Showing posts with label tall whites. Show all posts
Showing posts with label tall whites. Show all posts


Tall White Alien Craft Spotted At Edge Of Las Vegas, VIDEO, Dec 19, 2019, UFO Sighting News.

I added contrast to the photo above to see the disk better. 

Date of sighting: Dec 19, 2019
Location of sighting: Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

I have heard about flying disks and orbs over Las Vegas for over ten years...because people would email me reporting them to me with video and photos. What you are seeing in this recent video is a UFO...from an alien species called the Tall Whites, stationed in an underground base within the confines of the back mountian range of Nellis AFB. 

What the people don't know is that there is currently a Tall Whites (yes, thats the name the USAF calls them) alien base behind the old shooting range of Nellis AFB. This is on the edge of Las Vegas...along the hills. They are said to walk funny...due to the knee of the alien moving both ways. Some have even said they saw a few go into Las Vegas to play. They are dangerous if you touch one. They also don't like to be laughed at and might kill you for that. They are tall, but one is not considered an adult until after its 400 years then it has grown taller than 2 meters. They have a set lifespan of 700 years...although they could expand it...their culture determined it to be that way. I will put a actual photo I found taken by google by accident of a young tall white visiting a pyramid in Mexico. I will also put Charles Hall video below for you to hear in his own words what he saw and did. 
Scott C. Waring 

Eyewitness states: 
I shot this video from my backyard in the Summerlin area of Las Vegas, Nevada on the night of December 19, 2019. I am making this video to show how incredible this gigantic UFO was. Anyone who watched the entire video must know that this is anything but a helicopter. So far I have at least four witnesses who watched this in detail and described the same thing I did. Nobody heard any sound at all and the UFO could have covered a fifty-mile span in three minutes.

Charles Hall Talks about working with the Tall Whites At Nellis AFB, in video below. 


Pair Of Fireball UFOs Over Las Vegas, Nevada On July 2018, Video, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: July 11, 2018
Location of sighting: Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

There two UFOs were caught by Steven Barone of Youtube over Vegas this week. In the video you can see several aircraft pass above and below the UFOs. That tells us the UFOs are flying and are very high up, not lights from a a car on a hill. 

Its my personal belief that these are Tall White ships, because the US gov gave a small allotment of land behind the old firing range at  Nellis AFB for use to the Tall Whites a few decades ago. 

There is another option however. These ships hover in place and move slowly, as if the pilots are cautious and slow...learning the ropes of the controls, which makes me think these could be alien tech (TR3B) in the hands of new pilots at the USAF testing area. 

Either way, awesome video that boggles the mind. 
Scott C. Waring

Steven Barone states: 
I shot this video from my backyard in the Summerlin area of Las Vegas, Nevada on the night of July 11, 2018.


F-16 Shot Down By UFO Over Nellis AFB This Week, April 2018, Video, UFO Sighting News.

Date of crash: April 4, 2018
Location of crash: Nellis AFB, Nevada, USA
News Source:

Now the USAF is reporting that an F-16 crashed while doing training at Nellis AFB, however I think its all a cover up. You see, Nellis AFB is famous for having an alien base of Tall Whites located behind the old firing range. 

I believe that a Tall White ship saw the moves of a F-16 as threatening and shot it down. For instance the F-16 could have locked its laser tracking missile system on the UFO...that could be seen as threatening. Tall Whites are said to be hyper aggressive. 

Tall Whites see themselves as superior to humans and have killed USAF soldiers before for such things as pushing a child Tall White away from your gun, touching a child Tall White at all, or defying any demand they make. Yeah, not the superior species many hoped for, but the US military seems to think there is a great benefit in having them there, probably for military trade. 

Do you want to learn more about the Tall Whites at Nellis? Then watch this interview of a man who was a non military go between for the Tall Whites and the USAF. 
Scott C. Waring


UFO Shoots Below Motorcycle While Jumping On Video! Dec 2016, Video, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: Unknown 2016?
Location of sighting: Unknown China?

