
Ancient Roman Face Found On Mars By NASA Rover, Sept 10, 2018, Photos, UFO Sighting News.

Date of discovery: Sept 10, 2018
Location of discovery: Mars
Photo source: http://www.gigapan.com/gigapans/211048

Look carefully at the red circle in the above photo. Do you see what I see? Can you see the the face in stone? It has a helmet, long hair, long nose, eyebrows, mouth, beard and mustache. It looks like the face of an early Roman era as you see in the photo I placed beside it. 

There was also two other faces. One was a doll like face of a little girls head and hair. The other was just a white face which set it apart from the dark surrounding area.

I search for ancient artifacts which are proof of intelligent beings once living on Mars. It takes a hunters eye to catch them, because even NASA has not noticed them, until I make them aware of it.
Scott C. Waring