With all the UFO evidence we have at our disposal, with all the eyewitness testimonies about abductions and encounters, the one thing that everyone wants the most is to meet them. Here I will introduce you to them by showing you their faces. Each species has a distinct appearance of the face and that is why they use faces to commemorate great individuals of their species, much like America made Mount Rushmore with the faces of the greatest presidents upon it. This file will be added to as more and more faces are found.
The USAF states in Area S4 that they know of 56 space faring species. Also in Rocca Pia, Italy a story exists of aliens below the castle that came up and talked to the people...they called themselves the W56. Coincidence? No. I am in search of these 56 species and when I find their faces, I will place them below.
The above photo shows three alien faces. Three species together. It may have a fourth or far right, but harder to identify it. (Monkey skull, Lizard or frog face, fox face.) This is my discovery SCW. Source NASA photo PIA10214 by Spirit Rover, Mars. Original at this NASA url http://www.nasa.gov/mission_pages/mer/images/sol1369a-F-20080102.html
Above alien is reptilian as you can see from the features. This person had royal status (crown or scales). Also looks like the taller greys. Source of photo is my discover and is in same photo as the three faces above it. PIA10214 Spirit Rover, Mars.
The above photo is also from PIA10214 by Mars Spirit Rover, and was not discovered by me, but another person here in Asia. It led me to the other discoveries. Note the three figures and their bent joints that are 100% the same as ours. They are alive, not the pink bald head of the center male. They are looking in the direction of the Rover as it photographs them.
The above photo is from PIA10214 by Mars Spirit Rover. Small yet its facial features stand out.
The above image is the first face I ever discovered (Scott C. Waring) , that was 35 years ago. It was first published in a book the size of a dictionary with full page black and white photos. This photo was taken in 1976 by Viking 1. Yep…I was in first grade when I discovered it in a book that was one day old when I opened it in the school library.
The above photo is a close up of a mountain on Mars, NASA source: http://is.gd/IcMTjf Also at this post: http://www.ufosightingsdaily.com/2014/05/demon-face-on-mars-and-buildings-on.html
The upper two faces of a male and female together is also in the same photo as the below faces. The upper two photos and the lower one photo are in the same post. I found the faces and highlighted them in colors for you to see easier. Can you see the two faces in the below photo? http://www.ufosightingsdaily.com/2014/05/demon-face-on-mars-and-buildings-on.html
Photo by NASA Spirit Rover.
The above image is on Mars, image source: Malin Space Science Systems (MSSS) MOC narrow angle image MO3-05549 at this URL http://www.msss.com/moc_gallery/ab1_m04/images/M0305549.html
Four faces, three little ones I did discover (SCW), the largest I did not. I have run into it by accident twice while searching Mars photos. It's an amazing feeling…to meet them face to face. Malin Space Science Systems image (MSSS) M02-03051 at
Mars face found in the Cydonia.
This goes to show that aliens have a sense of humor about life. This unnamed crater on Mars is 3 kilometers or 1.9 miles across. It is located among the Nereidum Montes, north of Argyre basin, near 45.1°S, 55.0°W. Photo credit: NASA/JPL/MSSS and was taken by Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter.
Photograph taken by the NASA/JPL Mars Global Surveyor. I found the one on top, not the lower one. There are many faces in the photo this came from. What can you find in the source? Link at http://www.msss.com/moc_gallery/ab1_m04/nonmaps/M0100047.gif
In the above Moon photo, I Scott C. Waring discovered this face in the crater on the Earth's Moon. It is in a crater called Jenner. The face is about 8KM from chin to top of head. The floor of Jenner Crater is 40 km across.
The above photo you see the shadow of the astronaut and his tool sitting on the rock, but do you see the face upon the rock further away? Credit NASA Archives.
This moon face was discovered by me SCW. It looks like a lion facing one way with its back to a bird that faces the other. It is in the location where Apollo 20 recovery mission took place (without your knowledge). Source at NASA: http://www.lpi.usra.edu/resources/apoll o/frame/?AS15-P-9630
New Moon Face in above photo. I just discovered this face in the above NASA photo today, June 10, 2010 as I was exploring the Lunar Orbiter 2 photos. Source at: http://www.lpi.usra.edu/resources/lunarorbiter/images/preview/2162_h3.jpg
Note: There is also lots of domes over craters in the URL photo!
I (SCW) looked over this recent Mercury Messenger photo (ABOVE PHOTO) and found many new faces right next to one another. The smallest is sitting in a crater bed. The other three look like a guerrilla, Elf with giant eyes and a Yoda like face with body. Credit to NASA for the faces…er….cities…er…the photo.
Source of photo: http://messenger.jhuapl.edu/gallery/sciencePhotos/pics/3_Solomon_3_4_5.jpg
The above photo I Scott C. Waring discovered when I found the mirror like dome city near it. Date of sighting: March 9, 2011 Location of sighting: 5 deg South, 134.1 deg East. NASA Photo Archives, Lunar surface The dome and face are in both of these photos at http://www.lpi.usra.edu/resources/apollo/frame/?AS17-P-1928 and http://www.lpi.usra.edu/resources/apollo/frame/?AS17-P-1923
I discovered this human like face on the Planet Mercury on June 26, 2011. I (Scott C. Waring) was looking through Mercury photos when I came across this face. As you know if you frequent my site, I like to search for faces on alien planets and moons. Why? Because It's the closest thing to meeting them. So I search. Credit to NASA for the alien face and source photo http://messenger.jhuapl.edu/gallery/sciencePhotos/pics/EN0214641016M_web.png
The Above big face and small face is near Medicine Hat, Canada. Alien Royal Prince Face 400+ meters across. When looking at Canada using Google Earth (free program) I (SCW) found an area of land that resembles the shape of a face. Now this is not hills and mountains that formed a face, this is a face that formed the hills and mountains. My video teaching U to find it at http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cY65HFr0BxA
I (SCW) discovered this bird skull on Mars on July 5, 2011 at West Valley. The Spirit Rover took the photo. Either this is a structure in skull form or…the skull of a real ancient bird on Mars. http://marsrover.nasa.gov/gallery/all/2/p/1208/2P233602757EFFATEEP2373L7M1.HTML
I (Scott Waring) found the above face with the flat head on July 5, 2011. Location is Mars. Source photo at http://marsrover.nasa.gov/gallery/all/2/p/1108/2P224729009EFFASL5P2559L5M1.HTML
The above skull was found on July 2011 by European Space Agency (ESA). They probably figured I would find it and take credit for its discovery in a few weeks time so they might as well release it to the public. Found in the Cydonia region where the first Mars face was discovered. Oh…that first one I did discover 34 years ago. Source photo at http://www.flickr.com/photos/europeanspaceagency/5058957153/in/photostream/
Credit: ESA/DLR/FU Berlin (G. Neukum)
Scott Waring discovered the above face on July 7, 2011 using Google Earth 2D version. I thought that some people would have difficulty seeing it so I colorized the face so that it stands out more from the rest of the picture.
I SCW discovered the above Mars face on July 8, 2011 using Google Earth 3D version. It was the first time I ever used this program and it took me 2-3 minutes to find the face. Notice the helmet it is wearing and the mustache and beard?
On July 11, 2011 SCW discovered the above face that looks like an old indian with head dress on. Location of discovery: Melas Chasma on Mars.
Why the cat face? Because a UFO sighting in Russia in March 2011 confirmed the UFO transmitted cat like voices to the control tower. Source: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1361878/Russian-flight-controllers-UFO-aliens-speak-cat-like-language.html
On July 11, 2011 SCW discovered the above faces of a cat species and bird species that seem to be humanoid on Mars surface.
Above photo is a Face of Thunder God Tupan Patera Found on Jupiter's Moon IO. I SCW discovered this on July 17, 2011. Perhaps because it was tilted with the face pointing up originally, may be why others did not find it first.
The image of the face was taken by the Galileo space craft on October 2001.
I made this discovery on July 18, 2011. The location of the above face is on the moon IO (orbiting Jupiter) it is in the are called Babbar Patera. SCW, Credit to ipad app & NASA.
I found the above alien face on Earth's moon. Date of discovery August 1, 2011. The above face is at Eichstadt K crater, moon. SCW
I Scott C. Waring found this Yoda face on the moons surface. Does this mean that the species Yoda comes from is real…most likely yes. Found Sept 2011.
Original Photo at: http://www.lpi.usra.edu/resources/apollo/frame/?AS15-P-9583
Image atlas here: http://www.lpi.usra.edu/resources/apollo/catalog/pan/revolution/?AS15R38Cf
The three screenshots above are of a face that I SCW discovered yesterday, January 7, 2012. The face is on Mars surface and can be found using Google Mars, for more information look at the video I made about it at: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XC_C3nDyFUs
Below photo is face on Mars
Full photo below of face on Mars.
Discovered on Feb 18, 2012, I (Scott Waring) was looking over Mars photos as you know I love to do and I came across this photo which had a face smack dab in the middle of it. I noticed that it had a lot of similarities to the ancient Babylonians. It prominent nose and eyes, its lips with no expression, its long beard and long flowing hair, the traditional hat or helmet. Source at http://areo.info/mer/spirit/108/2P135963098EFF3300P2395L5M1_L2L5L5L7L7.jpg
Face on Moon in Above and below photo.
