Updated on Oct 31, 2013: I have added an additional video below that shows the sighting on world news, also I have emailed some people in Akureyri, but as of yet I have gotten no response about this UFO. SCW
Date of sighting: September 29, 2013
Location of sighting: Akureyri, Iceland
Live cam: http://vefmyndavel.akureyri.is/view/viewer_index.shtml
Live cam 2: http://www.livefromiceland.is/webcams/akureyri/
This UFO was caught on live cam of Akureyri, Iceland last week. The glowing UFO shows up from the clouds and then slowly descends until it lands in an area that appears to be a housing area. This particular live cam takes still images ever few seconds so yes its normal.
Something that bothers me is that the name Akureyri...its from the "friendship case." What I'm saying is that in Rocca Pia, Italy there was a group of aliens that met with locals back in the 1960s-1970s. They called themselves the W56 and sometimes by the name Akrij, which sounds very similar to the pronunciation of the city name Akureyri. Was it this alien group which founded this city long ago to hide yet another underground alien base? Click here to view that sighting. SCW