
Mysterious Lights Over Gujarat, India June 2021, Video, UFO Sighting News.


Date of sighting: June 22, 2021
Location of sighting: Gujarat, India

People living in the city of Gujarat reported glowing lights over the city. The also reported hearing a large explosion when the lights first appeared. In the video there are two sets of hovering lights moving over the city. One will have 3-4 continuous glowing orange lights and then another begins to follow it. Each set of four lights are just one craft. The explosions heard are from the UFOs shooting away out of earths atmosphere or into earths atmosphere...at high speed. The speed had to have broken the sound barrier for the sonic boom to be that big. UFOs can easily do that. These are 100% real UFOs and are proof that an alien base exists somewhere near the city of Gujarat, India 5-6km below the surface. 
Scott C. Waring - Taiwan