Showing posts with label Bill Gates. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Bill Gates. Show all posts


Bill Gates May Be Responsible For The Existence Of This Coronavirus, UFO Sighting News.

Hey everyone, let me take a break from UFO and aliens today and talk about something that in plaguing the world...coronavirus. 

I first became concerned that something was not right on March 13th, 2020 when Bill Gates stepped down from Microsoft...his baby. This was the very week that American news began to panic as the coronavirus began infecting large numbers of Americans.  Nothing but an apocalypse could pull this man away from his child...Microsoft. I didn't understand at the time...but I began to link the patterns between Bill and coronavirus. I feel the evidence points to Bill Gates stepping down because he feel responsible for this virus.

I did some investigating and Bill Gates owns a laboratory, controlled and owned by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. Back in 2000 his foundation became the worlds biggest foundation in the world holding over 46.8 billion dollars in assets...including some laboratories. 

His laboratory has a patent on coronavirus...the very virus circulating around the world population at this very moment. I believe that the virus came out of this laboratory and into the hands of the Chinese. 

How? One of three possibilities;
1. It was stolen by an Chinese scientist working for Gates and taken  to or shipped to China. 
2. It was sent by Gates to China to have others work on it to help create a map and possible cures for future epidemics.
3. The virus was created by China in Wuhan...and they followed Bill Gates exact steps and process he lays out in his highly detailed lectures in 2015 at John Hopkins. Bill says how dangerous of a weapon that coronavirus could be...and maybe China wanted to harness its power. see, Bill Gates himself is responsible for this coronavirus that is killing hundreds of thousands of innocent lives. Although he stepped up back in 2015 to warn the one way or another...he instead caused it to take place. 

And I leave with a quote by Bill Gates; "To win big, you sometimes have to take big risks."

Watch his lectures below...and decide for yourself. 
Scott C. Waring - Taiwan 

Bill Gates Talks Coronavirus on TED April 2015. 

Bill Gates Tells You His Worst Fear...Says 50% Chance of Epidemic In His Lifetime. 

Millions Could Die From Bio-Terrorism, Gates Feb 2017


Long Black UFO Sighted Over Harrison, New Jersey, August 5, 2018, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: Aug 5, 2019
Location of sighting: Harrison, New Jersey, USA

Here is a really unusual shaped UFO. The long black object floats past and changes shape as it does so. If it were balloons tied together, they would not change shape so fast. Also not the straight lines in the circle above as it changed shape. Many astronauts have reported long arm like UFOs in this could be such a UFO. 
Scott C. Waring

Eyewitness states:
I wonder why i was tanning in my colorful bright bikini. and for some reason a space shuttle with like 24 windows came to get a close up look and when i got up. it zoomed shut. and after that it seemed like a floating piece of garbage. but when i was thinking about floating garbage in our atmosphere. i wondered is about 3000 ft in the air if there could be gravity. so How stupid of me to say


MindBlowing Photo of alien on Apollo 10 mission! NASA Link, Aug 2018, UFO Sighting News.

Date of discovery: Aug 8, 2018
Location of discovery: Lunar Module, 1969, Apollo 10 mission.
Source photo:

 Imagine an alien taking part in the lunar mission Apollo 10...working with NASA to achieve a giant step forward for humanity. This just may be true. This NASA photo of an astronaut with one tinted eye shows that aliens may have taken part. The eye is large and dark, and he is looking toward the camera. The photos before and after do not show his eyes to be this way, so he must have blinked due to the flash of the camera bulb. Some alien species have built in sunglasses that are there to protect their eyes...much like the grey. They can raise it to make in invisible, just like you opening and closing your eye lids. Well the camera flash revealed who he really alien. 
Scott C. Waring