Two faces from moon found in full photo below.
Location of sighting: Near Keeler Crater, Moon
Date of discovery: February 22, 2012
Date of discovery: February 22, 2012
Latitude / Longitude: | 9.7° S / 159.4° E |
(Pertaining to the two faces on moon in photos above this). I was looking over some moon photos today and found two faces that look similar to the Buddha statues that I see here in Taiwan temples. Both faces are in the same moon photo and are very close to one another. As you can see, some of the aliens look like us. This is from the Apollo 17 Panoramic Index from NASA. Click here for source photo. This photo include the crater "Keeler," which is a large crater on the moons far side. Credit NASA. SCW Source: http://www.lpi.usra.edu/resources/apollo/frame/?AS17-P-1734
Above and below face on moon found near Simpelius C. Crater, by SCW.
The above face I discovered this March of 2012 when looking over some NASA moon maps. I highlighted the face in red to make it easier to see. It looks male I deduce from its adams apple on his neck. I love to find the faces, it takes the fear away from people, fear of the unknown, and shows that many aliens look just like us. Scott C. Waring
The two photos above are on the moon. I found these two face in the same crater. It is near Comrie Crater on the moon. I found this March 2012. Source: http://the-moon.wikispaces.com/Comrie
The above face was discovered by me SCW in Tycho crater, Earth's moon. There were about ten faces in this main photo of Tycho, however only this face was intact enough to bother showing you. The link is here: http://wms.lroc.asu.edu/lroc_browse/view/M102230053LE Credit to NASA
Date of discovery: Sept 27, 2012
Location of discovery: Mars
I was looking over Google Mars map and found these four faces not far from each other. They look worn down from wind and sand over millions of years, but they are still clearly faces. I don't think everyone has the ability to discern such details, but many will. All you have to do is put the coordinates into the search box of Google Earth...switch the button to Mars and you have it. Why am I always looking for faces? Because I want to know how they look. SCW
Coordinates: 45°49'37.62"S 141°32'2.48"E
Date of discovery: September 30, 2012
Location of discovery: MarsI was looking over Mars photos and came across one in Sol 116A that happened to have not one but multiple faces in it (four or more). These faces look like they were cut from stone and left there long ago. The first face is of a round faced person with very curly hair. And if you look very carefully right above this one and touching it is a bearded face of a species I have never seen before in stone. Then on the far lower right there was another faces…highly unusual with a long hat or crown. Above it is a half face. I took the half face and flipped it over so you could see what the whole face would look like.
Source photo: http://pancam.astro.cornell.edu/pancam_instrument/images/False/Sol617A_P2291_1_False_L257_pos_14.jpg
Searching through Mars photos taken by the rover Opportunity I came across a face with unusually great detail and of a species I have never seen before and know this, I have seen hundreds of faces, only the best make it to my posts. This face is almost lamb like in appearance, but I am sure with its uniquely high intelligence it must be a phenomenal species. Almost cute...but what devastating tragedy became of them? Those poor creatures. Below is the link that shows you where I found the NASA photo. SCW
NASA Source: http://areo.info/mer/opportunity/2136/
Date of discovery: November 8, 2012
Location of discovery: MarsType this in the google Mars search box: 37°21'41.32"S , 149°55'17.97"
I heard Google Mars (free program) had a massive update that increased the detail of the map. I checked it out and I really thought it was a crappy effort on behalf of NASA. Even a simple satellite with an iPhone 5 camera would take better photos…which goes to prove that NASA is hiding info from the public.
Anyways, I was searching Mars and came across this face. I actually found three, but am only showing you this one above because one was deliberately blurred by NASA and the other was beyond ancient so its eyes and forehead were gone…hmmm, I will put the photos Above here just for the fun of it. All three faces are near each other. SCW
Latitude: 37°21'41.32"S
Longitude: 149°55'17.97"
I discovered the above face on the surface of mars. The face is looking to the right side of the photo. You can clearly make out the eyes, nose, mouth, chin, cheeks. SCW
Source: http://photojournal.jpl.nasa.gov/jpeg/PIA01907.jpg
Date of sighting: November 14, 2012
Location of sighting: Mars
I was looking over some NASA photos in the hand of the University of Arizona where I discovered this face. The face itself looks to be a male with a tall long hat. This hat is the same style as the hat that Queen Nefertiti of Egypt has on her sculptured bust. So the hat must be a symbol of their powerful and respected position and the face was made in the hills because they wanted to commemorate a great leader, just as humans carved Mount Rushmore with the images of four faces of great US presidents. SCW
Source: http://hirise.lpl.arizona.edu/ESP_029234_2015
Date of discovery: Oct 7, 2012
Location of discovery: Mars
I (Scott Waring) found this face (side view looking left) in not just one photo, but nine taken by the Mars Rover Opportunity. It really looks like an ancient Egyptian face with the elongated back. Its very similar to King Tuts golden sarcophagus. Even the beard coming down with a bend on its end is there.
Part of me is thinking this face is not a statue buried to the shoulders but instead is a headstone for someone buried there. A headstone with the face of the person that died, weathered by hundreds of thousands of years of blowing sand. SCW
Source Photo: http://areo.info/mer/opportunity/2172/
Date of discovery: June 24, 2013 (above and below photos)
Location of discovery: Three craters above "Ares Vallis," Mars
Video I made: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vEJBXZ07gF0&list=LLQhbp52zX0ySztdZ5Oi1rXQ&feature=mh_lolz
I was looking over Google Mars map and came across this amazing face on the side of the crater. I thought it was really cool, but wasn't going to report it...then I found the other two faces all about the same position on the craters. All the craters are lined up one after the other and all the faces are either looking left or right.
The faces of the intelligent species out there are the most important evidence next to meeting them in person. The fact that this is direct evidence that we are not alone in the universe makes these faces even more significant. What great deeds did these three aliens do that gave reason to preserve their faces on the surface of Mars?
We are looking at three distinctly different species of aliens here. One seems to have a sheep like face with tentacles hanging from its chin (maybe beard). Another has a very long face. And yet another that looks very similar to our human species except its chin is sharper and longer than our own. This is real universe and now you know…we are not alone and never have been.
These faces can be found if you type "Ares Vallis," into the search box and move above it to the three craters side by side. Good luck and you might find something I didn't. See Below photo.
Below PHOTO:
Date of sighting: July 28, 2013
Location of sighting: Mars Surface
NASA photo: http://photojournal.jpl.nasa.gov/jpeg/PIA17081.jpg
This is a highly detailed face of a species of alien whose face resembles half sheep and half human. Look carefully and you will see the upper and lower lips, chin, jaw, cheeks, eye, nose, nostrils, and long flowing hair. See photo below for sheep face. SCW
Date of discovery: March 27, 2012 (Photos Below)
Location of discovery: Earths Moon
Chang'e Map: (slow to load)
I found this face last year, but most the information about it has disappeared off my UFO site for some unknown reason, so here I am posting it again. This is an an alien face that I discovered using the Chang'e 2 Orbiters moon map.
The above and below photos are of the same face. The one below has been cut off and flipped over...mirrored side by side for you to see the whole face.
Date of discovery: February 2014
Location of discovery: Mars
NASA photo: http://www.nasa.gov/sites/default/files/pia17931-main_m34-sol528-wb.jpg
Someone at http://ufosightingz.blogspot.com discovered this face above so I thought I better confirm it there and check out the original NASA photo. It is there and then some.![](https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEi-RSqDlRivqyhDBRL0gAfD4agmyDy_KElSk5PtfUyzabJSdTcrVTyO6Ex5Xwpq2R3jcjbNjVAOc1hOcS4bUI93jzHdYg5DBkUlJfMupSmMqePmV6ArQCuJRRu0QUIpDq8nzEafNliRWsk/s1600/Screen+UFO,+UFOs,+sighting,+sightings,+Mars,+face,+faces,+rover,+nasa,+top+secret,+Justin+Bieber,+Selena+Gomez,+news,+gossip,+hollywood,+politics,+UN,+paranormal4-1Shot+2014-02-07+at+4.50.29+pm.png)
Also in the same photo as the face above I found the two faces below. Where there is one, there is more. SCW
Date of discovery: April 10, 2014
Location of discovery: Earths Moon
Photo: http://wms.lroc.asu.edu/lroc/view_lroc/LRO-L-LROC-2-EDR-V1.0/M1141785879RE
I was looking over NASA photos and came across this alien face. As you know, I have found a lot of faces, but this one is unique in that the face has ridges along the top and side of its head. By searching for these faces, we are able to know what aliens look like. Seeing the real faces of aliens takes the fear from people...that movies and Hollywood has instilled into the public. This is an intelligent species and probably very ancient. SCW
Date of discovery: November 24, 2014
Location of discovery: Mars
Source Photo: http://ida.wr.usgs.gov/fullres/complete/ab1013/ab101303.jpg
Below 3 photos: This is one of the photos from the Mars Global Surveyor mission. Not only does it show an alien base, but there is also a face of the species that built the base near it.
