back in 2008-2009 on Youtube. He said when he was on a tech recovery mission (covert Apollo 20) inside a crashed ship in Deporte crater, he found glass tubes on the wall with tiny human-like beings that were dead inside. They used the tubes as a safer way to travel about the ship, since giants like ourselves were also found not he ship (ships female pilot). Back in 2008 I found the crater he mentions, and yes, the two ships he explored are there! What I'm saying is...these tiny beings do exist and are aliens!

Eyewitness states: 
What is the body? a palace of that we take care prolixly? a dark prison that the free flight of the Spirit prevents? or the temple where we inhabit that it allows us to be related and enjoy the matter, and that's why we are renewing constantly and transfiguring to eternize it?