Showing posts with label Drone. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Drone. Show all posts


Two similar stealth black drones found in two different states, New York and South Carolina! UFO UAP Sighting News.


South Carolina source:

Another black painted stealth drone found crashed in Georgetown, South Carolina, but no owner has stepped up to claim we have a pair, both the exact same stealth black drones 6 feet across! These must be the drones over New Jersey, New York and over over 35 US military bases! 👀📡🛰️ We have a pattern forming! 
Scott C. Waring 


NJ State Senator Jon Bramnick calls for a state of emergency to ban all drones over NJ temporarily. UFO Sighting News.

NJ State Senator Jon Bramnick calls for a state of emergency to ban all drones over NJ temporarily. This comes after state and federal agencies still have no answers about the mysterious car size drones/UFO's flying over the tri-state area for the last 3 weeks. UFO UAP sighting news. And I really feel that aliens are using colorful lights to allow humans to see them, so that they can gently reveal themselves, more and more. Can't wait to get some close up photos of these alien craft. 

Scott C. Waring


Robot Drone Seen Inside Space Station Has Blinking Eyes! Video, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: Sept 9, 2021
Location of sighting: Inside the International Space Station

I saw something today that I have never seen before while watching the live NASA space station cam...a robot drone moving about and its eyes are very human like. The robots eyes really make it less creepy and more fun, almost like Wally the robot. The eyes wander left and right, blinking every now and then. But whats really blowing me away is how smoothly the robot maneuvers around the station. It never bumped a single object in that narrow area. I heard an astronaut say the sidekick needed recharging and soon after a woman astronaut floated over and began pulling a cord from the floor and plugging it into the back of the robot. The robot continued to look around floating and then decided to rest on the floor area. Its not a UFO but it is 66.66% since it is flying and it is an object.  The robots are called Astrobee and three are on board the ISS right now...named Honey, Bumble and Queen. Each with their own unique color sides. 

The main purpose of the Astrobee platform is to provide a zero-gravity testbed for guest scientists to try out new robotic technologies in space,” says Maria Bualat, Astrobee project manager at NASA’s Ames Research Center in California’s Silicon Valley, in a press statement. “Astrobee will prove out robotic capabilities that will enable and enhance human exploration. Performing such experiments in zero gravity will ultimately help develop new hardware and software for future space missions.”

Just something I thought was really cool to see on live cam. I can really see the future of robots in space being similar to these legless wonders. 
Scott C. Waring - Taiwan 


Black UFO As Big As Moon, Caught In Suns Gravity For Months, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: Feb 10, 2020
Location of discovery: Earths Sun, 45-45 degree 
Source software:

I found this black triangle UFO on our sun a few months ago and I am still watching it. I can see it daily using this special software designed by the ESA (european space admistration). Anyone can download it and use it. This shows me that the triangle UFO is still there. Its black, so we know its surface is heat resistant or has some kind of protective electronic shield around it. 

Its unbelievable that NASA has never even mentioned this triangle craft, but I guess they think the public would panic if they knew. Because admitting its a craft would mean admitting that intelligent aliens exist. 
Scott C. Waring - Taiwan


White UFO Shoots Past Drone At 300 meters per second over Spain, Jan 2019, Video, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: January 2019
Location of sighting: La Rioja, Spain
News source:

This UFO was recorded by a drone in Spain last week. The UFO was sitting on the mountain side and noticed the flying it immediately did a flyby to investigate it. The object moved incredibly fast, so fast it appears to be a tube, when actually its an oval disk. In the close up you can see that its actually caught four times in the photo...thats how fast this is moving. Those four time are stretched out touching each other so that it appears to be long, when its not. UFOs are often atrracted to aircraft and this one was no exception. Yes UFOs can be small like this one. Aliens have drones, because not all species of aliens can walk among us without being noticed, and many breath different gases. 
Scott C. Waring

News states (translated from Spanish: 
According to his conclusions, the object captured by the camera of the drone is "cylindrical shape, with a length of about 2 meters". "It comes out of a brush and travels about 600 meters in a time of about two seconds, which would be about 1,080 kilometers per hour," something that "completely discards the explanation of an insect or any animal." "We may talk about a vehicle about two meters long that I doubt very much that it is human technology and that it goes out to see what is approaching," he concludes. Do you believe it? Do not? The truth is out there.


