
Black Disk Seen In Sky Over Great Britain, Proof Alien Bases Exist In GB, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: 8-3-1998, but reported today.
Source: MUFON #90312
Location of sighting: Gainsborough, Great Britain

I really like this photo. It shows a classic shaped UFO in the far distance above Great Britain. There is just too much evidence coming from GB to deny the existence of aliens any longer. The truth is, we are not alone, and never have been. 
Scott C. Waring

Eyewitness states: 
I had just bought a new camera and was trying it out by swizzling around and napping pictures to see if the was any blurring. I took about 10 pictures doing the same thing I only looked at the first couple and they seemed good quality. So I downloaded them into a file on my computer and never thought any more about it. Then I acquired a program called Picasa which found lots of photos on my computer looking through them I spotted this one I thought it might have been a bird in flight and passed it by. I have never bothered to much about it and it might be nothing at all, I will let you judge.