Showing posts with label НЛО прицельно. Show all posts
Showing posts with label НЛО прицельно. Show all posts


Cigar Shaped UFO Over Germany, VIDEO March 24, 2012.

Date of sighting: March 24, 2012
Location of sighting: Ohmenhausen, Germany

This UFO seems to have a semi-cloak up, notice how it begins to disappear then reappear again. This video is a great example of a cloaking UFO. Watch how it disappears completely near the building.


UFO Sighting Photo On Yahoo News Today, at Volcano in Iceland, see before taken down.

UFO Sighting Photo On Yahoo News Today, at Volcano in Iceland, see before taken down.

UFO Sighting Date: November 4, 2004
Discovery Date: November 1, 2010

UFO Sighting Location:Grimsvotn, Iceland Volcano

I was reading the news when I noticed this UFO flying over the volcano in the photo that they use. This happened this morning so if you check real quickly, you will find it too. I included the URL address so that you can see it. For some odd reason, no one has ever brought this up.

Below photo I altered the contrast & exposure only.

The photo shows a volcano with a large plume of smoke erupting out and a black classic flying saucer leaving the volcano. It is not possible for it to be a plane or helicopter, because all aircraft were grounded in Iceland at this time not to mention that being that close with a helicopter is suicidal at the least.

Amazing all around photo, plz take a look.

Perhaps you remember the UFO sighting at the same Iceland volcano back in April 2010, watch this amazing news video.

Also, I SC Waring have see such UFOs hovering near volcanos on many occasions. Take a look at this video below that I recorded when looking a volcano live web cam. Many small dark orbs flying in its plume.

*** Scott C. Waring wrote novels “Dragons of Asgard” & “UFO Sightings of 2006-2009” found at all online bookstores. Or for Awesome UFO Video Evidence visit my channel at ***

UFO Sighting of Red Saucer Over Sun on Oct 15, 2010, Amazing photo.

UFO Sighting of Red Saucer Over Sun on Oct 15, 2010, Amazing photo here.

UFO Sighting Location: Indiana, USA
UFO Sighting Date: October 15, 2010

Note: on below photo, you can see the edges of the saucer, sun reflections do not have edges.

My cousin was just outside her apartment, seen a beautiful day. Something told her to take a pic with her camera phone. She sent me this picture, which I felt was a beautiful day light shot. She didn't see the object at the top until I sent her a message back telling her to not send me a Photo-Chop picture. I forgot that she doesn’t own a computer, so she can't fake this pic that I know of. Please take a look at this pic for me, if it's a sun blot thru the lens let me know that too. Also notice how the object cast a ring thru the sun. No sun blot does that, I’ve tried to prove to myself that this pic is a fake. But I can't prove that because even under magnification you can't see the sky thru the object

Contrast & exposure altered on below photo.


*** Scott C. Waring wrote novels “Dragons of Asgard” & “UFO Sightings of 2006-2009” found at all online bookstores. Or for Awesome UFO Video Evidence visit my channel at ***


Wheel UFO Sighting in Aquitaine, France on Oct 31, 2010, photos.

Location of sighting: Aquitaine, France
Date of sighting: Oct 31, 2010

I was watching a live cam of Aquitaine, France when I noticed that there was a wheel shaped UFO sitting at the middle right of the cam photo. It was not touching the mountain but instead just sitting above it. I did not have time to watch it long, I had things to do, but when I checked again a half hour later it was gone. The wheel craft seems to have another circle in its middle.

Photo time is at top of screen shot 14:26

When I checked again at 14:55 I took the below screen shot, this time it was gone.

I have heard a lot of UFO reports about UFO wheels being seen in the sky long ago, so I googled it and found this info on it.

1: Wheel UFO on 593 BC

UFO: Ezekiel's Wheel-593 BC
One of the earliest written descriptions of a UFO was found in the bible. Ezekiel's Wheel is thought by many to be Ezekiel's description of a UFO sighting.

2. Germany Wheel UFO in Nov 4, 1697.

UFO glowing wheels sighting over Hamburg Germany November 4 1697

Interviu cu un Extraterestru-Adevarul este mai straniu decat fictiunea ALIEN INTERVIEW- "Truth is stranger than fiction"
This picture shows a UFO sighting over Hamburg, Germany
The objects were described as 'two glowing wheels' -
Nov 4, 1697 - Wheels - Spoked Wheels.