-------------------------------------------------------------Date of discovery: November 16, 2014
Location of discovery: Mars
NASA Photo: http://mars.nasa.gov/mer/gallery/all/2/p/482/2P169153230EFFAAB2P2417L7M1.JPG
Date of discovery: November 9, 2014
Location of discovery: Mars
Description: MSL 778 MAST 100
Photo Source: http://www.gigapan.com/gigapans/164557
-----------------------------------------------------Date of discovery: November 6, 2014
Location of discovery: Mars
NASA Photo: http://photojournal.jpl.nasa.gov/tiff/PIA00780.tif
I was looking through some Mars photos and stopped when I saw some arrows. I was trying to figure out what they were pointing to when I noticed a sculpture face with a big blue arrow pointing at it. The face had probably been attached to a statue when it broke off during the big attack on Mars. SCW
Date of discovery: October 26, 2014
Location of discovery: Crater Fram, in the Meridian Planum Region of Mars
NASA Source: http://photojournal.jpl.nasa.gov/catalog/PIA05990
This week I found some interesting anomalies in this Mars photo. The photo shows a close up of the crater Fram. In this photo are many unusual objects, including a walking figure. SCW 4 photos below.
Date of discovery: October 2014
Location of discovery: Mars
NASA Source: http://mars.jpl.nasa.gov/msl-raw-images/msss/00711/mcam/0711ML0030270000304691E01_DXXX.jpg
Date of discovery: Oct 2014
Location of discovery: Mars
Source photo: http://mars.nasa.gov/msl/images/mars-diverse-terrain-mount-sharp-msl-curiosity-rover-labeled-PIA19397.jpg
The two screenshots below have not one, but three faces visible. The largest one in looking left of the photo. Right beside it is a childs face, and then below the child to the right is an animals face. The animal looks like a dog. SCW
Date of discovery: Oct 2014
Location of discovery: Mars
NASA source: http://mars.jpl.nasa.gov/msl-raw-images/msss/00385/mcam/0385MR0015770000301891E01_DXXX.jpg
Date of discovery: October 7, 2014
Location of discovery: Saturn moon, Dione
Source NASA photo: http://photojournal.jpl.nasa.gov/catalog/PIA12743
Source NASA photo: http://photojournal.jpl.nasa.gov/catalog/PIA12743
I found this face on a moon of Saturn called Dione. The face is very large and easy to see. As I have said before, I have found faces of aliens on most planets, moons and asteroids in our solar system. There are a lot of aliens species out there. SCW
Date of discovery: Sept 25, 2014Location of discovery: North end of Greenland, Earth
Method used: Google Earth
Searching Google Earth is a lot of fun. A face inside a face. Yes, two faces, maybe more. The things you find often blow you away, for example this giant face in Greenland. It measures 191 miles (306km) by 191 (306km). Yeah, a perfect square area. This face has a broken nose in two places which tells us he was a fighter. Also he has on a feather like crown, which tells us he was a leader of a tribe of people. He must have been ten kinds of awesome to be commemorated by aliens this way. He wasn't necessarily an alien himself, but may have been a fantastic leader that raised the bar, so they wanted the future humans to one day find this face and remember him. Also please notice the smaller faces inside this faces hat area. He is remembered. SCW -photo below-
Date of discovery: Sept 15, 2014Location of discovery: upper right from Tsiolkovsky crater, Earths moon.
Source NASA Photo: http://www.lpi.usra.edu/resources/mapcatalog/LEMC/lemc2/
I was looking over moon photos when I was taken aback by a familiar face...Leonardo da Vinci. The face even has the unique dark shading that Leonardo often used. People often tell me Leonardo was an alien, because of he was a man of "unquenchable curiosity" and "feverishly inventive imagination". This face stands out really well inside the crater. Did a alien species celebrate da Vinci's life by creating this face in the crater or is it just a famous face among their own culture that just happens to look like da Vinci? We may never know, but one thing is obvious, this portrait in the crater was created by a species not unlike our own in appearance. SCW
Date of discovery: September 2014Location of discovery: Comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko
Source Photo: http://www.esa.int/spaceinimages/Images/2014/09/Comet_on_10_September_2014_NavCam
There is a also an alien face...defiantly not handsome in human terms, but nevertheless a face of one alien species. So now we know, this is why Rosetta satellite was sent to Comet 67P, to see if it can retrieve some alien tech. Oh...there is a white disk UFO very clear in the URL photo, but not my screenshot. SCW
Date of discovery: Sept 2014
Location of discovery: Kenting, South end of Taiwan
I found these two faces in South of Taiwan in Kenting. Its a sign that an alien base is nearby. SCW
Date of discovery: 3-4 years ago.
Location of sighting: Mars
Source image: http://www.nasa.gov/images/content/207023main_vincent-20071220.jpg
I found this statue about 3 to 4 years ago, but came across this video talking about it. They colored the statue so that you can see it better. This is a really interesting photo and there is a color version available, but not sure where at the moment. You can clearly make out the Egyptian face, shoulders, hat and body. There are also a lot of other anomalies in this photo, but this one is the best. Cool the discovery is still being passed around. photo below. SCW
Date of discovery: August 16, 2014
Location of discovery: Mars
Source Map: http://www.google.com/mars/#lat=22.662491&lon=-132.809085&zoom=9&map=infrared
Guys I found this today and I am still amazed at what it is. The face alone is an incredible find, but this one has 70% of a figure to it. This guy looks like a warrior with his massive shoulders and arms. The other leg and arm look faded and warn, not by time, but by an ancient lake area. I have to say, I see a lot of resemblance between this and the ancient Greek gods. Perhaps a story that has lasted thousands of years has more truth to it than once thought. photos below. SCW
Date of discovery: August 3, 2014
Location of discovery: Mars
NASA photo: http://mars.nasa.gov/msl/multimedia/deepzoom/PIA16702/
Hey guys, I was looking over Mars photos and found this amazing face. It resembles the ancient Chinese lion. The detail of its eye, the carved lines below and above the eye are great. Also the nostrils are slightly visible as well as the mouth and forehead. Overall it explains how the symbol of the Chinese lion originated...from an ancient species that once visited Asia, but will never be forgotten. Also, this is near another discovery I made a few years ago. An alien body is visible and its head is about the same size as the Chinese lion head near it. You can see that this alien more closely resembles a humanoid because of its legs, hand bones, and skull with eye, nose, mouth openings. The evidence is there...if NASA would only go back to check on them, however finding evidence of life is clearly not their real mission. SCW photos below.
Date of discovery: July 7, 2014Location of discovery: -166.77761 , -76.83666
China Map:
I was looking over the Chinese lunar map and found a few faces that stood out well. When you find faces, buildings are always in the area and yes, there are a lot of rectangular structures nearby. This is a unique map that NASA has not been able to edit, so are a lot of anomalies that China has missed during the editing of the map.
SCW 3 photos below.
Date of discovery: June 1, 2014, 13:13
Location of discovery: Earths sun
Source: SOHO photo camera EIT 195
I was looking through the SOHO shots of the sun today and came across this unusual face. Sure you can see other faces near it, but this one face is larger and better detail.
Professor Michio Kaku says that there are three types of alien civilizations, humans not even rating on the scale we are so primitive in our technology. However a type 2 civilization would have harnessed the power of sun. So this alien civilization is at least a type two but maybe a type 3.
Why put the face on the sun...perhaps a great person in their society passed away and they want to show their appreciation and respect to that person. Or perhaps its to commemorate the birthday of a great individual within the civilization. SCW 2 photos below
Date of discovery: Unknown
Location of discovery: Village of Oak Creek, Arizona, USA
Coordinates to face: 34°48'32.92”N 111°44'37.77"W
Date of discovery: April 13, 2014
Location of discovery: Mars
Photo source: http://mars.jpl.nasa.gov/msl/multimedia/raw/?rawid=0597ML0025180030301190E01_DXXX&s=597
Date of discovery: March 15, 2014
Location of discovery: De Forest Crater, Moon
Area of Moon: South Polar region
Coordinates: 77.3°S 162.1°W
Moon URL: http://wms.lroc.asu.edu/apollo/
Cabius Base Photo (Ames):http://www.nasa.gov/centers/ames/images/content/393894main_ACD09-0220-089_full.jpg
II found this face in a crater and it looks like its has on a crown. I have found many faces inside of craters. This one stand above the ground. It means there is an alien city underground not far away. SCW
Date of sighting: Nov 29, 2014
Location of sighting: Mars
Photo URL: http://www.gigapan.com/gigapans/157503
Hey, check out this layered apple like face on Mars. Layered from 3D printed material. I don't believe these things we have been finding are carved. They all have a layered appearance as if they were 3D printed with nano circuitry inside. Looks a lot like what you might see in the Planet of the Apes movie, doesn't it? I have found many chimpanzee looking monkey faces, this one looks very different from the others. Probably a different species. Photo below. SCW
Date of discovery: December 5, 2014
Location of discovery: Mars
Coordinates: 44°22'16.95"S 100° 3'31.39"W
Was checking out Google Mars...a free program to download and use, when I found this face. I have never reported on it before and it looks really big. Its hidden inside a crater and has a lot of similarities to the ancient China statues from thousands of years ago.
Date of discovery: December 11, 2014
Location of discovery: Mars
Source photo: http://www.gigapan.com/gigapans/157774
While looking for anomalies in Mars photos I found two extraordinary things. First was a face that resembles that of a lion. Second was a living creature that resembles a slug or worm, but may be a plant. Photos below.
