UFO has orb come out and shoot away, click to enlarge.
Date of sighting: December 14, 2012
Location of sighting: Ankara, Turkey
This video was recently posted and the poster said "there was not a cloud in the sky," and this giant disk object was over a building. If you look carefully at 18-21 seconds into the video, you will clearly see a white UFO shoot out of the large UFO. The fact that this tiny white craft comes out of the bottom of the mothership is proof that this is 100% real. Fake videos never take such details into account. This is real. It looks as if aliens may also have an interest in the Mayan Dec 21, 2012. I have said it many times, UFOs are most easily seen during sunset due to the cloak only bending the light around the craft at 180 degrees, but at sunset the cloak fails to do this evenly and for a few minutes will be revealed. SCW