Cheber River, Chaldea (Modern Iraq)

3. Norway Spiral UFO wheel on Dec 9, 2009

Remember when President Obama was about to receive his Nobel Peace Prize in Norway and the wheel spiral appeared over Norway seen by hundreds of cities.

*** Scott C. Waring wrote novels “Dragons of Asgard” & “UFO Sightings of 2006-2009” found at all online bookstores. Or for Awesome UFO Video Evidence visit my channel at ***

UFO sighting under rainbow in Tennessee, Oct 17 2010 photos of Saucer.

Date of sighting: Oct 17, 2010
Location of sighting: Tennessee, USA

My daughter and I went out onto the porch to take photos of the rainbow after that big storm was about passed thru. She and I were taking pictures at the same time but she caught this disc in one of her pictures.

We didn't realize what was there until we started to review on the camera the pictures she took. I imediately down loaded them to the computer.

We were totally surprised to see this disc. You can see the sunshine hitting the top and the shadows on the bottom so we knew it was something solid. It didn't show up on any of my pictures on the other camera.


*** Scott C. Waring wrote novels “Dragons of Asgard” & “UFO Sightings of 2006-2009” found at all online bookstores. Or for Awesome UFO Video Evidence visit my channel at ***

UFO Sighting linked to Horse Mutilation in Argentina, Oct 17, 2010, see photos.

Date: October 17, 2010

Argentina: Horse Mutilation in Pueblo Esther

Pueblo Esther is a small community to the south of Rosario in the Province of Santa Fe, which has accustomed us to news stories concerning the UFO phenomenon.

Several persons claim having seen lights in the fields, ad the locality indeed boasts a significant case history.

On this occasion, the news involves the appearance of a mutilated animal, specifically a young horse, found with the typical inscision to its jaw, total extraction of the eyeball and excision of the ear canal and the tongue, leaving the hyoid bones expones.

The case was reported by Fernando Schienke, who found the horse in a field near his home. Astonished by the injuries to the specimen, he tried to find information about them.

The animal was found on October 17, 2010 and we are still waiting for more details from the witness. In the meantime, we are disclosing a series of details on the investigation. A series of photos will show the aspects to be kept in mind when investigating mutilation cases.

We can quickly observe that the wound presents a net incision with tissue dehydration and in some parts, removal of hair down to the skin along the cut. The type of incision can be clearly made out in a magnified photo. There is neither tearing nor remnants of tissue on the bone, which turns out to be one of the differentiating factors.

The presence of flies: this factor is very interesting, since many pathologists argue that the loss of soft tissue is due to phagocytosis by fly larvae. These photos show how flies begin to work on the animal’s carcass. No colonies of bacteria are visible, no fly larvae. This indicates the insects’ first contact with the carcass. However, the wounds are as latent as the incisions.

Over years of investigation we have been able to establish some basic patterns, the start of action by flies, the carrion animals that appear first, such as the wild boar, as well as some birds. However, all of them appear some 72 hours after an animal presenting these injuries has been found.

Birds tend to make their mark through feces on the back of the animal. We are expecting more details on the case with a follow-up of the area. This incident is a test case for Vision Ovni, as the town of Pueblo Esther is an area of multiple sightings, and a very important item of information for research as a whole.


*** Scott C. Waring wrote novels “Dragons of Asgard” & “UFO Sightings of 2006-2009” found at all online bookstores. Or for Awesome UFO Video Evidence visit my channel at ***


Alien abduction woman from Canada steps forward to tell her story, #ufosighting

Corena Saebels, a 54-year-old mom who lives in Kelowna, B.C. believes her family has been subjected to otherworldly experimentation.

For some Canadians, the debate over the existence of UFOs is more than a pop-culture pastime.

It’s up close and personal.

They are part of a worldwide collection of people who believe they’ve been abducted by an alien race.

QMI Agency's Thane Burnett spoke with Corina Saebels, a 54- year- old mom who lives in Kelowna, B.C., and believes her family has been subjected to otherworldly experimentation.

Q - You have two children. What do they think about all this UFO talk?

A - They have both suffered first- hand experiences since early childhood, and still live with some of the after- effects from contact with these beings. They know the reality of what is really going on!

Q - You call yourself an abductee. What does that mean?

A - On a personal level, to be an abductee means that from early childhood, my children and I have been taken many times against our will, and had our bodies, minds and spirits raped.

