Showing posts with label treasure. Show all posts
Showing posts with label treasure. Show all posts


UFOs Far Above Mountain In Las Vegas On Video, March 2017, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: March 2017
Location of sighting: Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

Here is a great video which shows some glowing UFOs over a mountain. Yes, I said over. As you can see above, the mountain is far below the UFOs. Many skeptics say they are motorcycles on a mountain...but since when do motorcycles fly? For the light to be this big, that UFO must be at least the size of a city bus. Outstanding catch by Steven Barone of Youtube, please click here to subscribe to his channel. He uploads 100% authentic and real UFOs every week. 
Scott C. Waring

Steven Barone states: 
I shot this video from my backyard in the Summerlin area of Las Vegas, Nevada on the night of March 6, 2017. Part of the reason I didn't comment while I was filming at the Air Force Base last night was because I was also busy using the Night Vision Monocular to film this. Two different events happened last night. Both events are very strange in how they ended. I am not sure what these are but both of them did something I can't explain. The first one was moving left and at the end went straight down. Once I lost it behind a neighbor's roofline I never saw it again. The next object had a very unusual flash to it so I followed it only to see at the end that it turned into two different objects. I honestly don't think that two conventional aircraft can fly so closely together that they appear to be a single aircraft. There might be good explanations for both of these events but I honestly can't think of any right now.

Was Justin Bieber Caught ‘Shapeshifting’ By Hundreds Of Fans, March 2017, Video, UFO Sighting News.

Date of video: March 2017

This just in. A news site called Perth Now had an article posted that said that Justin Bieber was seen in an airport chaining into a reptilian alien. That seems a bit hard to believe for sure, and I don't even think cloaking would allow such a creature to hide from the public for as long as Justin has been in the lime light. Several things make me think Justin's not a reptilian, but he may be like Valiant Thor of alien that is human-like, but has angel like powers. As you see from the real photo of Val Thor above, there are a lot of similarities between the two. Justin Bieber of Venus? Maybe, but he's defiantly not a reptilian.

First, we have seen Justin grow up on Youtube. Reptilians would live for thousands of years, just growing up to Justin's height could take four hundred years.

Second, I've seen Justin in concert here in Taiwan and there is no way that an alien could keep his cloak working with concert lights and strobes flashing like they do and cameras taking photos all the while...Taiwan concerts let you take photos. 

Justin is probably not a reptilian alien, but he could be a different species of alien, more human like, more intelligent, and using his skills to play the Hollywood game. And really, so what if he is. Its not like he's in politics and manipulating America in any way. He's a singer, so, why worry even if he is an alien?
Scott C. Waring


Moon Size UFO Shoots Out Of Our Sun, But NASA Wont Tell You About It, March 4, 2017, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: March 4, 2017
Location of sighting: Earths Sun

Now, can you see the UFO that shot out of our sun? I circled it, but didn't add color, its nature color above. 

Now, had this not been a UFO, it could have shot in any direction, including at Earth. Had this moon size object been solar material ejected from our sun and heading in Earths direction,  all life on Earth would have been wiped out in just minutes. The heat alone would burn our atmosphere from our entire planet, stripping all air, water, ice from our surface. But of course, if we were about to die, NASA couldn't even alert the public. There would be no time.

So the big question is, which do you prefer to believe? The moon size UFO theory, or the plasma ejection theory? I believe its the first...a long UFO. Excellent find by Streetcap1.

