Date of sighting: November 29, 2015
Location of sighting: Between Earth and Sun
Source photo:
This long alien craft was found by Streetcap1 of Youtube. I put it into negative formate to allow us to see it better. The original is red. You can see from the close ups above, it is a single giant ship with a scattering of many smaller tiny ships following nearby. The smaller ships are scattered around to make it appear like a comet from a distance, but this close up shows us...this is one large UFO with a fleet of tiny ones.
Its also possible its a single ship, but they used the escape pods to mimic a comet. Then when they were farther away, they pulled them all back in the ship. I say this because the smaller ships look like they fit into the large one.
Scott C. Waring
Eyewitness states:
I have been looking at older SOHO Satellite images and found this. I think it's a beauty. Streetcap1