Q - You live in Kelowna. People don’t often think about abductees in this country. Have you come across others?

A - There are many abductees in Canada. The support group which I held in Kelowna alone, held over 10 people ... from all walks of life.

Q - Can you boil down your experiences into highlights?

A - Sure. For all of us, it began between four and five years of age, then once a teenager the visitations became more frequent, taking DNA material from us. It seems to be going from generation to generation. To this day we still have unwanted visitations.

Q - Any witnesses to what you’ve gone through?

A - Yes, there are many eyewitnesses to what we went through, from friends witnessing a ship over our house and then us missing through the night, to eyewitness reports from strangers given to UFO researchers after an event.

Q - Any medical evidence?

A - We do have some medical evidence of the after- effects, such as photographs of burns on our bodies and marks on the ground after an event.

Q - Are these aliens good or bad?

A - My personal belief is that there are many different species of aliens, and like us humans, there are benevolent ones and also malevolent ones. For us, unfortunately the "Greys" are the ones that have been dealing with us.

Q - Why are the "Greys" so nasty?

A - The "Greys" have no emotions. So they are not affected by how much pain and trauma they deliver. They are like robots who simply come to do their job and then leave.

Q - When did you last have an alien encounter?

A - My last encounter was this last summer. For some reason, these beings seem to have a pattern with when they come back. It is usually in late July and about every three years.

Q - Couldn’t there be a great many explanations for what you’ve gone through, beyond UFOs and aliens?

A - Sure there are and always will be some other explanations for what people sometimes see and experience, but in some cases like ours, there are no other explanations and there is too much proof to think otherwise.

Q - You wrote a book, called The Collectors. How’s that selling?

A - Actually, I never intended to write a book. But after my 2003 experience, I was so paralyzed with fear that I decided to make the fear work for me by turning my diary into a book, hoping to help others like ourselves know that they are not alone and to have courage in coming forward with their own stories. It was not intended to make me rich.

Q - On the site you use to sell the book, the theme from the X- Files plays. Is that an anthem among believers?

A - No, not really. I simply used the X- Files theme because most people relate the song with paranormal subjects.

Q - Do you come across many people who just don’t believe you?

A - To be quite honest, for many years we dealt with disbelief and ridicule, but in the last couple of years or so, we have found individuals becoming believers and being much more supportive. In fact I have been doing presentations in the U.S. and Canada on the subject.

Q - There’s been a lot of news stories lately on UFOs, including a group of U.S. airmen who came forward last month to talk about their UFO experiences. What’s your take on the stories?

A - I think that it is absolutely wonderful that these people are coming forward with what they know. Their courage in sharing their information with the public will help us put the pieces together and finally understand what and who we are dealing with.

Q - What’s your message to people?

A - My one message to people would be: Whether you are an abductee or some official with a story and a piece of the truth, have no fear in coming forward, for it is with knowledge that we will succeed in getting the truth.

Q - What’s your message to any aliens out there?

A - To the benevolent ones I would say: If you know and see what these malevolent ones are doing to us, please, stop them from hurting our children, and help us!


*** Scott C. Waring wrote novels “Dragons of Asgard” & “UFO Sightings of 2006-2009” found at all online bookstores. Or for Awesome UFO Video Evidence visit my channel at ***
UFO Sightings Daily


NASA Astronaut confirms Extraterrestrials are real & his UFO Sighting on Shuttle Columbia!

NASA Astronaut confirms Extraterrestrials are real & his UFO Sighting on Shuttle Columbia!

His Name: Story Musgrave from STS-80 mission.

Space Shuttle Columbia during STS-80 took a crew of five astronauts into a 17 day, 15 hour and 54 minute mission around the earth, the longest flight in the history of this vehicle. During this lengthy flight a very strange event occurred that even had crewman Dr. Story Musgrave unable to explain what he observed from the shuttle windows.

A large disc shaped object appeared below the Columbia. The shuttle was approximately, 190 Nautical miles high.

The disc was first observed to miraculously appear from out of nowhere, flying through the clouds below and progressing from right to left as the astronauts stared in utter amazement. The outer rim of the craft appeared to be rotating counter-clockwise. It was very large (compared to common space junk and breakaway ice), approximately 50 to 150 feet in diameter.

