Date of sighting: August 8, 2015
Location of sighting: Long Island, New York, USA
You can hear the person panicking and trying to record the UFO. The screenshot above was taken at 8 seconds into the video. It shows a glowing object that looks diamond shaped. NY is no stranger to UFOs, on Aug 23, 1974 John Lennon of the Beatles walked out on the patio of his apartment. John said it was the size of a Lear Jet and was close enough to throw something at.
Scott C. Waring
News states:
Witness statement: Was sitting in van in the parking lot of my apt complex looking for my cigarettes. Happens to see a brightly lit object from the corner of my eye. I live by an airport and didn't think much of it until I saw the colors of the lights. I thought they were unusual. I stepped out of the van to look at the object then noticed it made a complete stop and shut off its light like it didn't want to be seen. The object backed away from the airport in the same path it came in. Once it got a little distance from the airport it's lights came back on. I ran thru my complex to be able to watch it leave the area. The object moved a few miles from the airport and stopped again and hovered. Then descended straight below the tree line. I watched and waited for the possibility of it raising again witch it did. It raised and descended again. Security from my complex also witnessed the event. I was excited that I finally got to see such an incredible event because I have always herd of people saying they saw ufos. I don't go on belief believing is the same as saying guessing. I saw something that was incredible.