
UFO Gets On TV News, Appears In Sky Over Brazil, June 21, 2018, Videos, UFO Sighting News.

 Above, I have added contrast and focus to see it better, below is the original, 100% untouched. 

 Above, I have added contrast and focus to see it better, below is the original, 100% untouched. The photo above has an opening at its bottom, to receive or release cargo. 

 Above, I have added contrast and focus to see it better, below is the original, 100% untouched. 

Date of sighting: June 21, 2018
Location of sighting: Curitiba, Brazil

A Brazilian news channel released this TV news video of a eyewitness who noticed an oval shape in the overcast sky and started filming it. As he recorded, the UFO can be seen fluxing like the colors of a squid and then the UFO vanishes on camera. 

At one point, the UFO opens at its bottom as if it were bringing something or someone in or out of the ship. 

The UFO disappeared because it was observing and reading peoples thoughts below on the ground. Most UFOs have a detection system that will automatically (AI controlled) make the UFO vanish when its been detected, but for some reason this one allowed it to be filmed for about 20 seconds before it vanished. It appears the UFO was as intrigued with the eyewitness as the eyewitness was with the alien ship. 
Scott C. Waring