Astronaut Dr. Story Musgrave, a Payload Specialist on the STS-80 Mission, was interviewed following the flight. As he viewed a videotape of the incident which showed lightning flashes in the atmosphere, the city lights of Denver, Colorado and other earthbound sights, he stated: "I don't know what it is. Whether it's a washer, debris, ice particles, I don't know. But it's characteristic of the thousands of things which I've seen. What is not so characteristic is it appears to come from no where. You would think that if it's facing the dark side or facing a side towards you which is not reflecting the sun, you would think that you would see something there. It's really impressive."

During an earlier interview, Dr. Musgrave stated he attempted to communicate with ET life forms during each of his six missions. He actually asked them to take him with them. Now that's an astronaut with a lot of courage. Dr. Musgrave retired after this flight from NASA. Since then he's been spreading his considered opinion that alien life exists. When Musgrave speaks of this, it's no great leap for one to assume he's admitting knowledge of alien life. As the final slide of a "Grey" ET was shown during a recent astronomy presentation by Dr. Musgrave, he made this surprising comment: "These guys are real... I guarantee it!" Dr. Musgrave does know the truth. This author guarantees it!

Consider that carefully. These are world renown scientists making statements almost beyond belief. Dr. von Braun and others of his stature have the courage to disclose "sensitive" information, but obviously the leaders of the USA and the world do not. If billions could find a way of coping with the overwhelming threat of atomic annihilation for half a century, it is reasonable to assume we can cope with the knowledge of these "Other Intelligence's" from the stars. We can cope with the fact they are visiting earth, and have been since the beginning of history. We must. Those still asleep must open their eyes. We Are Not Alone.


*** Scott C. Waring wrote novels “Dragons of Asgard” & “UFO Sightings of 2006-2009” found at all online bookstores. Or for Awesome UFO Video Evidence visit my channel at ***

UFO sighting linked to entire China Village Disappearing on Oct 13, 2010, see video.

UFO sighting linked to entire China Village Disappearing on Oct 13, 2010, see video.

Date of sighting: October 13, 2010
Location of sighting: Qinling Mountains, China

Qinling Mountains, Shaanxi province (there is a pyramid in the region, the fabulous 1,000-foot White Pyramid of Xian and a nuclear facility).

This UFO sighting is across the internet. I searched the key terms in Chinese (消失在秦岭村) and found hundreds of articles in Chinese which state that there are several reports and each is slightly different from the other for some reason. There have been many reports of mass amounts of Chinese soldiers coming off the freeway and entering the village area. The roads in and out of the village have been barricaded by the military. One report of a junior high student in the area stated; "Passing from the streets near our city I saw tanks, missiles, transport vehicles often covered with canvas." Read below and see what you think about this. For me, it appears a hidden nuclear base may have had an explosion and was mistaken for a UFO, but perhaps I am wrong, check out the video below which is the only real evidence so far to get out of China.

At 4:00 on October 13 Qinling event, reportedly, four in the morning today, a village in the Qinling mountain inexplicably disappeared. Now the military has cordoned off the area. According to eyewitnesses, a UFO flying around. Qinling Mountains in the snakes have fled, there are also insiders of the nuclear base in the Qinling Mountains in the accident.

Baidu Post Bar in the Qinling reporter saw a lot of friends concerned about the so-called "foot of the Qinling Mountains next village disappeared." More users skeptical on the matter.

Reporters today (October 13), respectively, to Shaanxi Provincial Public Security Bureau, Shaanxi Military District, and the Qinling Mountains surrounding Hanzhong, Ankang, Baoji, Xi'an, Shangluo confirmation, the parties did not receive any relevant reports have indicated that Network attached network belongs to the rumors.

*** Scott C. Waring wrote novels “Dragons of Asgard” & “UFO Sightings of 2006-2009” found at all online bookstores. Or for Awesome UFO Video Evidence visit my channel at ***

UFO Sighting over Munich, Germany during sunset, Amazing oval craft, see video. UAP Sighting News.

UFO Sighting over Munich, Germany during sunset, Amazing oval craft, see video.

Sighting Date: October 20, 2010
Sighting location: Munich, Germany

This video shows an oval glowing craft in the day time over Munich. It looks very huge as it flies over and around the clouds during sunset. I have said time and time again, (Scott C. Waring-blog writer) that if you want to see a UFO sighting, most sightings take place during sunset, so that is the time you should go out with a camera that has a zoom on it. This video is one of the best I have seen in many months. This video makes my consider that "The Agency" might be real.

