Showing posts with label NASA. Show all posts
Showing posts with label NASA. Show all posts


AI Focused UFO over Phoenix, Arizona, July 2020, They Are Watching! UFO Sighting News.


Here is a sighting from 2020 and wow does ai sharpen it. Not only  that, I take the ai version and have it sharpen it a second time. What I saw was just like I imagined alien drones would look like close up and personal. AI allows us to see the truth, but the real question is...are we ready for the truth?
Scott C. Waring 


AI Focuses Alien Base In Cross Shape, On Earths Moon! UFO Sighting News. 👽👽👽

Date of discovery: reposted it in Nov 2018, but I found it in 2015 Location of discovery: Earths moon 

I just had to focus this alien cross shaped base with ai and didn't let me down. This structure just popped! The structure looks to be 2.5-3.5 miles across and it has a dark black jewel roof at its center with what looks like white ribbon on its top. AI is the new tech of the future, we either embrace it or we fall behind. 

 I found a large X or cross structure on the moon. The area is broken up into sections, but clearly each section makes up a part of the cross. Not far away I found many other structures of odd shapes and sizes. I found that this old photo from which this came was taken long before photoshop existed, therefore it remained unedited. If you click on the non official source (1st link) it works fine, but if you click on the official NASA link below it, you will find a NASA page with old lunar photos...of which all the links have been destroyed. NASA took the information from my site in 2015 and used it again, yes I said again, to edit their photo index. At the moment is says, "Service unavailable." It always says that. They are keeping vital information about aliens from reaching the public and from reaching the governments of other countries. Scott C. Waring


AI focused, UFO over Colima's Volcán de Fuego On June 13, 2016, Photos, UAP Sightings Daily.


Date of sighting: June 13, 2016 
Location of sighting: Colima Volcano, Mexico 
News source: 

 Ok so I used a photo from 2016 and it came out 100% focused and it's's a real UFO. The disk is thicker in the center area where there are two windows visible. Also the craft has some unusual blue tenticles on the upper left. Very odd looking UFO but still a classic design. This is 100% proof that aliens do have a base below Colima Volcano which is active and too dangerous for humans to climb. 
Scott C. Waring 

 Inexplicata states: Mexico: A "Flying Saucer" over Colima's Volcán de Fuego Mexico's Criterio Hidalgo (from Pachuca, state of Hidalgo)has reprinted a photograph of an alleged UFO captured by Webcams de Mexico (which has acquired a worldwide reputation for its captures of unusual phenomena over the Popocatepetl Volcano). The text reads as follows: "A new UFO photo has gone viral on social media, shown near the Volcan de Fuego in the state of Colima. Through its Facebook account, Webcams de Mexico displayed the photograph last Friday, showing an object crossing the sky near the fiery colossus. The photo asks the question "what could it be?" in order that users may leave their comments about what appears to be a flying saucers."


NASA deleted original link again: Alien Base On Mars THAT LOOKS NEW! FOUND IT LAST NIGHT July 2, 2011, UFO Sighting News.

 Updated links July 6, 2024:


Date of discovery: July 2, 2011 
Location of discovery: Mars 
Discovered By: Scott C. Waring 

Original post states:  Yeah I found another structure on Mars. You know the old saying, where theres smoke theres fire, well I found a few so I keep looking in hopes of finding more. Tonight I found these two unusual photos. I know, the last thing you want to see is another Mars building, but aren't you curious a little bit what alien buildings looks like? The first has the framework of what looks like an ancient wooden ship whose ribs are the only thing left, but this could also be the frame of an ancient building or the rib bones of an animal that died.
Updated July 6, 2024: Guys this is getting ridiculous. NASA literally has change most my links. So often you will see reposts with new URLs here. Thats so other researchers can make videos, tiktoks, ect and help spread the world. 


UFO Near Apollo 10...Focused With AI, NASA link, UAP Sighting News.👽👽👽

Below is a close up of an alien inside, chest, two arms head all visible. 

Source photo: 

Caught in orbit around Earth during an Apollo 10 mission, this UFO looks awfully close to the Apollo module. The photo was taken in July of 1969 and shows a solid craft in high orbit. Notice the bulging center of the craft...much like we hear about in classic UFO reports. AI is the new UFOlogist tool that everyone needs to start using. Did you also notice that the alien occupant of the UAP is visible in the dark dome cockpit of the UFO? It's true, check out the close up above and see. 

Scott C. Waring, please hit subscribe on my Youtube channel.


I found this structure on Mars today, just wanted to share with you all, UFO Sighting News.

Date of discovery: May 9, 2024
Location of discovery: Perseverance photo 1141-NW

     It's from the newest rover images and shows a structure on top of a Mars hilltop, best view I have to say, and the opening is facing outward to see the view. We can go on denying that life existed in our solar system on other planets, or we can cherish the excitement of new proof that it exists. It's up to you. 

    Then again, maybe not knowing, keeps your world view smaller and easier for you to manage. Much more...and it may break you. 