Date of discovery: December 12, 2014
Location of discovery: Mars
Source Photo: http://www.gigapan.com/gigapans/157372
Lets try to get ahead today shall we? Uh...sorry, it's Saturday here in Taiwan and I was looking through some Mars photos when I noticed this big head in the middle of the photo. The eye was evident, but looks as if it were closed. The nose and mouth are easy to make out. The lower jaw is very small and looks like it has very little strength in it. The back area of the skull has some interesting protruding cheek bone ridges which really make this species kind of cool looking. Remember this photo is HD, so check it out. Lots of things to yet to find. SCW -photos below-
Date of discovery: December 2014
Location of discovery: Mars
NASA source photo 1: http://mars.nasa.gov/mer/gallery/all/2/m/1452/2M255267229EFFAX16P2956M2M1.HTML
NASA source photo 2: http://photojournal.jpl.nasa.gov/catalog/PIA06287
NASA source photo 3: http://mars.nasa.gov/mer/gallery/all/2/m/1434/2M253668328EFFAX05P2936M2M1.HTML
Chance of being a real coin: 90%
Now this is interesting. Paranormal Crucible of Youtube has reported finding some coin like objects on Mars. I have to admit, one of these photos is very convincing. It may be a coin, medallion or broach. The object does have a face on it, however it is not a single face...it's a double face. There are two faces of two species on the front. One species looks semi human on the right side. The left face looks nothing like a human, but I have seen it before. The most significant discovery here is the fact that these two species put their historical figures on this coin together as a symbol of their bond of friendship. SCW
Date of discovery: November 24, 2014
Location of discovery: Mars
Source Photo: http://ida.wr.usgs.gov/fullres/complete/ab1013/ab101303.jpg
This is one of the photos from the Mars Global Surveyor mission. Not only does it show an alien base, but there is also a face of the species that built the base near it. I found this last night while scouring the archives. The base is probably able to lift off of the planets surface. I say this due to its compact shape, however it must have been there a very long time for them to have created a face near it. The face itself actually has a line from below the nose to the top of the lower lip, much like a cat or lion. Russians have recorded sounds and radar images of a cat like species a few years ago. I will put the video below for you to see the actual Russian recording from the flight tower (May 2010) SCW photo below.
Date of discovery: Nov 2014
Location of discovery: Mars
Source: http://www.gigapan.com/gigapans/164628/snapshots/418105
Its hard to believe, but faces are the main signs of life people are currently finding on Mars. This face is a bit eerie in the fact that its white...which is a totally different color than the surroundings. This white face looks to be made of the same material I showed you last week of a white wall made below some stones. Also a angry bear face. photos below.
Date of discovery: November 9, 2014
Location of discovery: Mars
Description: MSL 778 MAST 100
Photo Source: http://www.gigapan.com/gigapans/164557
Photos below.
Date of discovery: November 2014
Location of discovery: Mars
Coordinates: 79°24'28.73"S 6°34'44.17"W
Method used: Google Mars (free program)
This smiley face was discovered by Youtube user TheCalifornian. I have seen this one before, and I have to say I am baffled at what these are made from. At one point it almost looks like trees, but in another it looks like ancient walls and building foundations. The smile face shows that at least one species out there has a sense of humor.
Note: Two sources confirm there are at least 56 space faring species in our solar system (Confirmed by Bob Lazar of Area 51 and the Friendship Case in Rocca Pia, Italy). Lets hope we get to meet them first. SCW Photos below.
Date of discovery: November 2014
Location of discovery: Mars
Coordinates: 79°24'28.73"S 6°34'44.17"W
Method used: Google Mars (free program)
This smiley face was discovered by Youtube user TheCalifornian. I have seen this one before, and I have to say I am baffled at what these are made from. At one point it almost looks like trees, but in another it looks like ancient walls and building foundations. The smile face shows that at least one species out there has a sense of humor.
Note: Two sources confirm there are at least 56 space faring species in our solar system (Confirmed by Bob Lazar of Area 51 and the Friendship Case in Rocca Pia, Italy). Lets hope we get to meet them first. SCW Photos below.
Date of discovery: October 26, 2014
Location of discovery: Crater Fram, in the Meridian Planum Region of Mars
NASA Source: http://photojournal.jpl.nasa.gov/catalog/PIA05990
This week I found some interesting anomalies in this Mars photo. The photo shows a close up of the crater Fram. In this photo are many unusual objects, including a walking figure. This figure is upright and we can make out the head, neck shoulders and legs. We can even see the feet, which appear very large in proportion to the figure itself. This figure is very short, just over 1 foot tall if we use the Mars Curiosity Rovers tracks as a measure comparison. There are also several faces that show a lion-like species that once existed or may have come from their cultural mythology. SCW
Date of discovery: December 16, 2014
Location of discovery: Mars (photos below)
NASA Mars photo: http://mars.nasa.gov/mer/gallery/all/1/p/3801/1P465617351ESFCHWNP2596L2M1.JPG
This head was found by a user on Youtube this week. Its difficult to see the details of the face due to the shadows and it being an infrared photo, but we can still make out the two massive eyes, small nose and small mouth. The ridges above the eyes and nose are also evidence for this being real. This is a great example of an alien face. It closely resembles the alien species we call greys. SCW
Date of discovery: Feb 2015
Location of discovery: House Rock, Earths Moon
Google Moon Coordinates: 8°50'33.31"S 15°28'4.58"E
Video of Apollo 16 at Alien Face (House Rock):
I did a little snooping and found a view of House Rock that looks like a massive 2 floor high face, but to top it off...there are two astronauts jumping around and exploring around it. If NASA astronauts found this rock to be special, so special they call it HOUSE ROCK, then this confirms that these are ancient alien structures. Just listen to the astonishment in the astronauts voice at what they find. They are not looking at just rocks here, but ancient alien artifacts.SCW
All faces were confirmed by facial recognition software developed in the Sony Cyber-shot.
Date of discovery: March 2015
Location of sighting: Mars
NASA Source: http://www.msss.com/moc_gallery/m13_m18/full_gif_non_map/M18/M1800558.gif
This UFO was found on Mars by Paranormal Crucible of Youtube. I checked out the original photo at NASA and yes, I can confirm the disk is there and does have a metallic glint to it. I searched the photo and found face after face in the surrounding area. I will highlight the faces with color to make them easier to see. I also used a Sony Cyber-shot to check the photo for faces. The Cyber-shot has facial recognition and put a square box around all the faces that I found. If I see it, and the Sony Cyber-shot camera sees it, then you should be able to see it. You can say the faces are in my imagination, but the camera has no imagination, no bias, no agenda, then why does it see the faces? Because they are real and there! SCW (photos above.)
Date of discovery: March 22, 2015
Location of discovery: Idaeus Fossae, Mars
Coordinates: 35° 0'56.03"N 49°24'2.73"W
This alien face and body was found by Alfredo Viller of Youtube. He is a new up and coming researcher that looks for familiar designs and ancient structures on Mars. He found a fantastic alien full body formation. I went to Google Mars map (free to download) to confirm his finding, and I found that not only is it there, but the best happy face ever found on Mars is just below it! He probably saw it, but not sure. Very cool discoverers by Alfredo Viller of Youtube, go subscribe to his channel. SCW
I found three faces in this Mars photo. The faces are all fragmented. Most of each face has been destroyed, but I am sure you can see it.
Date of discovery: March 28, 2015
Location of discovery: South of Jojutla crater, Mars
Google Mars coordinates: 79°42'46.23"N 167°20'7.02"W
I found two gold faces and another alien structure inside of a crater nearby. There are massive deposits of gold on the surface of Mars in this area. It looks like 20-24k gold sand. Its no wonder why NASA wants to go to Mars, there is a crap load of gold there and other minerals of extreme value. But the frosting on the cake is the alien tech they will find in ancient structures. SCW
Date of discovery: June 2015
Location of discovery: Mars
Photo source: http://hirise-pds.lpl.arizona.edu/PDS/EXTRAS/RDR/PSP/ORB_003100_003199/PSP_003115_1810/PSP_003115_1810_RGB.NOMAP.browse.jpg
This week a UFO researcher who goes by the name of Martian Archeology on Youtube found what looks like to many to be a intelligently made water dam. I have to agree, this does look like it held water and I did find signs of some ancient black structures in the photo a little ways away. Also I found the face of the species that lived in this area of Mars. The face has a beard and mustache and a face similar to humans, but its lost a lot of details over the years. I told you, when you find a face, you are in a once populated area of Mars. SCW
Date of discovery: July 20, 2015
Location of discovery: Mars
Rover: Curiosity
Photo 1: http://mars.jpl.nasa.gov/msl-raw-images/proj/msl/redops/ods/surface/sol/01044/opgs/edr/ncam/NRB_490189184EDR_F0482200NCAM00354M_.JPG
Photo 2: http://mars.jpl.nasa.gov/msl-raw-images/proj/msl/redops/ods/surface/sol/01044/opgs/edr/ncam/NRB_490189151EDR_F0482200NCAM00354M_.JPG
Photo 3: http://mars.jpl.nasa.gov/msl-raw-images/proj/msl/redops/ods/surface/sol/01044/opgs/edr/ncam/NRB_490189090EDR_F0482200NCAM00281M_.JPG
Guys I was looking at one of the two Mars blogs where they upload most the photos taken, and today they uploaded hundreds. In about 8 of them I saw this face near the edge of the hill, but the photos were low quality. Then I came across the same face in higher quality photos and just had to post them here for you to see. I have seen this alien face before and it is human-like with a pointy nose. The alien is wearing a cloak over their head and around their neck. Sure the face is really beaten, but if this was found on Earth, they would say its man made. Just because of its location...many deny the truth. Time to...face the facts. SCW
Date of discovery: July 26, 2015
Location of discovery: Mars
Source photo: http://www.gigapan.com/gigapans/171865
Messing around in Gigapan indexes I found some cool anomalies that really say ancient culture on them. Some of them are faces, which could have bodies buried below the surface.