This video was released by a group calling themselves "The Agency." They are a group of aliens that try to look after humans. Odd as it seems it sound legit. I read the description under their video that is suppose to be a letter from The Agency about the sighting, here is a passage of it, source is below:

"Update from the Agency #6
Posted by The Agency on October 21, 2010 at 11:15 AM

It is with a great disheartened sadness that we send this message to you.

Before we can materialize in your atmosphere, we must ensure that we have adequate support. Decloaking, after a public announcement, requires a lot of planning, backup, and cautiousness. We cannot simply decloak in your atmosphere when ever we feel like it.

In preparation for October 20th, we were setting up a support network, so that we could pass over Munich. Our intention was to partially decloak for 15 seconds, 100 meters from the ground, as we travelled over the city at great speed. We would have been heard , felt and seen by tens of thousands of people.

The support fleet involved 16 large vehicles. As we were arriving for preparations, we were ambushed. We do not know who we were attacked by, except that it was not your establishment, or "the help". We suffered great and irreplaceable losses. It seems that the old ones may have returned sooner than expected. Many of our vehicles were able to retreat, but some of them could not escape the grip of your atmosphere and were slowly incinerated by weapons of great heat and power."

Continue reading it at:

*** Scott C. Waring wrote novels “Dragons of Asgard” & “UFO Sightings of 2006-2009” found at all online bookstores. Or for Awesome UFO Video Evidence visit my channel at ***


UFO Sighting over Knotts Berry Farm, Los Angeles on Oct 27, 2010 by NBC News, Photos.

UFO Sighting over Knotts Berry Farm, Los Angeles on Oct 27, 2010 by NBC News, Photos.

Sighting location: UFO Sighting Over Knotts Berry Farm, Los Angeles, California.

Sighting date: October 27, 2010

This sighting of a UFO hovering over Knotts Berry Farm was first posted on NBC Los Angeles TV News. An eyewitness took this iphone photo and showed it to NBC news. It clearly shows a disk like craft above the ride. Perhaps thrill seeking aliens?

This photo is extremely creepy," said Ryan Boone, who claims to have snapped the shot Tuesday before 10 p.m., while waiting in line to ride the Xcelerator rollercoaster.

The 31-year-old Beverly Hills resident sent the photo (original pic) to NBCLA. The photo, which Boone claims is not doctored, shows part of the coaster and looming above it, is a glowing, triangular object in the sky.

"At first I thought it had to be a glare, but there was nothing in the sky to glare off of," said Boone.

He laughed, "I've never been a believer in UFOs until I took this photo and saw it with my own eyes."

Perhaps only adding fodder to conspiracy theorists is that this isn't the first report of a UFO sighting over Knotts Berry Farm and Buena Park. That's if you believe the various websites that track these sorts of things.
As for Knotts Berry Farm, a spokesperson told NBCLA that no visitors had reported seeing anything suspicious to park workers on Tuesday night.

NBCLA sent the photo to the Federal Aviation Authority for review. A spokesperson said they will look into the matter.


*** Scott C. Waring wrote novels “Dragons of Asgard” & “UFO Sightings of 2006-2009” found at all online bookstores. Or for Awesome UFO Video Evidence visit my channel at ***


Mass UFO Sighting of multiple craft in Crucecita, Chile, Oct 23, 2010, see video.

Location of UFO sighting: Las Brisas, Crucecita, Chile
Date of UFO sighting: October 23, 2010.

October 23, ever since Tuesday the villagers of San Felix Valle, village of Alto del Carmen, remain baffled and surprised by consecutive sightings of UFOs (Unidentified Flying Object), both at night and in the day.

Villagers from the Las Brisas and Crucecita areas say they have seen for several minutes, three areas of intense light UFOs, which then rapidly disappeared in the vicinity of a high hill, perhaps indicating a hidden entrance is upon the hill somewhere as an entrance to an alien underground base.

Another eyewitness of this UFO phenomenon, which has been repeated on Tuesday night, managed to capture pictures in which one could see the creatures piloting the UFO. Video clearly shows a figure move across the window area of the craft.

These sightings, according to reports from Alto del Carmen, have led to the arrival of a UFO investigative team at a canal in Santiago to hear the personal eyewitness accounts of dozens of citizens that witnessed the event. Watch the Chile news cast about the UFO Sightings.