There is very little about this video we know for sure, but its unique in that its a motocross biker thats making an unusually dangerous jump. As the rider gets into mid jump, a UFO shoots past him. Why? Because he is risking his life doing what he loves, and aliens love that. Thats something that they do not fully understand...taking risks. Aliens have lifetimes that are either incredibly long, or infinite, but accidents do take their they calculate the risks of everything in their heads before they do anything. Imagine calculating risks as you cross the street, then again as you pass a homeless guy talking to himself, then again as you walk under a construction crane (lots in my neighbourhood). Thats what they do. They calculate the odds before they ever take a risk, but no humans. That makes us unique and worthy of more studying. 
Scott C. Waring


UFO Over Popocatepetl Volcano, Mexico On Nov 23, 2016, Video, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: Nov 23, 2016
Location of sighting: Volcano Popocatepetl, Mexico

The volcanos in Mexico were named by the ancient Mayans after their gods, probably because they encountered the aliens and witnessed them flying in and out of the mouth of the volcanos. This is an active volcano with eruptions every other day on live cam. No aircraft would ever get permission to fly low over the mouth of the volcano. The risk would be just too great. This UFO flew over to either pick up or drop off others. To do that, they don't need to land.  
Scott C. Waring

News states:
Volcanic watchers report aerial phenomena that pass close to the volcanoes Popocatépetl and Iztaccíhuatl and our high definition equipment detects.

UFO Recorded Over Weirton, West Virginia, September 21, 2016, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: Sept 21, 2016
Location of sighting:  Las Vegas, Nevada, USA
Source: MUFON #80490

This UFO was caught over Las Vegas a while back and it does look a lot like the TR3B when its not fully powered up. A fully powered up version of the craft would have a much larger center glow to it. I do believe that this either alien tech in USAF hands, or a craft from the Tall Whites base on the old firing range at Nellis AFB. 
Scott C. Waring

Eyewitness states: 
Thank you for reviewing this case. I am also a MUFON member. Please do not dismiss due to the sound on this video, I will explain this odd event, I did not want to modify the video in any way to make it not credible. In September a week or 2 after coming back from Las Vegas Nevada my fiance and I experienced alot of bizarre events. During our trip to Las Vegas, being interested in the truth in EBE's we drove out to Rachel Nevada, visiting the "black mailbox" I left behind an old student id card (not valid with an old address) after visiting the black mailbox we continued on our way to the back entrance of Area 51 and got as close to the gate as lawfully possible. As we walked to the gate jokingly I said to my fiance, little do they know that we know the truth. We then came back to WV and just a week or 2 after our trip. My fiance was on the back porch at night (approx time at top) she saw these very low triangular orb set glide across the sky, she then yelled for me to come out. I can describe the object or objects too low to be an airplane and absolutely silent to be a helicopter. Usually helicopters have red flashing or white flashing lights. This was just 3,4 or 5 solid white lights in complete silence. They orbs did not hang around too much and the video was a last second record, so its a bit shaky. The orbs slowly disapeared behind a wooded area, twords the end you may think the lights are flashing but its just the lights shining in and out of trees. *****NOW let me explain the sound*****, after we got done recording it I decided to upload it to facebook and after uploading it to facebook, because I like to educate the public best of my knowledge, for some odd reason, facebook added this most bizarre sound i've ever heard. Facebook cant integrate sound into videos you upload.. My fiance and I are very serious on this topic so neither of us would be so arrogant to crack a joke. To this day I still cannot figure out how the audio got added to it or why, to make it a bit more credible, i'm a Systems Engineer, I live, eat, breathe technology. Some unrelated bizarre happenings few days later after seeing this UFO, for 1 day and 1 day only, talking on the phone with my fiance, almost seemed like some staticy noise with odd sounds in the background, almost like two phone lines crossed over like the old cordless phones. We were using cellphones. It never happened again after that day... I feel like (not being paranoid) I was being profiled some how and some way by the ID I left back at the black mailbox.. If you have any questions please let me know, i'm happy to help disclose the truth to better mankind.


