
UFO Over Popocatepetl Volcano, Mexico On Nov 23, 2016, Video, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: Nov 23, 2016
Location of sighting: Volcano Popocatepetl, Mexico

The volcanos in Mexico were named by the ancient Mayans after their gods, probably because they encountered the aliens and witnessed them flying in and out of the mouth of the volcanos. This is an active volcano with eruptions every other day on live cam. No aircraft would ever get permission to fly low over the mouth of the volcano. The risk would be just too great. This UFO flew over to either pick up or drop off others. To do that, they don't need to land.  
Scott C. Waring

News states:
Volcanic watchers report aerial phenomena that pass close to the volcanoes Popocatépetl and Iztaccíhuatl and our high definition equipment detects.


  1. You can see the Pulse smudge in black pixels captured behind it, for once our inferiority has worked to our advantage in this capture.

    1. I can see the pubes but no smudge. Is the smudge something easily to judge or just another fudge? My superiority makes you inferiority look good. UFOs are real. I can vouch for that.

  2. I see the alien craft entering and leaving the hole again and again. It's nether regions will be pretty sore after that. Keep up the good work Scock. You're our last hope as is the mighty Frump.

  3. Hey Scott, do the aliens have the same technology as the starship enterprise? If so they could of stolen it possibly? I would say there could be a big reward for info like that.

  4. Good posting Scott. Alien cigar shaped spacecraft are always sheaved when going in and out of such big holes. It protects them from the invasive STDs. The alternative is for them to keep their knob ends to themselves.

  5. Brilliant stuff Scott. The volcanic back passages are really a sore point, particularly after so many entrances and exits.

  6. Alien cigar shaped spacecraft should always be sheaved when entering large volcanic holes. It protects them from the invasive STDs. The alternative is for them to keep their knob ends to themselves.

  7. Hi Scott, excellent site. Can you tell if it's entering or leaving the orifice and if the brown colour is because of where it's been?


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