*** Scott C. Waring wrote novels “Dragons of Asgard” & “UFO Sightings of 2006-2009” found at all online bookstores. Or for Awesome UFO Video Evidence visit my channel at ***

UFO Sighting of craft near ISS, Note, ISS moved 500 meters to avoid a UFO on Oct 25, 2010.

UFO Sighting of craft near ISS, Note, ISS moved 500 meters to avoid a UFO on Oct 25, 2010.

The ISS announced that it had to move 500 meters to a higher altitude to avoid hitting some unknown space debris, but I believe it to be this UFO we see in the video. This UFO must be very large for NASA to see it long before it reached the ISS. If you want to see the yahoo story for yourself click this link.

This footage is a sample of ISS live feed, of Oct, 25. NASA tracked this object for over 30 minutes without switch the camera and despite the fact that I can't identify it, judging by the abrupt reaction of the cam operator, I doubt it's an ordinary sight. I don't have information about planets in transit that could be passing by ISS during this broadcast, started at 12h 53m 34s. If you have astronomical data to explain this, please bring it on.

*** Scott C. Waring wrote novels “Dragons of Asgard” & “UFO Sightings of 2006-2009” found at all online bookstores. Or for Awesome UFO Video Evidence visit my channel at ***


Alien Time Traveler Caught On Charlie Chaplin 1928 Film "The Circus," #UFOsighting

Alien Time Traveler Caught On Charlie Chaplin 1928 Film "The Circus," #UFOsighting

Now in latest development we have amazing video in which, time traveler caught on Charlie Chaplin 1928 film "The Circus"

According to George Clarke, down below piece of video footage found by him in Charlie Chaplin film DVD 'The Circus'.

Attending the premiere at Manns Chinese Theatre in Hollywood, CA - the scene shows a large woman /man dressed in black with a hat hiding most of his/her face, with what can only be described as a mobile phone device - talking as she walks alone.

He added : I have studied this film for over a year now - showing it to over 100 people and at a film festival, yet no-one can give any explanation as to what she is doing.

My only theory - as well as many others - is simple... a time traveler on a mobile phone. See for yourself and feel free to leave a comment on your own explanation or thoughts about it.

*** Scott C. Waring wrote novels “Dragons of Asgard” & “UFO Sightings of 2006-2009” found at all online bookstores. Or for Awesome UFO Video Evidence visit my channel at ***

Did a UFO Sighting Cause 9% of Americas Nukes to go off-line on Oct 23, 2010?

Did a UFO Sighting Cause 9% of Americas Nukes to go off-line on Oct 23, 2010?

On Oct 23, 2010 (Saturday), President Barack Obama has been informed that the US AIr Force lost complete command and control of one-ninth of their ICBM arsenal. Administration officials stressed that the problem was only temporary, but that doesn't mean it wasn't big. Also they refused to tell the public why this happened. (source: )

Why do I believe it to be aliens or UFOs that caused the shutdown of nukes? Look below for your answers.

1. On September 30, 2010 At an unusual press conference recently held in Washington, D.C., a UFO author and a half-dozen or so former U.S. military airmen asserted that "The U.S. Air Force is lying about the national security implications of unidentified aerial objects at nuclear bases and we can prove it." They claim that since 1948, extraterrestrials in spaceships have not only been visiting Earth but hovering over British and American nuclear missile sites and temporarily deactivating the weapons.

UFO author Robert Hastings, who organized the news conference, said, "I believe — these gentlemen believe — that this planet is being visited by beings from another world, who for whatever reason have taken an interest in the nuclear arms race." (source: )

2. March 16, 1967 (source: )The Malmstrom Air Force Base UFO/Missile Incident (Nuclear missiles shutdown during UFO encounter) Summary: From the witness Robert Salas: "I received a call from my security guard who was quite frightened as he reported that an unidentifiable flying object was hovering immediately above the front gate. The object was illuminated by a red glow.... many of our missiles became disabled... a similar incident had occurred at another site and they had all of their missiles disabled while UFOs were observed directly over the launch sites."

“I immediately woke my commander who had been taking his rest period and started to relate the phone conversations. Within seconds, our missiles began shutung down from "Alert" status to "No-Go" status. I recalled that most, if not all, of our missiles had shut down in rapid succession. Normally, if a missile went off alert status, it was due to a power outage at a particular site and the site power generator would come on line and pick up the power load and the LF would come back on line. It was extremely rare for more than one missile to go off line for any length of time. In this case, none of our missiles came back on line. The problem was not lack of power; some signal had been sent to the missiles which caused them to go off alert. 