Some of the faces depict human-like species, others show a feline or cat species, and another WTH face I have never seen before.
NASA put this massive photo into false color (baby poop brown), so you need to hit auto adjust on any photo program to get the normal color. That is all I did to make it stand out. SCW
Date of discovery: July 26, 2015
Location of discovery: Pluto, icy mountain.
Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ydU-YrG_INk
I was watching a new video made with Plutos images and posted by NASA at their official Youtube site and I could not help but notice this face. The face stood out very well and looks almost human. A few things about it seem different. The ear on its right side looks different from ours. Also his neck seems thinner, weaker than our own. Everything else looks similar, his hair, eye, nose, mouth, lips, cheeks, forehead. It must be a very famous person in their culture to get this special treatment. A great ruler, or hero to the people.
You can view the face in the NASA video at 12 seconds until 28 seconds into the video. Best at 28.
And to the aliens who made this face...We know you are out there, watching, wondering. We see you.
Date of discovery: August 2015
Location of discovery: Pluto
NASA photo: http://photojournal.jpl.nasa.gov/jpeg/PIA19710.jpg
Now this is interesting. Mister Engima of Youtube has found the same face me and others found, but he realized the face also had a body on it. I also see by the date that he found his first. Very cool, so many UFOlogists are working in the same areas on the same photos. It really is necessary to find every bit of evidence possible. Awesome find.
Scott C. Waring
Date of sighting: July 15, 2015
Location of sighting: Pluto
NASA Photo: https://www.nasa.gov/press-release/from-mountains-to-moons-multiple-discoveries-from-nasa-s-new-horizons-pluto-mission/
This Face was found by Jason Hunter of Youtube. I went to confirm it and yes, its a real face and there is also another cat-like fact (half) to the right of it. Its hard to see the cat face, so I colored it orange, and the face Jason found I colored green. Excellent discovery, and now we know some of the species that once lived or still live on Pluto. We are learning more from UFOlogists in a three years, than we have in a lifetime with NASA.
Scott C. Waring
Date of discovery: August 2015
Location of discovery: Mars
Source photo: http://mars.jpl.nasa.gov/msl-raw-images/msss/00036/mcam/0036MR0148001000E1_DXXX.jpg
This is an interesting and rare discovery made by MMSPZC of Youtube, and his UFAH group UFO researches.
Date of discovery: September 30, 2012
Location of discovery: Mars
I was looking over Mars photos and came across one in Sol 116A that happened to have not one but multiple faces in it (four or more). These faces look like they were cut from stone and left there long ago. The first face is of a round faced person with very curly hair. And if you look very carefully right above this one and touching it is a bearded face of a species I have never seen before in stone. Then on the far lower right there was another faces…highly unusual with a long hat or crown. Above it is a half face. I took the half face and flipped it over so you could see what the whole face would look like.
I am not just looking for faces…but using these faces to identify the different species of aliens out there. There are many, Bob Lazar a nuclear physicist in Area 51 said that when they were training him one of the papers he had to read told him there were 56 different alien species known to the USAF. Oh have you seen the most amazing of all of them? I found Yoda's face on the moon. He is real, I would bet my life on it. (Click here to view Yoda.) SCW
Source photo: http://pancam.astro.cornell.edu/pancam_instrument/images/False/Sol617A_P2291_1_False_L257_pos_14.jpg
Date of discovery: November 12, 2013
Location of discovery: Mars
Coordinates are: 43°32'56.65" S 147°52'39.10" E
Date of discovery: April 6, 2015
Location of discovery: Mars
Source photo: http://www.gigapan.com/gigapans/170651
I found three faces in this Mars photo. The faces are all fragmented. Most of each face has been destroyed, but I am sure you can see it.
Date of discovery: March 28, 2015
Location of discovery: South of Jojutla crater, Mars
Google Mars coordinates: 79°42'46.23"N 167°20'7.02"W
I found two gold faces and another alien structure inside of a crater nearby. There are massive deposits of gold on the surface of Mars in this area. It looks like 20-24k gold sand. Its no wonder why NASA wants to go to Mars, there is a crap load of gold there and other minerals of extreme value. But the frosting on the cake is the alien tech they will find in ancient structures. SCW
Location of discovery: Mars
Photo source: http://hirise-pds.lpl.arizona.edu/PDS/EXTRAS/RDR/PSP/ORB_003100_003199/PSP_003115_1810/PSP_003115_1810_RGB.NOMAP.browse.jpg
This week a UFO researcher who goes by the name of Martian Archeology on Youtube found what looks like to many to be a intelligently made water dam. I have to agree, this does look like it held water and I did find signs of some ancient black structures in the photo a little ways away. Also I found the face of the species that lived in this area of Mars. The face has a beard and mustache and a face similar to humans, but its lost a lot of details over the years. I told you, when you find a face, you are in a once populated area of Mars. SCW
Date of discovery: June 18, 2015
Location of discovery: Earths Moon
Source NASA photo: http://history.msfc.nasa.gov/saturn_apollo/photos/apollo17_GPN-2000-001148.html
Hey guys, check this out. I found a face in a NASA photo and its 100% new. New meaning no one has ever reported it. However I have seen similar faces on the moon in NASA photos. I added color to it to better see it. I don't even think that the astronauts noticed the face, but I am sure that they were testing the object to see if its a rock or alien tech.
I bet that some species are closely monitoring Earth, and looking for information about themselves to see what we have learned. I also feel that by finding the faces, we prove that humanity is more intelligent than they give us credit for. Also, it teaches us about the different species that humanity may one day meet. Aliens may live forever, but I don't, so I try to find them and learn from their faces, one by one.
Scott C. Waring-Taiwan
Date of discovery: July 20, 2015
Location of discovery: Mars
Rover: Curiosity
Photo 1: http://mars.jpl.nasa.gov/msl-raw-images/proj/msl/redops/ods/surface/sol/01044/opgs/edr/ncam/NRB_490189184EDR_F0482200NCAM00354M_.JPG
Photo 2: http://mars.jpl.nasa.gov/msl-raw-images/proj/msl/redops/ods/surface/sol/01044/opgs/edr/ncam/NRB_490189151EDR_F0482200NCAM00354M_.JPG
Photo 3: http://mars.jpl.nasa.gov/msl-raw-images/proj/msl/redops/ods/surface/sol/01044/opgs/edr/ncam/NRB_490189090EDR_F0482200NCAM00281M_.JPG
Guys I was looking at one of the two Mars blogs where they upload most the photos taken, and today they uploaded hundreds. In about 8 of them I saw this face near the edge of the hill, but the photos were low quality. Then I came across the same face in higher quality photos and just had to post them here for you to see. I have seen this alien face before and it is human-like with a pointy nose. The alien is wearing a cloak over their head and around their neck. Sure the face is really beaten, but if this was found on Earth, they would say its man made. Just because of its location...many deny the truth. Time to...face the facts. SCW
Date of discovery: July 26, 2015
Location of discovery: Mars
Source photo: http://www.gigapan.com/gigapans/171865
Messing around in Gigapan indexes I found some cool anomalies that really say ancient culture on them. Some of them are faces, which could have bodies buried below the surface.
Some of the faces depict human-like species, others show a feline or cat species, and another WTH face I have never seen before.
NASA put this massive photo into false color (baby poop brown), so you need to hit auto adjust on any photo program to get the normal color. That is all I did to make it stand out. SCW
Location of discovery: Pluto, icy mountain.
Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ydU-YrG_INk
I was watching a new video made with Plutos images and posted by NASA at their official Youtube site and I could not help but notice this face. The face stood out very well and looks almost human. A few things about it seem different. The ear on its right side looks different from ours. Also his neck seems thinner, weaker than our own. Everything else looks similar, his hair, eye, nose, mouth, lips, cheeks, forehead. It must be a very famous person in their culture to get this special treatment. A great ruler, or hero to the people.
You can view the face in the NASA video at 12 seconds until 28 seconds into the video. Best at 28.
And to the aliens who made this face...We know you are out there, watching, wondering. We see you.
Date of sighting: August 8, 2015
Location of sighting: Mars
Mars Photo: http://mars.jpl.nasa.gov/msl/images/curiosity-rover-kimberley-mastcam-sandstone-pia19068-full.jpg
I was looking through some old Curiosity Rover photos when I found this really amazing looking face. The face is looking upwards, and toward the right side of the photo. It looks a lot like a sphinx face with the nose broken off. From its cheeks and hair, I would say its female, but thats my guess. Its eyes are Asian, its hair long and straight.
