
Two UFOs Cause Community To Gasp In Awe, Bangalore, India, Feb 14, 2022, VIDEO, UFO Sighting News.


Date of sighting: Feb 14, 2022
Location of sighting: Electric City, Bangalore, India

An eyewitness recorded two short videos of some unknown sky phenomenon the both frightened and excited his community. The UFO left a glowing trail with it as well as it being escorted by a smaller glowing sphere behind it. You can hear the excitement and dismay as these UFOs pass overhead. I do not thing they are rockets or missiles. The India news doesn't have any mention of rockets this week at all. These two glowing objects are genuine UFOs. Even the eyewitness titles the video, "UFO spotted in Electronic city of Bangalore || Live footage captured on camera!" And this witness is 100% correct. He witnessed a rare and important event.
Scott C. Waring - Taiwan