Date of sighting: April 11, 2014
Location of sighting: Derry, New Hampshire, USA
This UFO is proof that todays tech can and will raise the bar on how UFO hunters do their job. This drone has an HD camera and would be excellent for hunting cloud orbs. SCW
News states:
“This was April 11, about 1:40 in the afternoon,” said Poore. "I simply was just out with the dog practicing flying this and didn't see anything ‘til I got home.”
Poore was test-flying his new mini-quad copter with its GoPro camera that day and what it saw above the Robert Frost Homestead in Derry has left him mystified.
“It crossed this entire sky in a second. In a little over half a second,” said Poore.
Something zipped from left to right, shot as the copter was still warming up on the ground. It’s barely visible until the video is slowed down. (more at source).