
U-boat Found In Loch Ness, Captain Claimed Giant Monster Attacked Them, Oct 2016, UFO Sighting News.

Date of discovery: Oct 2016
Location of discovery: Coast of Scotland
News source: http://www.bbc.com/news/uk-scotland-south-scotland-37691283

The Lock, not far from the coast of Scotland where the u-boat was found, is very shrouded in mystery. The Loch Ness has always intrigued me since reading a book about it as a child. I even watch the live cam every now and then. I have tied in several historical alien and UFO sightings in that area from over 60 years ago, but is this monster technologically built by aliens, or an actually ETI (Exterestrial Intelligence)? The Loch is deep so it could be hiding an alien base at its bottom. What they need in a robotic drone sub with infrared imaging to cut though all that murky water. Hopefully one day, will will catch this creature. 
Scott C. Waring

News states: 
The wreck of a German U-boat that sank almost 100 years ago has been discovered by engineers laying subsea power cables.
Remarkable sonar images show the missing World War One submarine is largely intact and lying off the Galloway coast.
Experts believe the vessel could be the UB-85, a sub that sank in 1918, according to official records.

However, naval folklore suggests it may have been attacked by a "sea monster".

Mysterious sinking
The entire crew of the U-boat is reported to have abandoned ship due to the "monster attack".

Once aboard the British ship HM Drifter Coreopsis, their commander, Captain Krech described their encounter.

He is said to have spoken of a beast with "large eyes, set in a horny sort of skull…with teeth that could be seen glistening in the moonlight".

He apparently claimed that the sub was so damaged in its battle with the "monster", it could no longer submerge.

However, Dr Innes McCartney, a historian and nautical archaeologist who helped identify the wreckage, does not believe the tale. (More at source.)