UFO Entering Ocean During Sunrise Over West Palm Beach, Florida, Photos, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: May 20, 2016 reported today.
Location of sighting: West Palm Beach, Florida, USA
Source: MUFON #80900

Here we see a cloaked vessel that is lowering itself into the ocean. Its only mistake...entering the ocean during sunrise/sunset. As I told you before, during sunrise and sunset, a UFOs cloak becomes visible for anywhere between a 30 seconds and 15 minutes. Visible to the naked eye, not just the digital eye. The light of the sun is bent around the cloaked UFO...but can only go 180 degrees around the UFO, no more. A setting and rising sun requires that light now go 180+90 degrees more around the vessel, which it often cannot fully do. See...aliens do make mistakes. 
Scott C. Waring

Eyewitness states:
1. I was drinking coffee on the balcony of my resort in West Palm Beach Florida. 
2. I was looking through photos of our trips to print off for a large hanging photo frame when I discovered 2 objects in one of the photos and then just one object in the next photo. 
3. I believed the objects to be u.f.o.s 
4. The photos were taken that morning and I immediately put my phone away without the knowledge of them being there at first. 
5. After seeing the objects in my photos, I had chills all over me and could not believe I actually had captured them. 
6. I only captured the objects in 2 photos.


Alien Face Found In Mars Crater Using Google Map, Learn How To Find It! Video, UFO Sighting News.

Yes, I posted this back in 2014, but I really think we have a lot of readers here that were not on our site 2 years ago and may have missed this awesome discovery. The face I found in this crater is absolutely incredible. The faces are important because it teaches us what they look like, since it was made by them. What can be more important than that? Nothing can be of course. 
Scott C. Waring

Date of discovery: December 2014
Location of discovery: Mars
Coordinates: 44°22'16.95"S 100° 3'31.39"W

Was checking out Google Mars...a free program to download and use, when I found this face. I have never reported on it before and it looks really big. Its hidden inside a crater and has a lot of similarities to the ancient China statues from thousands of years ago. 

If you know the name of the crater this is in, please tell us in comments. Google Mars ruler which is not extremely reliable, says that the diameter of the crater is 18.9km or 11.7 miles. The face itself is 8.9 miles (13km) by 5.9 miles (9.5 miles). That is one monumental undertaking to make, even making Mount Rushmore look like child's play. 

This face is highly detailed. No doubt is the face of a very notable historical figure in their culture.

Huge Dark UFO Passes Over Moon While Observatory Is Broadcasting It Live! Dec 3, 2016, Video, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: December 3, 2016
Location of sighting: Earths Moon

Caught on live video feed on telescope at an observatory in Miami, Florida, this dark UFO makes quite the impression. Its not a man made object, because there are not solar panel wings to it to gather energy. There are no antennas on it for transmitting. Also the surface is not completely round, but has a rough edge to it. Looks like a biomechanically grown UFO. 
Scott C. Waring
News states: 

White Orb Over Florida Same As Over Denver Colorado, Dec 7, 2016, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: Dec 7, 2016
Location of sighting: Williston, Florida, USA
Source: MUFON #80861

This at first looks like a planet, but as you see, its 100% in focus, so that rules out planet. This is however a white light UFO which we have also reported dozens of times over the hills of Colorado this year and in the past over the holy location called Dome of Rock. In both instances this same UFO was seen in this same detail, but by thousands of eyewitnesses. It the night sky, its easy to mistake it for a star, but with this perfectly focused was caught. Technology as it advances will reveal the truth to us...without the governments help. 
Scott C. Waring

Eyewitness states:
At about 6:56 pm I was outside and noticed a large redish ball of light that appeared to be motionless in the sky at about 95 degrees magnetic from my location. It was very bright, and at first I thought it was a parachute flare like those used by the army. I am a retired army veteran, and one of my specialies was as a Redeye missile gunner, so I am expert in visual aircraft recognition and have never seen an aircraft emit a light of this color or intensity. It appeared much brighter than the planet Venus, which was clearly visible to the west of my location at that time. I observed it for about 3 minutes, then it abruptly disappeared.

Classic Disk UFO Over Bay Village, Ohio On Dec 5, 2016, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: Dec 5, 2016
Location of sighting:  Bay Village, Ohio, USA
Source: MUFO #80870

This UFO is the classic disk we have all heard about over the last few decades. The classic disk has been found in NASA photos on the moon, ESA photos of Comet P67 and even UFO cases that lasted decades like the Rocca Pia, Italy friendship case that included aliens and humans working together. Nice catch, 
Scott C. Waring

Eyewitness states: 
I was in my kitchen, getting a cup of coffee. Looked out to see what at first I thought was a very very large plane moving extremely slow across the southwest sky. It had blinking lights, yellow, golden in color, looked to be the shape of a triangle. The lights were 3-4 spaced on either side. I ran to get my binoculars as my son was a pilot. I am very familiar with planes. At first I thought it might have been a larger plane. This object was moving so slow, a normal plane could not stay up in the sky given the speed of this object. No sounds. 