Glowing UFO Recorded Outside House On Harsh Windy Day, Argentina, Nov 2018, Video, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: Nov 8, 2018
Location of sighting: Santa Cruz, Argentina

This UFO was caught outside a home in Argentina during a wind storm and it may be the very cause of the weather being so harsh that day. UFOs are known for causing wind, lightning, thunder, hail and even tornadoes. Why is still unknown, but UFOs have been recorded during such events as if it was fun for them. During lightning the one back at Norte Dame Stadium and caused the game to halt for a while...small glowing firefly UFOs were seen zooming around on camera. Very rare and amazing video here. 
Scott C. Waring


6 Meter Long Alien Face On Side Of Mars Hill Near Rover, May 2018, UFO Sighting News.

Date of discovery: May 3, 2018
Location of discovery: Mars, Sol 2019

Here is a face I found in this weeks most recent Mars Curiosity rover photos. The face is very long and on a hill facing outward. Also the head has a pointy hat that could be a crown. The nose is small and close to the face. The mouth lines are thin, but the chin is long. The head is much thiner thinner and longer than the average human head. 

Also this face is huge, about 5-6 meters across. NASA was using the micro imager not to see the dirt, but they focused it on something far away on a hillside to see if they could bring the distance into focus. Its a trick NASA has been using for a few months, using the micro imager to see far away objects and hills. 
Scott C. Waring


Galapogos Island In Shape Of Standing Alien Figure! NASA Photos, UFO Sighting News.

Date of discovery: May 2, 2018
Location of discovery: Galapagos Islands, Eastern Pacific
NASA source:

This island photo was taken during the STS-77 space shuttle mission back in 1996. If you look carefully you will notice that there is one larger island that looks like a standing person with an enlarged head. You can even make out an eye, where the mouth of a volcano sits, probably the entrance to an underground base here. Next to it to the left, is another island, in the shape of a face wearing an armored helm. 

Many people write off such discoveries as coincidence, but these are actually alien signs that they have placed around the globe in order for humans to one day realize that they are not alone and aliens have been around long before humans. 
Scott C. Waring


Alien Cube UFO Seen Near Earths Sun In NASA Photo, April 26, 2018, UFO Sighting News.

Date of discovery: April 26, 2018
Location of discovery: Earths Sun
NASA/SOHO camera: LASCO C2, at 02:12

I was looking at the NASA sun photos and found this one that had the alien cube in it. The cube is bright on one side and dark on the other, which is proof that it is an object near our sun. The cube also has a line down the middle, which is actually the corner of the cube, with two sides visible. I have been watching out for these cubes for over 6 years, ever since I read about reports from two Russian scientists about earth size UFOs that orbit our sun, changing directions suddenly and changing speed frequently. This cube is harvesting material from our sun, perhaps for energy, or perhaps for making a mini sun elsewhere. 
Scott C. Waring


Giant Alien Glowing Worm flys Through Sky To Enter UFO, Chile, Video, April 23, 2018, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: April 23, 2018
Location of sighting: Cuarta Region, Chile

This video is absolute 100% evidence that aliens exist. Watch how this living glowing worm alien flies through clouds. Then it comes out glowing orange, searching for a UFO about to give it a ride. The UFO shows up and the alien enters the craft. Remarkable footage. We have just witnessed an alien species that resembles a giant worm. 
Scott C. Waring

Eyewitness states: 
Increíble Nitidez de Ovni en Huentelauquen Cuarta Región Chile 23/04/2018.

Do you notice the photo below has long antenna like tentacles?



Dark Black UFO Over Planet Mercury During Mariner 10 Mission, Dec 2017, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: December 7, 2017
Location of sighting: Planet Mercury, Mariner 10

I have seen these dark craft before in NASA videos. They shoot past and around the NASA spacecraft at incredible speed, and are often very small, probably controlled by an AI remote somewhere on the moons surface for an alien audience. This photo was taken on Nov 1973.

This UFO is move clear than the surface of the moon it is over, therefore the UFO is closer to Mariner 10 than the crater directly below it. 

Click here to see an old post where I caught such a stealth black UFO shooting past the NASA lunar lander. Only in slow motion could that UFO be seen. 
Scott C. Waring


Same UFO From 1996 Shows Up At Space Station Yesterday! NASA Live Camera, Feb 2017, Video, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: Feb 23, 2017
Location of sighting: Space Station

Check out this tiny UFOs shooting around the space station this week. One of them is of extreme interest, because we have seen in before in the infrared footage from the NASA tether incident (Feb 1996 STS-75 raw footage). Its a living creature guys. It the old 1996 footage it grows and shrinks like its a jellyfish when it swims. Remarkable catch by Streetcap1 of Youtube. 
Scott C. Waring-Taiwan

Streetcap1 states: 
Now don't let another channel steal this and call it ufos. Remember Streetcap1 did not call these ufos. When another poster puts their spin on my post, I get the heat and it's really not that fair. You know what, I'm just posting interesting and cool stuff that I find because I enjoy doing that. SC1.


Alien Drone With Face Of Alien Watching Over Quebec, Canada On Jan 10, 2017, Video, UFO Sighting News.