I do feel that had Trump been up there, he would be more forthcoming about what he knows about UFOs. He doesn't seem to be the kind of guy that beats around the bush about a subject.
Scott C. Waring


UFO Orb Fleet Over Conway, Washington On Sept 2016, Photos, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: 9-29-2016, reported today.
Location of sighting: Conway, Washington, USA
Source: MUFON #82483

This report just in. Its about a fleet of glowing orbs buzzing around a hill area in Washington back in September of 2016. As you can see from his photos (I didn't change them in any way) the glowing UFOs stay in a group of 4 while a single orb explores the ground. This keeps the ground one safe from being seen to closely, and the UFOs higher up are just there to keep look out.
Scott C. Waring

PS, guys if I ever do change a photo, I will usually say so and I will only add light or add darkness, never other things. SCW

Eyewitness states:
Event date: 9/29/16 20:45-21:30 My friends and I were at a place we have previously seen UFOs at, catching up, when we noticed at an approximate heading of 190 a craft that was first assumed to be a plane. First photograph shows first object approximately 1° below horizon. Craft is later seen 4-5° above horizon with an estimated distance of 2-8 miles. Shortly after first observation, a smaller light emerged from the first, and took up position near it. Then, a second did the same, along with a 3rd. Emerged lights seemed to orbit in irregular patterns around original object, as the larger one slowly seemed to move to a heading of 180° After roughly 10 minutes of observation, the 3 other objects seemingly rejoined the original, as though they were docking. 

 (Witness reporting is a pilot, and states that helicopters are incapable of docking, and that these craft, including craft from previous sightings in same location, behaved in ways impossible for even the most advanced military aircraft.) The 4 objects were completely silent, and operated in a manner resembling spacecraft in orbit, though the objects maintained geological position ± 5° for 45 minutes, unlike an orbiting craft. Unfortunately, it was dark, and any surface details of the objects were impossible to see. Images will be provided in hopes that the reader of this report will observe them with photo editing software and share their observations with the witness. At 2129 hours, craft was last photographed before disappearing in the following 5 minutes. Craft was observed to 'fade away' instead of departing. (Witness states that standard night-flying procedure involves the constant use of lights to display location to local traffic. To turn off lights at 9:30 pm would be unsafe.)

UFOs In Delta Position Over Mesa, Arizona March 2017, Video, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: March 1 2017
Location of sighting: Mesa, Arizona, USA

This video shows a UFO moving over to a triangle group thats in sitting in delta position. I also love that the person pulled their car over to take a more steady video of the UFOs. This could be the Tall Whites since they have a base just a few miles away over at Nellis AFB. One thing the Tall Whites hate...and thats being told what to do or not to do...they just do it. They probably felt cramped in the base and wanted to fly around to have a look. 
Scott C. Waring


Alien Building Found In NASA Rover Photo, March 2017, Video, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: March 2017
Location of sighting: Mars
Source photo:

This building was found by Paranormal Crucible of Youtube today. The building is at the top of the hills and sticks out. The building is obvious and clearly something made by intelligent beings. This is beyond amazing. 100% proof that aliens existed not long ago on Mars. 

Scott C. Waring


Ghost of Abraham Lincoln Spotted At The White House In Photo! March 2017, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: 1949-1952
Location of sighting: White House

This is an exciting photo that has captured a ghost at the White House. The person is transparent, tall and confident as can be read from his stance. Ghosts are real, but could this be an alien visitor cloaked, watching the consecution of the most important house in America? Good find by Paranormal Crucible.
Scott C. Waring

Paranormal Crucible states: 
After extensive authentication efforts, the "White House Ghost Photo," captured in 1950, has been proclaimed "The world's most amazing ghost photo. The black and white photograph appears to show a translucent human figure standing in the basement of the White House, at the back of a construction zone. This official government photograph was taken by photographer Abbie Rowe during Harry S. Truman's reconstruction of the White House 1949-1952. Many experts claim its the ghost of President Abraham Lincoln.

NASA Takes Photo Of Oval Moon In Infrared, March 2017, UFO Sighting News.