By the time I got my binoculars, it was moving past trees, headed towards Avon Lake. I saw another report made earlier from someone that also saw a light over the Lake the same day. I am not sure what time this person saw the object they reported but my sighting was between 8-8:30 PM. Yesterday, December 7th, I was looking out my kitchen window and noticed how pretty the clouds were. I grabbed my camera and took a few pictures to show my husband. Attached is one of the regular pictures I took with nothing in it but the clouds. I took several more and then noticed an "object" appeared on one of the frames. I did not see this object when I was snapping the photos but it is there. Looks like a round classic UFO...I tried to blow it up to see it better but the camera I had in my hands was a small Cool Pix. I have seen numerous sightings here. I also have another video of one we saw a few years ago. When you view the picture, look at the top left hand corner. You may have to blow it up to view but the picture prior to that, you just see the clouds, nothing else. I didn't want to upload all the other pictures to make a point. I have them on file though. You can see the object in DSCN 3078.


Three UFOs Over Las Vegas, Nevada On Nov 15, 2016 Using Night Vision Technology, Video, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: Nov 15, 2016
Location of sighting: Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

These UFOs are three different craft. I have altered the colors and enhanced the detail. Within each light is a dark object about 75% as big as the light itself. These objects are flying over a USAF base in that area so nonone can travel over there a take a look. Its all fenced in high security area. It looks like the USAF is testing some of the alien craft that was given to the USAF in good faith. One of these craft crashed in Needles California back in May 14, 2008. Looks like they still have not got control of it. 
Scott C. Waring

Eyewitness states: 
I shot this video from my backyard in the Summerlin area of Las Vegas, Nevada on the night of November 15, 2016. I wanted to get the video I shot last night out the same night. To do that I had to increase the speed up on the night vision portion by five times because it takes so long to render, upload and process the video. Jaime Maussan told me they are always best at actual speed so I am remaking that portion of last nights video. I am not enhancing it in any way so this is exactly as it was as it came from the night vision camera.

Bronze UFO Caught Over Sand Dunes In Idaho During Day, Photos, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: 2013, reported today.
Location of sighting: Mountain Home, Idaho, USA
Source: MUFON #80759

This disk was over Idaho back in 2013, but reported today. The disk was over a sand dunes area of Idaho. This is not an area with water, just dry sand dunes out in the middle of nowhere. The bronze colored disk has a blur around it, often caused by the propulsion of the alien craft. 
Scott C. Waring

Eyewitness states:
As stated in the short description, I never saw this at the time. I was just taking some landscape photos of a location I was going to shoot a model. I was shooting with a lense of apx 14-54mm, camera settings at F8, ISO 200, and a shutter speed of 1/640th sec. I never noticed it till I downloaded the image to my laptop the following day. This was on Memorial Day weekend in 2013. I called the Public Affairs office at Mountain Home AFB and they assured me that they were not flying at this time as it was a Friday evening of the holiday weekend. I did email this to them, and the PA officer said he would have his photographer look at it, although I would never hear back from them regardless of what they thought. DUH! :) At the time I was shooting the pictures, I heard nothing and saw nothing to make me realize something was in my field of view. I just thought it was interesting that something like that is still pixelated when zooming in on the object, yet the clouds and horizon are much sharper. Makes me believe this thing was flying at a pretty fast pace when a shutter speed of 1/640th of a sec couldn't freeze it. I have photos of the Thunderbird Air Show where I could freeze the action as they flew in front of me much closer than this object was.


86 Year Old Buzz Aldrin evacuated from South Pole In Antarctica To Hospital, Dec 2016, UFO Sighting News.

Date of news: Dec 1, 2016
Location of event: Antartica

Here is an interesting video by SecureTeam10 about Buzz Aldrin who was part of a tourist group visiting Amundsen-Scott South Pole Station through White Desert. The trip was expected to last through December 12, but was cut short for Buzz when a health scare occurred. Buzz, 86 years old seems to want to keep active, and use this life to its fullest. A great example to us all. 
Scott C. Waring

News states: 
Former astronaut Buzz Aldrin, the second person to walk on the moon in 1969, has landed in Christchurch, New Zealand, after being evacuated from the South Pole when his medical condition deteriorated, according to a release from the National Science Foundation. He is 86 years old.