 Can you see the face watching? Above screenshot has only added light, below is normal. 
Date of sighting: January 10, 2017
Location of sighting: Quebec, Canada

This is a video of a UFO drone that was flying over Quebec this week. These drones hold still for long amounts of time, then suddenly darken, and light up in an entirely different location. As you can see and even the eyewitness saw, there is a very large face in the sphere at 2:07 into the video. I believe that this is because an alien is sitting on a ship or at an alien base, in a chair controlling this drone that allows them to feel, smell, even tough everything the drones comes in contact with as if it were their own body. The face is the aliens face, because the orb is like a two way window...where it could see out, and we can see in. 

I am not guessing at this, but gathered it from the data about such drones I learned about when studying a UFO and alien interaction case that took place in Tipoztian, Mexico back in the 1985 and 1992-3 years. The aliens described in detail these drones and even showed it to a human firsthand.
Eyewitness states: 
Bright balls watch us on the ground, watch the video and the photos. Attention to the photos, you will see faces and others. You can take breaks to see other unexplained images.


UFO Seen Over Trees In Rzeszow, Poland On Sept 13, 2016, Photos, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: Rzeszow, Poland
Location of sighting: Sept 13, 2016
Source: MUFON #80637
This is a jellyfish UFO. They are less common than the flying disks that are often seen, but still many have argued that they are not ships, but living, intelligent beings. If thats true, then they probably can travel though space without the need of a spacecraft. Similar Jellyfish UFOs have been seen during spacewalks on the space station live cam. 
Scott C. Waring
Eyewitness states: 
I walked with my girlfriend and I saw this silver orb and took a photo. I didn't know what it was at the time. Object hovered in the sky. I went home again the next day and didn't see it again. 


10 Mile UFO Seen Moving Across Earth From Space Station, June 8, 2016, UFO Sightings Daily.

Date of sighting: June 8, 2016
Location of sighting: Earths orbit

While watching the NASA live cam, I noticed a white disk moving over the Earth at a higher than normal altitude. This UFO does have a cloud-like appearance, yet is a perfect disk that is 7-10 miles in diameter.  The cloud appearance is the perfect illusion to hide behind. Who would possible question that a cloud is anything other than a cloud...except me of course. My decades of experience and my in depth research into past sightings has taught me that not all cloud are clouds. 

Scott C. Waring


UFO Disk Recorded By Drone Over Palatine, Illinois On May 19, 2016, Photos, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting:  May 19, 2016
Location of sighting:  Palatine, Illinois, USA

I really like this photo sent into us at UFO Sightings Daily. It appears it was taken from a drone with a camera and it recorded a disk if the distance. This UFO is defiantly a disk and and seems to blend in with the color of the cloudy overcast sky. If its gone in 2 minutes as the eyewitness described, then we know its not a cloud. This is a great catch by one of our readers here at USD. I just want to say thanks so much for sending it into us. Its a beautiful example of a classic disk UFO. 
Scott C. Waring

Eyewitness states:
After reviewing photos taken from the evening I zoomed in and can't decide what the object floating in the sky on the right hand side just above the horizon was. It does not appear to be a plane and a photo taken 2 minutes after shows nothing floating or flying in the sky. When zooming in it appears to be disc shaped and have lights.

Full photo below.


Moth-Like Mothership Lands On Volcano In Mexico, March 2016, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: March 19, 2016
Location of sighting: Mexico City, Mexico
Cam source:

While looking over the Popocatepetl volcano in Mexico City and noticed that this looks like a giant triangle mothership hovering over the volcano. It may or may not be, but this sure has a lot of odd detail to it. The shape even mimics nature in that it looks like a giant moth. Tell me your thoughts on this one please. 
Scott C. Waring 


UFO Over France Is Wheel Like Disk With Domed Top Over France, June 2013, Photos, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: June 21, 2013, but reported today.
Location of sighting: France
Source: MUFON #75233

At first, I almost dismissed this as a light reflection, but on closer inspection I found that it is a solid object. Yes light of the sun is reflecting off of the object, causing it to appear brighter for the moment. The UFO probably shot past the camera so fast that the human eye didn't see it. Lucky for us the camera did. Its easy to make out the domed top, and it has two separate sides and an inner center. So glad I saw this one today. It taught me a lesson about sometimes a reflection is not just a reflection. I would have hated missing this one.

It moves like a wheel on its end. I do have a friend, who works at NASA from Taiwan. He said he once saw a craft that glowed blue when started and stood on end like a wheel with the ability to travel from the Earth to the moon in just over a minute. Hmmm...this could be NASAs secret project caught over France. They  did catch the TR3B with night vision over France about 6 years back. 

Scott C. Waring

Eyewitness states:
It was nice and quite dark cloud attracted my attention. I took pictures and I saw appear a lumièere so I took a second photo where you can see this strange form. you can see it on second photo.