Date of discovery: March 3, 2017
Location of discovery: Earths orbit
NASA source:

I found this oval moon photo that was taken by NASA.  The oval moon contradicts everything we have ever learned about the moon. It suppose to be round, and yet here it is a full moon that is oval. I wonder how many more secrets NASA is trying to keep from us about the moon. I presume its because the moon is a space station and is there to look out over the Earth and protect it from other alien species that might not treat humanity so kindly. This photo was taken in infrared, so it sees things the human eye cannot, so it may be that the moon is oval, but is cloaked to appear round. 
Scott C. Waring


UFO Sightings Reports Growing Around The Globe More Than Ever Before! Feb 28, 2017, Video, UFO Sighting News.

Date of article: February 28, 2017
Location of article:

The Internet has caused many things to change in our world. One of them being that more UFO sightings are being reported daily than ever before. Its my estimate that over hundreds of UFOs per day are being seen by thousands of eyewitnesses, but still only a few of them report the sightings. Evidence is growing on a daily basis, which will one day confirm that aliens exist, yet its difficult to know who to trust on the Internet. On Youtube alone when I began this site 6 years ago, no fakes existed. Today 90% of the videos uploaded in the last 24 hours are fake. Its still easy to tell a real video from a fake, so they don't often fool me. Cameras, on line sharing networks are changing, making sharing these sightings easier, more convenient. 
Scott C. Waring

Fox News states:
According to data from the National UFO Reporting Center, UFO sightings around the world have reached an all-time high. Statistics show individuals in the US are more likely to witness a UFO.


40 Foot Hairy Sea Creature Found On Coastal Shores Of Philippines, Video, UFO Sighting News.

Date of discovery: February 2017
Location of discovery: Philippines 
News source:

This alien creature was discovered on the coast of the Philippines this week. Its 20 foot size is baffling scientists since there are not 6 meter creatures that have white hair...but since this creature was bitten in half, its full size could be 12 meters or 40 feet! Yes I call that an alien, because no such animal could ever exist on Earth that size without being noticed in the last thousand years. It could be an alien visitor that was amphibious living on both land and water, but didn't account of the dangerous sharks and whales in the area. Or worse yet, it was killed by another of its own kind.
Scott C. Waring

News states:
The 20ft long beast is covered in what looks like thick white fur, prompting some to liken it to the Yeti or Abominable Snowman. The beast washed up on the shores of the Philippine’s Dinagat Islands on Sunday, on Cagdainao beach. Residents and tourists alike have flocked to the site to gawk at the incredible sight with some snapping selfies with the creature as it went viral online. Several suggestions have been put forward as to what the beast may be, with one twitter user, John Paul Garcia, saying: “Globster/Trunko right? Half whale half polar bear?” (more at source).


UFO Files Released From US Forestry Service, Recent Sightings In It, Feb 2017, UFO Sighting News.

Christian Mace, a French UFO researcher just sent me over a message that The US Forest Service has declassified UFO files that they release. The files are more detailed that a lot of Blue Book files and many are UFO reports that took place just a few years ago with photos. This is very amazing to see recent UFO reports. For instance the first report is from February 7, 2017. 

We also need to thank the UFO site THE BLACK VAULT for petitioning  the US Gov under the Freedom of Information Act to get these files. 
Scott C. Waring



Alien Statue of a Reptilian Humanoid Found in Peru, Feb 2017, Video, UFO Sighting News.

Date of video: Feb 2017
Location of discovery: Peru

This alien statue was spotted in Peru this week. It looks like an alien reptilian, similar to the faces we have found on Mars. Many reptile faces have been found on Mars over the last few years, making this very likely. Peru has had more than its share of UFO sightings and contact cases, so it is very possible the artist was one of those contacted by aliens and either met or was taught about the reptilian aliens. The signs are all around us, if we care to look.
Scott C. Waring

Video states:
The Mochicas considered the Iguana Man as a powerful character who helped to descend the dead and be the mediator between the world of the living and the dead. ​The Paseo Yortuque located in the province of Chiclayo in Peru, offers various representations dedicated to the ancient Mochica, among which stands out a statue of Morrop or the Iguana Man, former deity moche, related to death. Although the sculpture of Morrop has been represented using concepts of sculptors of the present time, its construction was based on the descriptions of the old Moche.

