Date of sighting: Feb 2018
Location of sighing: Earths Moon
Mission: Apollo 15
When Streetcap1 finds something, you can bet your life that its got some juicy meat to it. He found an Apollo 15 mission video with audio that lets you hear the astronaut hammering! Thats impossible in the vacuum of space! Awesome find by Streetcap1. I've known him for over 5 years and can vouch for him.
Scott C. Waring-Taiwan
Streetcap1 states:
This is from Apollo 15 NASA footage. If you did Physics at school or college you will know that sound cannot travel in a vacuum. Yet we can hear the Astronaut's Hammer Strokes in this clip. Space is a vacuum = No Air. Quote ' In Space no-one can hear you scream.' All Astronaut communication is through headset radio. Vibrations cannot travel through the vacuum even to the astronaut's radio, so the hammer strokes should be silent, yet we can hear them! Conclusion: Either there is Air on the Moon or NASA faked the Apollo 15 program. SC1.