Location of sighting: Earth's Sun
A UFO that was seen on SOHO/NASA photos of the sun on May 2nd. This UFO caught UFOlogists attention because they have seen it before. It is the same exact shape as the mass UFOs that cut the NASA cable that the space shuttle made in space. The space tether experiment, a joint venture of the US and Italy, called for a scientific payload--a large, spherical satellite--to be deployed from the US space shuttle at the end of a conducting cable (tether) 20 km (12.5 miles) long. The idea was to let the shuttle drag the tether across the Earth's magnetic field, producing one part of a dynamo circuit. However the tether was broken in two when one of these UFOs flew through it or cut it on purpose. These round UFOs actually look like giant living creatures. But being so large near the sun, could this creature harm the Earth or worse yet, consume it. Watch the NASA video below how the UFOs throb and flex. Funny how this object comes near the sun's magnetic field area…and the NASA tether also gathered the magnetic field…looks like this creature feeds on magnetic fields.