
UFO Giving Off Heat Signature Seen Flying Against Wind By Wales Police Helicopter, Sept 2016, Official Video, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: Sept 16, 2016
Location of sighting: Bristol, Wales, UK
News source: NPAS Twitter account

I just got this over Twitter a few minutes ago. The police helicopter over Brisitol, Wales recorded a dark round UFO with infrared heat vision this week. It was confusing to them because it was moving against the wind and did have a heat signature. They even tried to switch to day time color camera, but it was not visible and could only be seen with the infrared camera. As I have said many times before, many UFOs have a cloak that can only be seen with an IR converted camera, the same ones that are seen on Ebay (click here to view). The UFO was seen over the Bristol Channel and probably came from below the water. I am confident if the police continued to follow it, they would see it disappear under the water to return to the alien base it came from. 
Scott C. Waring

Eyewitness states:
Any suggestion?? Nothing seen by local ATC... 👽??

Our clock is out by 1hr so it was pitch black. tried on day camera, nothing seen. this clip is just a small part of the vid.

It was on Saturday night about 21:30 and was spotted over the Bristol channel at approx 1000ft

Really difficult to judge the size but we filmed it for just over 7 minutes as we were coming back into land.

Only slight problem is the amount of heat and it was travelling into wind?

We really don't know but doubt it was a lantern as it was going into the wind..