Scott C. Waring
Date of discovery: July 2015
Location of discovery: Mars
Source photo: http://mars.jpl.nasa.gov/msl-raw-images/msss/00125/mcam/0125ML0777006000E1_DXXX.jpg
Date of discovery: Unknown
Location of discovery: Reeks Island, Canada
This face is just one of many large faces around Canada. Often people say it was the ancient indians in the area that made them, but one massive face found is hundreds of meters long and only visible from the sky. This is a beautiful example kept in pristine condition. Ancient aliens, pirates or indians? Its a well known fact, aliens create faces near their bases. SCW
Date of sighting: August 8, 2015
Location of sighting: Mars
Mars Photo: http://mars.jpl.nasa.gov/msl/images/curiosity-rover-kimberley-mastcam-sandstone-pia19068-full.jpg
I was looking through some old Curiosity Rover photos when I found this really amazing looking face. The face is looking upwards, and toward the right side of the photo. It looks a lot like a sphinx face with the nose broken off. From its cheeks and hair, I would say its female, but thats my guess. Its eyes are Asian, its hair long and straight.
Scott C. Waring
Date of discovery: July 2015
Location of discovery: Mars
Source photo: http://mars.jpl.nasa.gov/msl-raw-images/msss/00125/mcam/0125ML0777006000E1_DXXX.jpg
This face on Mar is of an alien species that looks nothing like humans. The first photo was discovered by a Youtube user and the face has features that resemble an insect or reptile. The face in the screenshot below I found myself in the same photo. It is a reptilian face, but different from the above face. These two ancient artifacts all back up one another that this is an archeological site worth diving into, rather than being ignored by the NASA rover.
Above screenshot is a face looking to the right side of the photo with closed eyes.
Date of discovery: Unknown
Location of discovery: Reeks Island, Canada
This face is just one of many large faces around Canada. Often people say it was the ancient indians in the area that made them, but one massive face found is hundreds of meters long and only visible from the sky. This is a beautiful example kept in pristine condition. Ancient aliens, pirates or indians? Its a well known fact, aliens create faces near their bases. SCW
Date of discovery: June 2015
Location of discovery: Mars
Source Mars photo: http://mars.jpl.nasa.gov/msl-raw-images/msss/00978/mcam/0978MR0043250040502821E01_DXXX.jpg
The news was reporting a pyramid on Mars, but I do believe that this was just the pinnacle structure of a much larger building that was buried below the dirt or destroyed. There is also a face near the pyramid and two other not far away. The news didn't report about the faces, so I decided to make my own video to let you know. I hope you find this interesting and please help me by subscribing and liking the video. Thanks everyone, Scott C. Waring
Date of discovery: June 2015
Location of discovery: Ceres
NASA photo: http://photojournal.jpl.nasa.gov/catalog/PIA19323
This is on Ceres and I came across a face. This face is important, because it tells us what the species looked like that claims ownership of Ceres. There is no telling if the species is still there, but its 100% chance they were there hundreds of thousands or even millions of years ago. SCW
Date of discovery: May 17, 2015
Location of discovery: Mars
Source photo: http://www.gigapan.com/gigapans/172607
Gigapan index is an amazing library of Mars photos close up in HD. You really have to check it out sometime. I found several faces and one of them is very interesting in the fact that it looks like an ancient god statues in Siem Reap, Cambodia. The hat on the face is very similar to the Cambodia hat. The eyes are Asian, the cheeks are protruding as if in anger. The mouth and nose area is broken, but we can still confirm that this was the face of a stone wall carving long ago. SCW
Date of discovery: August 15, 2015
Location of discovery: Rossetta Comet
Rosetta is an interesting comment isn't it? Its shaped like a reptilian face thats been beaten and torn apart slowly as its travel through space for the last few million years. Yet, most of the face still exists.
In this new image I found three really extraordinary things. First was a hovering UFO. This UFO has a shadow that matches its shape below it on the ground, so we know its off the ground. Also its shape is tubular. Not far away is another small face of the same species as the one that the comet was also designed to look like.
Dawn was sent to Rosetta for one reason, to answer the alien message being sent from it. Scientists have heard it singing an alien message for over 20 years, and only just this year told the public about it.
Scott C. Waring
Date of discovery: September 1, 2015
Location of discovery: Mars
Source photo: http://pds-imaging.jpl.nasa.gov/data/msl/MSLMST_0003/EXTRAS/RDR/SURFACE/FULL/0184/0184MR0009250760202138E01_DRCL.JPG
I went to check out this photo and I found the mother load. I found faces all over the freaking place. This is unusual. I mean, usually you never see them so close to one another. The faces are all right side up, which means they were constructed in the same place they are now. These faces are small. The Klingon face which is the largest in this photo is about 2.5 meters high. The other closer faces are about 1 foot across. Intelligent beings on Earth make most statues outside in the open, so that they are same or 20% bigger that life size. So, this is more evidence that some of these species are tiny little guys.
There is one face that looks like a Klingon type of face, but of course is not a fictional species, but a real species.
A part of me thinks that since I did find a grave maker, that these faces are of the victims that died in this spot. That they made the faces after they found the bodies in the same location. The faces are at the exact same place the person died. Probably made by AI drones programed to pay a final respect to the deceased. A way not to be forgotten for awhile.
Man I feel sad now. I mean do disrespect to the dead, but at least, they will be remembered.
Scott C. Waring
Date of discovery: Sept 1, 2015
Location of discovery: Mars
Source photo: http://mars.jpl.nasa.gov/msl-raw-images/msss/01087/mcam/1087MR0047770350600427E01_DXXX.jpg
With the thousands of faces found on Mars, its interesting that people can still deny the truth. Perhaps they only see one post here and do not visit to see the others every few days.
Scott C. Waring
Date of discovery: August 30, 2015
Location of discovery: Mars
Source photo: http://mars.nasa.gov/mer/gallery/press/spirit/20060911b/seminole_iff_cypsu_L2_brt_byte-A943R1.jpg
Date of discovery: August 27, 2015
Location of discovery: Mars
Mars photo: http://www.gigapan.com/gigapans/177985
Photo ID: MSL 1080 M-100
While looking over some Mars photos, I found a few faces. Most of them do not resemble us, but the best quality ones do. There is a woman with long curly hair (above) that does resemble humans. There is also a youthful looking childs face (below). The woman face is very similar to the Obama face I found a while back. I hope you find it as interesting as I did.
Scott C. Waring
Date of discovery: August 27, 2015
Location of discovery: Ophir Chasma, Mars
Source photo: http://www.isro.gov.in/pslv-c25-mars-orbiter-mission/3d-portrayals-of-ophir-chasma-terrain
Was reading in the news that India Mars orbiter had taken some fantastic photos and they were sharing some with the news. I had to dive in head first on this one. I was looking for structures and faces, but what I found was a combination of both. This structure is actually in the shape of an alien shoulders, neck, cranium and face, but the eerie part is that the head is split wide open, and there are structures inside this head. There is also another face inside the head, but it was to dark with the shadows to bother trying to point it out. I added yellow to outline the outer body, pink being the inside of the skull. A city inside a head shaped structure. This is proof that sometimes aliens can be artistic, bizarre, and eerie.
Scott C. Waring
Can you see the face behind the pyramid?
Date of discovery: June 2015
Location of discovery: Mars
Source Mars photo: http://mars.jpl.nasa.gov/msl-raw-images/msss/00978/mcam/0978MR0043250040502821E01_DXXX.jpg
The news was reporting a pyramid on Mars, but I do believe that this was just the pinnacle structure of a much larger building that was buried below the dirt or destroyed. There is also a face near the pyramid and two other not far away. The news didn't report about the faces, so I decided to make my own video to let you know. I hope you find this interesting and please help me by subscribing and liking the video. Thanks everyone, Scott C. Waring
Date of discovery: June 2015
Location of discovery: Ceres
NASA photo: http://photojournal.jpl.nasa.gov/catalog/PIA19323
This is on Ceres and I came across a face. This face is important, because it tells us what the species looked like that claims ownership of Ceres. There is no telling if the species is still there, but its 100% chance they were there hundreds of thousands or even millions of years ago. SCW
Date of discovery: May 17, 2015
Location of discovery: Mars
Source photo: http://www.gigapan.com/gigapans/172607
Gigapan index is an amazing library of Mars photos close up in HD. You really have to check it out sometime. I found several faces and one of them is very interesting in the fact that it looks like an ancient god statues in Siem Reap, Cambodia. The hat on the face is very similar to the Cambodia hat. The eyes are Asian, the cheeks are protruding as if in anger. The mouth and nose area is broken, but we can still confirm that this was the face of a stone wall carving long ago. SCW
Two faces in this photo above and below, one I colored for you, and another I will let you find.
Date of sighting: Aug 9, 2015
Location of sighting: Mars
Google Mars Coordinates: 5°56'09.76"S 70°22'00.21"
This was sent in to me by a reader. He found this on Mars using Google Mars Map, which is a free download. The face really stands out. I see others near it, but this one is very pronounced. The person has a very large nose, and ears. The person looks old and their hat shows their royal or political status. It was discovered by Marcelo Irazusta, who lives in Mar del Plata, Argentina.
Why is this more important than anything I posted today? I made this site to learn about aliens, and the best way to learn about them, it by looking at them. For millions of years they have made these faces of important cultural figures. I am just trying to identify as many as possible in hope of getting some idea about what they look like, and how many species are near Earth. Excellent discovery Marcelo.
