
White UFO Fleet Passes Over London Sept 19, 2020, Video, UFO Sighting News.


Date of sighting: Sept 19, 2020
Location of sighting: London, UK

This eyewitness was very excited to capture his first ever UFO sighting in London. The eyewitness noticed many flying spheres glowing white passing in the sky above. One sphere passed over the rooftop of a building nearby. Absolutely fantastic raw video and 100% proof that aliens exist. Too big to be satellites and much too fast. No flashing lights and too slow to be planes. Wow, just incredible capture. 
Scott C. Waring 

Eyewitness states: 
I have been a sceptical believer in ufos or other life out there for quite some time now but this is the first I have ever seen with my own two eyes! It left me stunned and a little scared once I realised they were not lanterns and were moving together in a triangle/diamond formation. They were orange to the naked eye and did not flash or make sound that I could hear so it rules out planes and helicopters. I can not be in Too sure weather they were aliens or the government fooling with us but honestly you had to see it with you eyes to believe it, and if anyone has seen anything like this around the time I did please let me know.