Aldrin landed at 4:25 a.m. December 2. "Upon arrival in Christchurch, the Antarctic program's logistics hub in New Zealand, Aldrin was transferred to a local medical facility," according to the foundation.

He "currently has fluid in his lungs but is responding well to antibiotics and being kept overnight for observation. His condition is stable and his manager, who is currently with him, described him being in good spirits," according to an update from luxury tourism company White Desert.

His manager, Christina Korp, said Aldrin is recovering. She also tweeted photos showing that Aldrin reached the South Pole, which was his goal.

600+ Meter UFO Turns Night Into Day Over Colima Volcano, Mexico, Dec 2016, Video, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: December 2016
Location of sighting: Colima Volcano, Mexico

This UFO was noticed by Streetcap1 of Youtube this week over the Colima Volcano in Mexico. The  UFO may have just left the volcanos mouth and seems to be charging up to leave the area. This UFO is bigger than the 600 meter wide mouth of the volcano. It seems large, but in the future people wont build spaceships...robots will, and robots don't need work breaks, phone breaks, games or food and drinks...they work 24/7 until the job is done, so making a giant ship like this would be done 10X faster than if the work was done by humans. 
Scott C. Waring

Streetcap1 states:
It disappears then reappears way above the Summit. It looked strange. When you think about it, it is the perfect cover. Streetcap1.


UFO Entering Mexico Volcano On Live Cam Dec 1, 2016, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting:  December 1, 2016
Location of sighting: Poocatepetl volcano, Mexico
Source photo:

While looking over a mexican volcano cam, I found one photo that had a UFO in it. The UFO was near the side of the mountain and was not seen in any other photos before and after that. This make me think that it entered the top of the volcano to enter an alien base 4km below the volcano. 

On top of the UFO you see a small dome, which is also on the bottom of the UFO. This is a classic UFO design. 
Scott C. Waring


Cloaked UFO Revealed On Camera Over Ottawa, Canada On Nov 28, 2016, Video, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: Nov 28, 2016
Location of sighting: Ottawa, Canada

This is a cloaked UFO that is partly revealed due to the angle of the sun, the eyewitness and the fact that the cloud the UFO makes is not made up of a normal cloud substance, but more holographic in nature. The holographic cloak gets lit up especially much by added light from the sun, but must be at the right angles for it to a sunset. 
Scott C. Waring

Eyewitness states: 
I was working like usual day to day business and the sky got my attention. This is weird, and I never saw this before! This is raw footage.


NASA Destroys Alien Sculpture By Running It Over! In Latest Batch Of Curiosity Rover Photos, Nov 29, 2016, UFO Sightings Daily.

Date of discovery: November 29, 2016
Location of discovery: Mars

This is from todays Curiosity Rover photos that came into the NASA blog. There were two photos with this face in them. The face is appears human, but clearly not. The alien is wearing a soft helm and a tunic. The aliens face is also different from our in that it has no chin, but continues down as a neck. Also its hard to see, but the ear of the alien is about 2X our own ears. Lucky for us, alien on Mars loved to make faces of their the different species that once lived there. 

The face is small, about 3-5 inches tall. Now this means the aliens that made it are also...small. This explains why most of the faces, structures, wheels and doorways, walls, are also about 1 foot or less in height. If you compare the size of the rover wheel in the photo and the size of the face, you will come to the same conclusion. 

The tragedy here is that this ancient piece of alien history was probably destroyed by the Mar rover metal wheels. The Curiosity rover is equal and in size and weight to a Volkswagen Bug. The chance that this tiny statue could withstand such a tremendous weight is...equally small. NASA is quickly destroying the ancient artefacts of alien civilisations...not reporting what they find, and all in the name of science. Where is you ethics now NASA? This is not how a scientist does research! By destroying what they are suppose to notice and to study. Maybe they should hire me to find these objects and warn them that they are about to destroy them. Honestly, they certainly need the intellectual help. 
Scott C. Waring