UFO Over Yellowstone Park, A Sign Trump May Sell Its Land Soon! Feb 12, 2017, Video, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: Feb 12, 2017
Location of sighting: Yellowstone park, USA

UFOs have an important recourse that humans don't...they know the world history and future events, because they have time travel. Traveling to the future will cause them to want to go to the past to see the things that no longer exist. 

What I am saying is that President Trump may be thinking about selling off the Yellowstone park land to pay for his wall or other projects. And if Trump did do this, the park wont exist in the future, so aliens may want to time travel back to see it. 
Scott C. Waring

Person states: 
My friend Shawn caught this on tape around 9am a cloud shaped ufo or something else we don`t know about it was very strange and he was baffled by this mysterious unidentified flying object phenomenon; Could this be a ufo over Yellowstone let me know.


Giant Disk Seen Orbiting Earth Over Melbourne, Australia On Feb 2017, Video, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: February 3, 2017
Location of sighting: Melbourne, Australia

This UFO was caught by UFO Lou of Youtube. He lives in Australia and used a night vision scope to capture this footage. At 2:49 into the footage you see a large UFO moving in Earths orbit. The UFO is too slow to be a meteor and too big to be a satellite and is shaped like a classic disk. Amazing thing to see in night vision isn't it?
Scott C. Waring


Deleted from Web! UFO Fleet Over Mexico Stops Traffic! Jan 26, 2017, Video, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: January 26, 2017
Location of sighting: Mexican Boarder

Here is a mind-blowing video from Tyler of SecureTeam10. He got hold of a video of a fleet of glowing UFOs during the day over Mexico. And Just in time too, because the original was deleted by either its source or government hackers. That happens a lot more than you know. If Tyler hadn't saved this video for us, it would have been lost forever, so click here to subscribe to his Channel and stay up to date on the latest sightings. Mexico is a hotbed of UFO activity and there are a lot of things in the sky their daily, that the world governments don't want you to see. 

Its just amazing to watch this video as traffic almost comes to a stop. You can hear the angry people honking their horns and guys pointing their cameras to the sky. Awesome raw footage. 
Scott C. Waring


Triangle UFO Spotted By Austin, Texas Resident On Jan 25, 2017, TV News Video, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting:  January 25, 2017
Location of sighting: Austin, Texas, USA
News source:

I love the description from the woman who recorded the UFO. She stated that she saw a triangle that suddenly broke into there pieces, each taking off into a different direction. Wow! I haven't heard a description like that in years! That must have been something to see. Also this may be the same UFO seen in Sutherland Springs, Texas just 69 miles away from this new sighting in Austin. It sounds like this little UFO is having fun exploring Texas.
Scott C. Waring

News states: 
Some Austin residents want to know if the truth really is out there. On Monday night, they recorded video of what they think could be UFO's.

They're not alone.

There are reports that several people saw something in the sky over Texas.

It's a bird, It's a plane...

"I believe they were UFO's," says Rachel Jensen, witness.

Jensen says it was an impressive show in the sky over East Austin.

"By the time they actually got here, it's like they went up and then took off. The speed of them was so fast," says Jensen.

On Monday night her roommate noticed three lights coming at him. They were somewhat in a triangle formation. He called Jensen outside to check it out.

"Just as I stepped out, I looked to the sky and saw the triangle. Just as it was separating into three. Well there was one in the front and two behind it. They were bright orange, glowing, almost fiery," says Jensen.

At one point they saw a fourth light. They say it was moving back-and-forth erratically. Jensen made sure to grab her phone and capture as much of it on camera.

When it was over, she called Austin 311 to report it.

The American Meteor Society also received sighting reports Monday night. They say a fireball was seen by at least five people over Louisiana and Texas.