After we reported this incident to the command post, I phoned my security guard to determine what had transpired topside. He informed me that the guard who had approached the UFO had been injured - not seriously. The guard was being removed by helicopter to the base. I do not recall the nature of the injury or how it was incurred. We were relieved by our scheduled replacement crew later that morning. The missiles had still not been brought on line by on-site maintenance. Once topside, I spoke directly with the security guard about the UFOs. The only additional detail he added, that I recalled, was that the UFO had a red glow and appeared to be saucer-shaped. I do not recall any other details about its appearance. He repeated that it had been immediately outside the front gate, hovering silently.”

Still don’t believe Alien UFOs can shut down our Nukes? Plz look at these videos before you finalize your decision.

*** Scott C. Waring wrote novels “Dragons of Asgard” & “UFO Sightings of 2006-2009” found at all online bookstores. Or for Awesome UFO Video Evidence visit my channel at ***


UFO Sighting and Radar Confirmation Force NASA to Move Space Station, Oct 25, 2010.

UFO Sighting and Radar Confirmation Force NASA to Move Space Station, Oct 25, 2010.

An UFO (unidentified flying object) has forced the ISS crew to move the space station 500 meters higher than it was. This object was on a direct collision course according to computer simulations and the only course of action was to move out of the way. Apparently 500 meters was the safe distance chosen.

NASA tries to lie about the UFO calling it instead a fragment of space debris. They stated the following:

The space station would take 180 seconds to manoeuvre to an orbit around 500 metres higher than its current one, the spokesman told the agency.
The mission control centre said earlier that the fragment of space debris of unknown origin was extremely unlikely to collide with the ISS, with experts calculating around a 0.001 percent chance of a direct hit.

"A decision has been taken to correct the flight orbit of the ISS. The engines will be switched on at 1425 Moscow time (1025 GMT)," a spokesman for the mission control centre outside Moscow told the RIA Novosti news agency.

Source: Yahoo News

*** Scott C. Waring wrote novels “Dragons of Asgard” & “UFO Sightings of 2006-2009” found at all online bookstores. Or for Awesome UFO Video Evidence visit my channel at ***

UFO Sighting in Bayern, Germany of Red Orb & Jet, Oct 25, 2010, photos.

Location of sighting: Kaufbeuren/Bayern, Germany
Date of sighting: Oct 25, 2010

In the sky over Kaufbeuren and Bayern was a glowing UFO in the sky. This object suddenly caught my attention when looking at the Kaufbeuren/Bayern live web cam. When I noticed the object, I at first thought it was bizarre so I began staring at it.

Although the clouds moved past the object, the glowing orange craft hovered in place never moving away.This glowing object was in the sky for only about six minutes before it slowly faded and disappeared altogether. While this was happening I took some screen shots of it, but did not have the time to video it.

Oddly, I also saw a cigar like craft (middle right side of photo), but am uncertain about it, but saw it a minutes after the jet passed.

Below: cigar craft, just above clouds.

Also a few minutes after it disappeared a jet flew over where it had been, perhaps a military jet in Germany sent to investigate the UFO in their airspace. I am including a few of the screen shots I took.

Below: Jet photo.

I have heard about people using live web cams for searching for UFOs, so I guess they are right, this is a great way to search since you can look at many web cams at once or even one ever minute.

*** Scott C. Waring wrote novels “Dragons of Asgard” & “UFO Sightings of 2006-2009” found at all online bookstores. Or for Awesome UFO Video Evidence visit my channel at ***

Moscow, Russia UFO Sighting of V shaped Craft over Clouds, Oct 18, 2010.

Moscow, Russia UFO Sighting of V shaped Craft over Clouds, Oct 18, 2010.

Down below is really a bizarre UFO sighting, which was videotaped over Moscow, Russia on October 18, 2010.

We have never seen anything like that before at 5:00 time frame in the video, which supposed to be a plane with vertical 'contrails' just hanging in the air?

Right around 8:10, that's just a big V shaped plane and then its just disappeared....

