
White Structure On Dwarf Planet Ceres Comes Into Focus...Its A Giant Base! Nov 2016, UFO Sighting News.

Date of discovery: Nov 21, 2016, photo taken Nov 15, 2016
Location of discovery: Dwarf Planet Ceres

This is the dwarf planet Ceres and this photo was released by NASA just this week, so its as fresh as it gets. I noticed they had a great shot of the white spots on Ceres, so I decided to have a go at it. 

I only added shadow to the photo to bring it into focus. The white ceramic-like surface of the building is difficult to see unless its darker...so I made it darker. 

As you can see, the largest of the white spots came into focus and is really a massive building complex. There is a tall main part of the building that is like a mountain at its center. Around that building, there are a lot of small vining out buildings surrounding it. 

This is what NASA didn't want you to see. 

As I have said before, there are three main types of buildings on planets, moons and asteroids. The black non-reflective chaotic structures...appear to be grown instead of made. The smaller white ceramic bright white structures, clearly not grown, but made. And then the smallest of all the buildings, the grey metal structures which are often seen surrounding the edges of the tall black buildings. 

Ceres is controlled by a species that only uses the white ceramic structures...which means one main species is in control of it. Its my guess that the Tall White alien species who were given a small part of Nellis AFB to live, also are the inventors of this white ceramic material used for many structures. It just makes sense. 
Scott C. Waring


  1. You only take pictures that arrange you. You are not much different from NASA. Looking at Dawn's website, you will find pictures of this crater with better resolution. For example :
    And the last : http://www.jpl.nasa.gov/spaceimages/images/largesize/PIA21078_hires.jpg

  2. Very good site with informative post. thanks for sharing such info here and letting us know ab out it.Keep spreading knowledge. :)

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  3. There are much clearer pictures, if you Google it. It's ice. I was disappointed to learn that it was ice but it's ice. :(


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