
Alien Craft Looks Like Snake Enters Cloud To Escape Eyewitness, Toronto, Canada Oct 24, 2020, Video, UFO Sighting News.


Date of sighting: Oct 24, 2020
Location of sighting: Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Now watching this snake object in the sky makes me wonder...why does all UFOs have to look like disks or orbs? They don't, but we have conditioned ourselves to believe that alien craft are limited in their styles. This object does tighten and then loosen itself opening slightly as if it were alive or was controlled. The eyewitnesses description really grabs me. The part where he said, "I got my camera on them they appeared to stiffen up, picked a direction and then disappeared into the clouds." At that statement I knew...this is 100% an alien craft. UFOs often shoot into clouds to hide. As did this one. Case closed. 
Scott C. Waring - Taiwan

Eyewitness states: 
Saw these worm or snake like UFO's at 6:40pm Oct, 24, 2020 Toronto Ontario. Traveling Eastward and then South possibly above Downtown Toronto or further North. They were first in the shape of the letter S and then as soon as I started filming them they turned into a 6 or G . Thought they were birds at first as they were moving randomly and like worms but when I got my camera on them they appeared to stiffen up, picked a direction and then disappeared into the clouds. Smoke ring? Garbage bags? Kite? No idea. But it moved like a worm or snake in the sky. Thought it was a garbage can smoke worm at first but I have no idea. Hence the term Unidentified Flying Object.7 Filmed with cellphone Samsung Note10.