
Decoded US Think Tank Email about UFO Over China Airport, And They Were Not Certain What It Was! UAP Sighting News.

Date of sighting: July 7, 2010

Wishing you all a merry Christmas. 

Hey all, I went onto Wikileaks and got hold of a UFO email about the UFO seen over a China airport...you remember that right? Well, needless to say it was in code, and I...am good a cracking those. The email was in Base64...too easy guys...Base64 is a binary-to-text encoding scheme that converts binary data into an ASCII string format. It should not be used as encryption. Anyways, I will put the email below and you can look into it yourself, the message was an intercommunication email sent from one member to other members of the super top secret US think tank Stratford. I say, if it's worth sending in code, then it's important! 

Scott C. Waring

Wikileaks source: https://wikileaks.org/gifiles/docs/40/401591_re-tactical-os-china-csm-ufo-shuts-airport-really-.html


Here is the full decoded message:

I've been to Area 51.

-----Original Message-----
From: "Nate Hughes" nathan.hughes@stratfor.com
Sender: tactical-bounces@stratfor.com
Date: Tue, 13 Jul 2010 03:03:25
To: Tactical tactical@stratfor.com
Reply-To: nathan.hughes@stratfor.com, Tactical tactical@stratfor.com
Subject: Re: [TACTICAL] [OS] CHINA/CSM- UFO shuts airport. Really.

Sean, stop trying to compete with Fred for random ass shit.

This has been on the web since last week, speculation that it may have been a Chinese ballistic missile test. Haven't seen convincing evidence/analysis of it, doesn't strike me as a successful one if it was...

-----Original Message-----
From: Sean Noonan sean.noonan@stratfor.com
Date: Mon, 12 Jul 2010 21:59:39
To: Tactical tactical@stratfor.com
Reply-To: Tactical tactical@stratfor.com
Subject: Re: [TACTICAL] [OS] CHINA/CSM- UFO shuts airport. Really.

Fred, a good CSM topic?

Picture from Hangzhou:


Sean Noonan wrote:

UFO shuts airport. Really.
Shanghai Daily Article
By Wang Xiang | 2010-7-9 | NEWSPAPER EDITION

EAST China's Hangzhou City shut down its Xiaoshan airport for one hour late Wednesday night after radar detected the hovering of ... something.

Airport officials called it an unidentified flying object.

The UFO showed up on the airport's radar at around 9 PM. The airport authority immediately notified passengers to stop boarding and grounded all flights about to take off, Xinhua news agency reported yesterday.

The object forced many incoming flights to land in neighboring airports in cities of Ningbo and Wuxi. It also caused about four hours delay for flights taking off.

The UFO looked like a twinkling spot and disappeared very soon. Xinhua quoted a passenger on board an incoming plane who claimed he witnessed the object.

The Xiaoshan airport has resumed normal operations, its spokesman said. He refused to provide more details, saying an investigation was still going on.