*** Scott C. Waring wrote novels “Dragons of Asgard” & “UFO Sightings of 2006-2009” found at all online bookstores. Or for Awesome UFO Video Evidence visit my channel at ***

Daytime UFO Sighting Photographed In Rotherham, UK on Oct 2010, see photo.

Daytime UFO Sighting Photographed In Rotherham, UK on Oct 2010, see photo.

"It moved really slowly but occasionally it'd shudder. It was completely silent," the Sun quoted Nayab Ahmed, 19, whose pal Anny Cummings, 18, took the snap, as saying.

Another witness said: "I don't believe in aliens, but what else could it be?"

Nick Pope, ex-head of the Ministry of Defence's UFO unit, added: "Some might suspect secret prototype aircraft and drones, but we test such craft in restricted military areas, not built-up places."

Eerily it looks just like an object spotted over Belgium in 1990 - which so spooked authorities that F-16 fighter jets were scrambled to intercept it.Nayab Ahmed, 19 - whose pal Anny Cummings, 18, took the snap - said: "It moved really slowly but occasionally it'd shudder. It was completely silent."

Another witness said: "I don't believe in aliens, but what else could it be?"
Nick Pope, ex-head of the Ministry of Defence's UFO unit, said: "Some might suspect secret prototype aircraft and drones, but we test such craft in restricted military areas, not built-up places."

*** Scott C. Waring wrote novels “Dragons of Asgard” & “UFO Sightings of 2006-2009” found at all online bookstores. Or for Awesome UFO Video Evidence visit my channel at ***

UFO sighting over Georgia of cigar craft, Oct 23, 2010, photos.

Location of sighting: Georgia, USA
Date of sighting: October 23, 2010

On Saturday, October 23, 2010, my wife and I were traveling in our SUV heading down 141W (Peachtree Parkway) at approximately 11:25am EST. We were approximately 3 miles from our destination when my wife, who was sitting in the front passenger seat stated she sees something in the sky that she can't identify.

I asked her to describe it and she really couldn't, just that's she's never seen anything like it. I then peer out the window for a glance and notice the object. I take a double and then triple-take. It was silver in color. At times it looked cigar shaped but the more we looked at it, it appeared more of a disk. It's hard to tell exactly how high in the sky it was but I would say it was about the same altitude as a low flying plane. The object was not really moving, it appeared stationary. It was not an airplane, nor helicopter, bi-plane, weather-balloon, flare or anything else of the sort. We were on our way to get our daughter's hair cut for the first time, so we brought our digital camera. My wife got it out quickly and took the first snapshot. The camera focused on her window so it came out blurry. The next time I told her to zoom in as far as she could go and try to take another picture. She did, and the attached picture is the result. My wife looked at the picture she just took and by the time she looked back up at the object (less than 10 seconds had transpired) was completely out of site. We spent the next couple minutes looking out the windows as we were driving to see if we could again spot it but to no avail. It was definitely gone.

About 25 minutes go by and we are finished getting our daughter's hair cut. We drive back on 141 although in the opposite direction. As we neared the location where we originally sited the object, we began to look for it again. Amazingly, we spot it, in the same general vicinity, although this time it's traveling in the opposite direction and moving at a slow but steady speed. I immediately find a parking lot to pull into; it was a church. As I'm about to park the car, the object is in full site, again, moving relatively slow. I take an additional 10 seconds to turn the car 180 degrees into a parking spot. By the time my wife and I get out of the car, the object is now nearly out of sight in the far horizon. I couldn't even spot it anymore and it was my wife (with her better far sight) that spotted it way off in the distance for a couple seconds before it again disappeared.

In sum, my wife is a UFO skeptic. I was amazed that she was so into this object and she only would have been if it was an extreme anomaly. The shape and variable speeds of the object is most perplexing. To note, as we got back on 141 to drive home, we noticed a black helicopter fly directly overhead at a few hundred feet. When you look at the picture, you will notice a phone/electrical line running across. Directly below is the object. When zooming in, you will immediately notice black bands/spots towards either end. I forwarded the picture to my father late last night, who is an engineer and frequently has contracts with NASA and other aeronautical associations, and he too is states that it is unlike anything he's ever seen. Please let me know if you have any further questions and I would appreciate knowing whether anything was reported in the sky by any other agency. Thanks and good luck.


*** Scott C. Waring wrote novels “Dragons of Asgard” & “UFO Sightings of 2006-2009” found at all online bookstores. Or for Awesome UFO Video Evidence visit my channel at ***