
UFO Competes With Blue Angels At Air show In Florida, Photos, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: 3-22-2016, reported today
Location of sighting: Pensacola, Florida, USA
Source: MUFON #80068

This UFO was caught shooting past the Blue Angeles a few months ago. Alien craft are often attracted to planes and jets because aliens want to learn about the most advanced and fastest methods of travel we have on Earth. Jets offer them a lot of fun for several reasons. First they see the technology. Second they get to see them doing acrobatic manoeuvres. Third, they get to test their UFO to see if the UFO is capable of doing the same manoeuvres or not, which is what the UFO is doing in the photo above. 

The close up of the UFO shows that it has many windows in it, which means its not a drone, and it has many people. The size of the UFO looks to be the same of the plane, however the thickness would indicate that the aliens are only about 1 foot or less tall. 
Scott C. Waring

Eyewitness states: 

Went to watch the Blue Angels practice in Pensacola. UFO showed up in one of my photos and appears to be traveling very fast. Never saw it with my naked eye.