Scott C. Waring
Date of discovery: August 15, 2015
Location of discovery: Rossetta Comet
Rosetta is an interesting comment isn't it? Its shaped like a reptilian face thats been beaten and torn apart slowly as its travel through space for the last few million years. Yet, most of the face still exists.
In this new image I found three really extraordinary things. First was a hovering UFO. This UFO has a shadow that matches its shape below it on the ground, so we know its off the ground. Also its shape is tubular. Not far away is another small face of the same species as the one that the comet was also designed to look like.
Dawn was sent to Rosetta for one reason, to answer the alien message being sent from it. Scientists have heard it singing an alien message for over 20 years, and only just this year told the public about it.
Scott C. Waring
Date of discovery: September 1, 2015
Location of discovery: Mars
Source photo: http://pds-imaging.jpl.nasa.gov/data/msl/MSLMST_0003/EXTRAS/RDR/SURFACE/FULL/0184/0184MR0009250760202138E01_DRCL.JPG
I went to check out this photo and I found the mother load. I found faces all over the freaking place. This is unusual. I mean, usually you never see them so close to one another. The faces are all right side up, which means they were constructed in the same place they are now. These faces are small. The Klingon face which is the largest in this photo is about 2.5 meters high. The other closer faces are about 1 foot across. Intelligent beings on Earth make most statues outside in the open, so that they are same or 20% bigger that life size. So, this is more evidence that some of these species are tiny little guys.
There is one face that looks like a Klingon type of face, but of course is not a fictional species, but a real species.
A part of me thinks that since I did find a grave maker, that these faces are of the victims that died in this spot. That they made the faces after they found the bodies in the same location. The faces are at the exact same place the person died. Probably made by AI drones programed to pay a final respect to the deceased. A way not to be forgotten for awhile.
Man I feel sad now. I mean do disrespect to the dead, but at least, they will be remembered.
Scott C. Waring
Date of discovery: Sept 1, 2015
Location of discovery: Mars
Source photo: http://mars.jpl.nasa.gov/msl-raw-images/msss/01087/mcam/1087MR0047770350600427E01_DXXX.jpg
With the thousands of faces found on Mars, its interesting that people can still deny the truth. Perhaps they only see one post here and do not visit to see the others every few days.
Scott C. Waring
Date of discovery: August 30, 2015
Location of discovery: Mars
Source photo: http://mars.nasa.gov/mer/gallery/press/spirit/20060911b/seminole_iff_cypsu_L2_brt_byte-A943R1.jpg
Check ou the head in the photo above that is looking upwards and has a big ear like a fish fin. Very cool. Also the reptile lizard head below.
Date of discovery: August 27, 2015
Location of discovery: Mars
Mars photo: http://www.gigapan.com/gigapans/177985
Photo ID: MSL 1080 M-100
While looking over some Mars photos, I found a few faces. Most of them do not resemble us, but the best quality ones do. There is a woman with long curly hair (above) that does resemble humans. There is also a youthful looking childs face (below). The woman face is very similar to the Obama face I found a while back. I hope you find it as interesting as I did.
Scott C. Waring
Location of discovery: Ophir Chasma, Mars
Source photo: http://www.isro.gov.in/pslv-c25-mars-orbiter-mission/3d-portrayals-of-ophir-chasma-terrain
Was reading in the news that India Mars orbiter had taken some fantastic photos and they were sharing some with the news. I had to dive in head first on this one. I was looking for structures and faces, but what I found was a combination of both. This structure is actually in the shape of an alien shoulders, neck, cranium and face, but the eerie part is that the head is split wide open, and there are structures inside this head. There is also another face inside the head, but it was to dark with the shadows to bother trying to point it out. I added yellow to outline the outer body, pink being the inside of the skull. A city inside a head shaped structure. This is proof that sometimes aliens can be artistic, bizarre, and eerie.
Scott C. Waring
Date of discovery: August 2015
Location of discovery: Pluto
NASA photo: http://photojournal.jpl.nasa.gov/jpeg/PIA19710.jpg
Now this is interesting. Mister Engima of Youtube has found the same face me and others found, but he realized the face also had a body on it. I also see by the date that he found his first. Very cool, so many UFOlogists are working in the same areas on the same photos. It really is necessary to find every bit of evidence possible. Awesome find.
Scott C. Waring
Date of sighting: July 15, 2015
Location of sighting: Pluto
NASA Photo: https://www.nasa.gov/press-release/from-mountains-to-moons-multiple-discoveries-from-nasa-s-new-horizons-pluto-mission/
This Face was found by Jason Hunter of Youtube. I went to confirm it and yes, its a real face and there is also another cat-like fact (half) to the right of it. Its hard to see the cat face, so I colored it orange, and the face Jason found I colored green. Excellent discovery, and now we know some of the species that once lived or still live on Pluto. We are learning more from UFOlogists in a three years, than we have in a lifetime with NASA.
Scott C. Waring
Date of discovery: August 2015
Location of discovery: Mars
Source photo: http://mars.jpl.nasa.gov/msl-raw-images/msss/00036/mcam/0036MR0148001000E1_DXXX.jpg
This is an interesting and rare discovery made by MMSPZC of Youtube, and his UFAH group UFO researches.
Location of discovery: Mars
I was looking over Mars photos and came across one in Sol 116A that happened to have not one but multiple faces in it (four or more). These faces look like they were cut from stone and left there long ago. The first face is of a round faced person with very curly hair. And if you look very carefully right above this one and touching it is a bearded face of a species I have never seen before in stone. Then on the far lower right there was another faces…highly unusual with a long hat or crown. Above it is a half face. I took the half face and flipped it over so you could see what the whole face would look like.
I am not just looking for faces…but using these faces to identify the different species of aliens out there. There are many, Bob Lazar a nuclear physicist in Area 51 said that when they were training him one of the papers he had to read told him there were 56 different alien species known to the USAF. Oh have you seen the most amazing of all of them? I found Yoda's face on the moon. He is real, I would bet my life on it. (Click here to view Yoda.) SCW
Source photo: http://pancam.astro.cornell.edu/pancam_instrument/images/False/Sol617A_P2291_1_False_L257_pos_14.jpg
Location of discovery: Mars
I found this face today and I loved the detail of its braided or curly hair making the face stand out more. The face looks to be more worn than the hair, probably due to being made of different minerals.
It's important to look for faces on the planets and moons in our solar system so that we can educate ourselves on the alien species that we share this system with. Don't you want to know what they look like? Don't you want to meet them? I sure as hell do, and this is how I learn about them. Through NASA photos which cannot be contested. SCW
Date of discovery: March 12, 2014
Location of discovery: Earths Moon
NASA Photo: http://wms.lroc.asu.edu/apollo/view?image_name=AS17-M-2455
Hey everyone, My name is Scott C. Waring of UFO Sightings Daily and I found this really cool looking face that looks a little like the side view of Jesus. I colored the hair, beard, skin in the photo so you can see it better. What do you think? Did Jesus come from an alien and try to instil his values and morals on humanity? SCW
Date of discovery: November 26, 2014
Location of discovery: Mars
Source Mars photo: http://www.gigapan.com/gigapans/115098
Chance of being a real sculpture head: 98%
I found this face and posted it, a few days later it went viral, because they said it looks like President Obama.
Searching for structures on Mars I found this head. From the way its standing up I would say that it is a full statue, but is buried from the shoulders down. Its standing perfectly upright. It looks humanoid, but hard to tell with a sculpture. Most people are calling these rocks carvings, but I highly doubt that this is mere rock, but instead is probably a 3D printed substance with tech printed inside. Sure we see scatterings of rocks, but it may just be the remains of an alien civilization that was hit hard by a competing alien race. Sure hope humanity never discovers such weapons. SCW
Photos description states:
This is the Spirit Pancam "Everest" panorama, acquired on sols 620 to 622 (October 1 to 3, 2005) from a position in the Columbia Hills at the true summit of Husband Hill. The summit region is a broad plateau about 100 meters (300 feet) above the surrounding plains of Gusev crater, consisting mostly of outcrop rocks and windblown drifts. The distant view in the center of this mosaic is looking from the summit into the South Basin, the region where Spirit will be driving down into and exploring over the coming months.
Date of discovery: February 2016
Location of discovery: Earths Moon
Source photo: https://planetary.s3.amazonaws.com/data/change3/pcam/png/PCAMR-C-014_SCI_N_20140112132507_0007_A_2C.png
China has recently released a few photos from their Chang'e 3 rover giving us some new color views of the moon. I searched for less than three minutes and found this one with a large face engraved on a nearby stone. The face looks human and has a hat or hair. There are other faces I see on that same rock, but only this one seems to stand out powerfully. Now this is just a few meters from the Chang'e rover, the quality is good, and the photo is a 7MB size.
Scott C. Waring
Location of discovery: Mars
Source Mars photo: http://www.gigapan.com/gigapans/115098
Chance of being a real sculpture head: 98%
I found this face and posted it, a few days later it went viral, because they said it looks like President Obama.
