Showing posts with label ETH. Show all posts
Showing posts with label ETH. Show all posts


Just Minted A New NFT Artwork On KnownOrigin Site For Sale, Awesome Emojie Art News.

Hey guys, as you know, I make emoji art using a Cinema 4D studio and after a few days I often have something to show for it. I created this new work, based on the famous Spanish artist from 1874, but made it entirely out of emoji. Just to show the emotional turmoil in the boy who is trying to escape. If you are interested in NFT art or this art piece, please click the link below. 
Scott C. Waring - Taiwan


I still work for HTMLcoin a cryptocurrency, UFO Sighting News.

Hi everyone. Some people have messaged me to ask if I was still working for HTMLcoin and the answer is yes. I do still work for them. I am helping develop cell phone apps that will allow you to play a game and earn free crypto. Its a cool coin, made using both Bitcoin and Eth coin to create a cheaper, faster and funner coin. It can be found at Bleutrade Exchange. So yes, its fun and I like how they have so many charity events, and concern for the environment. See ya there. 
Scott C. Waring