Scott C. Waring 



Giant UFO over Ridge, Maryland, USA on 11-28-2023, UAP Sighting News. 👽👀🛸


Source: NUFORC 
Date of sighting: Nov 28, 2023

This is something I have never seen before. NUFORC has been allowing me to go through their info and share it and I found this. Although its from a few months ago, I just am baffled by the shape, color and positions of the lights. I believe it's not many, but a single large UFO. It was seen over the water and then suddenly disappeared. This is a craft that rose out of the Potomac from an alien base about 4 miles below the river floor. The lights were the UFO powering up and then it shot off, too fast for the human eye to follow. 
Scott C. Waring - Utah, USA

💫Eyewitness states: Object hovered approx 1/2 mile above Potomac River. Object hovered with no sound approx. 5 minutes and then disappeared.


Giant UFO over China on doppler radar weather map, March 29, 2024, UAP sighting news. 👽👀🛸

Hey all, I found this using a world weather map and it looks to be a giant UFO thats hundreds of miles across over the coast of China. This massive craft was seen there for over 30 minutes and its absolute proof that aliens are in our skies and watching over the world as we speak. 
Scott C. Waring 


UFO Caught On Photo Redondo Beach, California, USA March 10, 2024, UAP Sighting News.👀


Water UFOs otherwise known as USO are much more common than the US Gov would like you to believe. This UFO is diving so fast it was caught in many locations of the photo as it was diving into the water. The Earth is covered by 75% water, which makes it the ideal location to place an alien base since humans don't frequent the bottom of the ocean floor. This UFO was observing the sailboat and then dived into the water before it was seen. However the camera has a more perfect eye and caught this little fella as it was observing and trying to leave. USO are serious and real craft that even the US Navy talks about under the table. 
Scott C. Waring

Source: NUFORC 

Eyewitness  states: 💫I was taking photos at Redondo and walked to the end of the pier to shoot an array of sailboats. I didn't see the object with my eyes as I was focused on the boats but when processing the photo I saw what appears to be something falling from the sky. It had to be fast to be captured by my camera at a speed of 1/500 of a second. You can easily see the descent and the object with a trail.


UFO Recorded Entering Mouth of Active Volcano, December 19, 2000 - Mt. Popocatapetl, Mexico, UAP Sighting News. 👽👀🛸



What did Buzz Aldrin mean when he said, “you didn’t, no you didn’t, you watched animation.” About the nasa moon landing? UFO sighting news. 🎥👀🎬



👽Aircraft crashes after chasing UFO, Jan 7, 1948, Godman Air Force Base, Kentucky, UAP Sighting News. 👽

 Now with this sighting, the US Gov tries to spread lies that it was pilot error that caused the plane to crash. Since the pilots cannot defend themselves, I will do so. The pilot was ordered to intercept the UFO and the UFO apparently decided to slow down, to see what the plane was doing. The pilots commander ordered him to fire the machine guns on the UFO, thus causing the UFO protect itself, or perhaps the bullets from the machine gun may have bounced off the UFO hitting his own plane. One thing is 100% sure, these two pilots who died in this US military plane, died fighting an alien spacecraft. Something the US gov doesn't want you to know. 

Scott C. Waring 


👽Cube UAP near sun today, March 13, 2024, UFO sighting news.👽



Massive explosion on Sun, enough energy to destroy a hundred planets 🪐 UFO Sighting News. 📰

This explosion is so big that it could easily wipe out our planet and if we are in its line of fire then it will take a few days to get to Earth for us to know for sure, so lets hope if we are in the line of fire...that those egg heads at NASA will do their job for the first time in their life and tell the public whats about to hit. The fastest material from the sun could take 13-18 hours to hit Earth, the slower would take a few days. 

Scott C. Waring  

Please report any UFO videos and photo to me on Twitter, UFO Sighting News.👽👽👽

Guys I just wanted to let you know to send any photos or videos to me using direct message (DM) on twitter. I was a MUFON rep but apparently they changed leadership and I got a half dozen emails asking me to stop sharing their videos and info. They even mentioned their legal intimidate me into submission. I'm very concerned how the MUFON public information is being used and why it's being kept secret from the public. For years there has been rumor that MUFON was part of the US gov coverup, but I didn't believe it until I got those emails. This is why all MUFON info has stopped on this site. And this is why I ask all public eyewitnesses to send in their video and photos to me...because I guarantee to get them out to the public. 

MUFONs actions make me wonder...whats the whole point of reporting eyewitness video and photo to them anyways? What is that information used for if it's not shared with the public? Who is using that information if it's not for use for the public? Terrifying possibilities in answers to those questions. 

Scott C. Waring 


Canadian military pilots see and photograph UFO, Aug 27, 1956, UAP Sighting News. 👽👽👽



UFO Recorded Over North Pacific Region, 1967, Condon Report, UFO Sighting News.


Follow me on Twitter, I'm making 10X more reports on X than I am on UFO Sightings Daily at the moment. 
Scott C. Waring


UFO photographed in Peralta, New Mexico 1964, UAP Sighting News. 👽👀🛸



Three UFOs Over Southern Florida Highway, Feb 14, 2024, Video, UFO Sighting News.


Date of sighting: Feb 14, 2024
Location of sighting: southern Florida, USA

Watch this video below, click to make it full screen. The three UFOs might actually be a single large UAP. If that is so, then it's a larger triangle craft of about 300 meters across! This is undeniable proof that aliens exist in Florida. 
Scott C. Waring