Photographer Christopher Sherman from Over Austin, captured this stunning photoIt shows Downtown Austin, but if you look closely you can see a long curved light-streak passing through the tree and another smaller streak to the left.

It was also captured around the same time Jensen saw lights in the sky.

"You know sometimes you see things and you're like, what was it? Well this time it was like, somebody else saw it. Like I said, I'm excited to see what it was," says Jensen.

For now, it's a mystery.


Alien Ship Being Stored At South Pole On Google Earth Map! Jan 2017, Video, UFO Sighting News.

Date of discovery: January 23, 2017
Location of discovery: South Pole
Google coordinates: -66.273354, 100.984661

This is a great discovery sent to Tyler of SecureTeam10 of Youtube this week. He shows us a hidden canyon with a frozen lake area and a very large disk sticking out above the water. Google ruler says its 34 meters across. Thats just a tad bigger than a Boeing 737. I can't see under the rock where the disk is covered, but I assume its half hidden in a cave that was too small for it to fully fit into. This is a really amazing discovery and the ship has to be very close to the alien base, which is probably deep underground, 4-5km below the surface for safety. This needs more studying of the area it was found. I'm sure there must be more evidence around. 
Scott C. Waring


UFO at Space Station, Appears out of nowhere, then camera follows it, Jan 2017, Video, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: January 14, 2017
Location of sighting: Earths orbit at space station (ISS)

This glowing orb, when enlarged actually looks like a square with an aura of light around it. The camera begins to move toward the light, pauses, then continues past as if the camera guy is trying not to let others know he sees the UFO, but its really obvious he did. 
Scott C. Waring-Taiwan

Streetcap1 states: 
NASA spotted this appearing and started to move the camera slowly to the right. Whatever it was it has not reappeared to the best of my knowledge. Date 14 January, 2017. Streetcap1.


White Biological Life Forms Seen During Shuttle Mission STS 134, NASA Video, UFO Sighting News.

Date of video: May 16, 2011
Location of video: Earths Orbit, STS 134 
Source: NASA Youtube Account

A reader here has asked me to look into a video about the shuttle Endeavour mission. He pointed out the video below posted by UFOorbs of Youtube. It was suspicious...but when I went to the official NASA youtube account and found the original...they matched. At 4:52 into the official STS 134 NASA video, we see a massive white object, as big as the empty fuel tanks falling to Earth from the shuttle. Nothing could be as big as those tanks...nothing, unless the shuttle itself exploded, which it did not. 

These white objects are not moving with the tank, but instead, they are being passed by as the tank moves faster than them, passing them one by one. Now, I have heard about such UFOs which are white and seen by an astronaut when he orbited the Earth...John Glenn reported to newspapers back in Feb of 1962 that he saw tiny white butterfly like glowing flakes moving in a swarm around his orbiting craft, landed on it, he banged on the hull, they flew off and away. I believe these are the same biological creatures, but here we see them in different sizes, holding onto one another to become bigger. This still has my head whirling...remember the last video has many of these objects in it. PLEASE WATCH IN FULL SCREEN TO SEE. 
Scott C. Waring-Taiwan


Below is the OFFICIAL NASA video. 

UFO Over Lunar Surface Watching Apollo 15, Jan 2017, Video, UFO Sighting News.

Date of discovery: Jan 2017
Location of discovery: Earths Moon
Photo: Apollo Image AS15-M-1510

Great News, Streetcap1 of Youtube is going to be a a TV show about aliens soon. He is an awesome alien artefact hunter with years of experience and loads of success. Awesome he is getting the recognition he deserves. 
Scott C. Waring

Streetcap1 States: 
A strange Object on this NASA photo. Link at the end of this video.

I have been asked to appear in a Russian TV Documentary about the Planet MARS. REN TV. Moscow - Producers. I have accepted and am filming on Thursday 19th January, 2017. I have never revealed who I am before, but have decided it's time for Streetcap1 Disclosure.