
UFO Hidden In Cloud Over New Jersey, Jan 9, 2015, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: January 9, 2015
Location of sighting: Tinton Falls, New Jersey, USA
Source: MUFON report #62639

This is another case of a UFO pushing down int the cloud from above. The UFO looks triangle in shape, but its propulsion pushes out and creates a circle around it. Below are two football shaped black orbs, drone scouts to get closer up views. SCW

Eyewitness states:
I looked up into the sky and saw this weird hole in the clouds
I was driving to our local waste center when I looked up into the sky and saw this weird hole in the clouds it was what looked like a perfect circle, i got out of my car and took a picture of it with my iphone. I have been a pilot for over 35 years and had never seen anything like it before. I did not see the two black objects below the cloud formation until I got home and enlarged the picture on my computer. I downloaded the picture to the weather chanel thinking some expert would comment on it and whe I went back to chec a few days later they had removed the picture from theit site.
Event Time:2015-01-09 12:55PM