Searching for structures on Mars I found this head. From the way its standing up I would say that it is a full statue, but is buried from the shoulders down. Its standing perfectly upright. It looks humanoid, but hard to tell with a sculpture. Most people are calling these rocks carvings, but I highly doubt that this is mere rock, but instead is probably a 3D printed substance with tech printed inside. Sure we see scatterings of rocks, but it may just be the remains of an alien civilization that was hit hard by a competing alien race. Sure hope humanity never discovers such weapons. SCW
Photos description states:
This is the Spirit Pancam "Everest" panorama, acquired on sols 620 to 622 (October 1 to 3, 2005) from a position in the Columbia Hills at the true summit of Husband Hill. The summit region is a broad plateau about 100 meters (300 feet) above the surrounding plains of Gusev crater, consisting mostly of outcrop rocks and windblown drifts. The distant view in the center of this mosaic is looking from the summit into the South Basin, the region where Spirit will be driving down into and exploring over the coming months.
Date of discovery: February 2016
Location of discovery: Earths Moon
Source photo: https://planetary.s3.amazonaws.com/data/change3/pcam/png/PCAMR-C-014_SCI_N_20140112132507_0007_A_2C.png
China has recently released a few photos from their Chang'e 3 rover giving us some new color views of the moon. I searched for less than three minutes and found this one with a large face engraved on a nearby stone. The face looks human and has a hat or hair. There are other faces I see on that same rock, but only this one seems to stand out powerfully. Now this is just a few meters from the Chang'e rover, the quality is good, and the photo is a 7MB size.
Scott C. Waring
Date of discovery: April 20, 2016
Location of discovery: Mars
Source: http://mars.jpl.nasa.gov/msl-raw-images/msss/01044/mcam/1044MR0045730060204454E01_DXXX.jpg
You gota love this photo. It has a bit of everything for everyone. It has a very large face with a helmet. It has an animal standing on a rock. It has a curly shell with a face on it, and there is a helmet near a frog-rooster statue. Loads of things, and nothing that anyone at NASA expected the public to find. Hows it feel...being smarter than the scientists at NASA? Because such discoveries are proof of it.
Scott C. Waring
Date of discovery: April 2016
Location of discovery: Mars
Google Mars Coordinates: 10°12'53.08"N 157° 9'51.54"E
These are some great faces along a ridge in Mars. An Argentine researcher Marcelo Iranzusta sent this into me and its just mind blowing. The first face is looking left, the second smaller face is looking right.
Why are faces important? They tell us what that particular species looks like. These two have similar facial features to humans...a nose, chin, two eyes, forehead, two nostrils, mouth under nose...protruding eyebrow ridge. What more could you ask for?
Scott C. Waring
Date of discovery: April 20, 2016
Location of discovery: Mars, SOL 1317
Source photo: http://mars.jpl.nasa.gov/msl-raw-images/proj/msl/redops/ods/surface/sol/01317/opgs/edr/ncam/NLB_514419964EDR_F0540746NCAM00350M_.JPG
Here is a face, and its actually quite remarkable in its simplicity. Its smirking. Its got a smug, irritated look on its face, unlike most faces found on Mars. Its different that way. Just below it is another face that looks normal. Sure they are both crude...but they are still obvious. Have you ever looked at a Picasso or Andy Warhol and say...I could do better than that? Sure you have. Well, this is like that, just on a different planet, by a different species.
Scott C. Waring
Date of discovery: April 20, 2016
Location of discovery: Mars
Source: http://mars.jpl.nasa.gov/msl-raw-images/msss/01044/mcam/1044MR0045730060204454E01_DXXX.jpg
You gota love this photo. It has a bit of everything for everyone. It has a very large face with a helmet. It has an animal standing on a rock. It has a curly shell with a face on it, and there is a helmet near a frog-rooster statue. Loads of things, and nothing that anyone at NASA expected the public to find. Hows it feel...being smarter than the scientists at NASA? Because such discoveries are proof of it.
Scott C. Waring
Date of discovery: June 2016
Location of discovery: Mars, Sol 693
NASA Source URL: http://areo.info/mer/spirit/693/tn/2P187884425EFFAK00P2418L5M1_L2L5L5L7L7.jpg.html
I found these two giant faces on Mars this week. One is whole and undamaged showing a great side profile, while the other is only visible from the upper lip on up. This is 100% evidence that intelligent life once existed on Mars and its been delivered to us directly from the NASA archives. Something that they never thought in a million years that the public would look over.
I just love evidence that has a NASA source, don't you? Because it is evidence coming directly from the US governments and directly from a non biases, non living object...the rover. Sure NASA calls themselves a institution held by the gov and the public, but why is it...the public calls this a lie? Has your neighbor, teacher or Facebook friend been invited to drive the Mars rover this weekend or any weekend for that matter? Hell no! Its government run. I challenge NASA to let me and 3 UFO researchers of my choice run the rover for a month, but thats not allowed...the public working at NASA.
Scott C. Waring
Location of discovery: Mars
Source: http://mars.jpl.nasa.gov/msl-raw-images/msss/01044/mcam/1044MR0045730060204454E01_DXXX.jpg
You gota love this photo. It has a bit of everything for everyone. It has a very large face with a helmet. It has an animal standing on a rock. It has a curly shell with a face on it, and there is a helmet near a frog-rooster statue. Loads of things, and nothing that anyone at NASA expected the public to find. Hows it feel...being smarter than the scientists at NASA? Because such discoveries are proof of it.
Scott C. Waring
Date of discovery: April 2016
Location of discovery: Mars
Google Mars Coordinates: 10°12'53.08"N 157° 9'51.54"E
These are some great faces along a ridge in Mars. An Argentine researcher Marcelo Iranzusta sent this into me and its just mind blowing. The first face is looking left, the second smaller face is looking right.
Why are faces important? They tell us what that particular species looks like. These two have similar facial features to humans...a nose, chin, two eyes, forehead, two nostrils, mouth under nose...protruding eyebrow ridge. What more could you ask for?
Scott C. Waring
Date of discovery: April 20, 2016
Location of discovery: Mars, SOL 1317
Source photo: http://mars.jpl.nasa.gov/msl-raw-images/proj/msl/redops/ods/surface/sol/01317/opgs/edr/ncam/NLB_514419964EDR_F0540746NCAM00350M_.JPG
Here is a face, and its actually quite remarkable in its simplicity. Its smirking. Its got a smug, irritated look on its face, unlike most faces found on Mars. Its different that way. Just below it is another face that looks normal. Sure they are both crude...but they are still obvious. Have you ever looked at a Picasso or Andy Warhol and say...I could do better than that? Sure you have. Well, this is like that, just on a different planet, by a different species.
Scott C. Waring
Location of discovery: Mars
Source: http://mars.jpl.nasa.gov/msl-raw-images/msss/01044/mcam/1044MR0045730060204454E01_DXXX.jpg
You gota love this photo. It has a bit of everything for everyone. It has a very large face with a helmet. It has an animal standing on a rock. It has a curly shell with a face on it, and there is a helmet near a frog-rooster statue. Loads of things, and nothing that anyone at NASA expected the public to find. Hows it feel...being smarter than the scientists at NASA? Because such discoveries are proof of it.
Scott C. Waring
Date of discovery: April 26, 2016
Location of discovery: Mars
Source photo: http://areo.info/mer/spirit/615/tn/2P180961230ESFAENLP2591L5M1_L4L5L5L5L6.jpg.html
Oh...and I found a head, always important to get a head in life...so, here you go. It looks mostly human, almost Mayan in appearance.
Scott C. Waring
Date of discovery: June 2016
Location of discovery: Mars, Sol 693
NASA Source URL: http://areo.info/mer/spirit/693/tn/2P187884425EFFAK00P2418L5M1_L2L5L5L7L7.jpg.html
I found these two giant faces on Mars this week. One is whole and undamaged showing a great side profile, while the other is only visible from the upper lip on up. This is 100% evidence that intelligent life once existed on Mars and its been delivered to us directly from the NASA archives. Something that they never thought in a million years that the public would look over.
I just love evidence that has a NASA source, don't you? Because it is evidence coming directly from the US governments and directly from a non biases, non living object...the rover. Sure NASA calls themselves a institution held by the gov and the public, but why is it...the public calls this a lie? Has your neighbor, teacher or Facebook friend been invited to drive the Mars rover this weekend or any weekend for that matter? Hell no! Its government run. I challenge NASA to let me and 3 UFO researchers of my choice run the rover for a month, but thats not allowed...the public working at NASA.
Scott C. Waring
Notice not just the face, but that NASA deliberately blurred the upper right part of this above screenshot.
Date of discovery: June 11, 2016
Location of discover: Mars, SOL 432
Source photo: http://areo.info/mer/spirit/432/2P164712660EDNA8C5P2275L5M1_L4L5L5L5L6.jpg
I found this grinning face that seems to still contain some of its character. Its laying on its right side and had it been found by any archeologists on Earth, they would have declared that they have found a beautifully carved sculpture, a treasure that would be proof of an ancient city in this location. Instead I fear that that will never happen. But I know in my heart that these faces were created by an ancient race of intelligent beings. I also know that many of you out there feel the same way. So, this is not for the world, but only for each of you, the readers of UFO Sightings Daily, because its you that inspires me to go on with this everyday. To keep searching, to keep trying to move forward. We make a good team, you and I.
Scott C. Waring
Date of discover: June 19, 2016
Location of discovery: Mars, Sol 771
Source NASA photo: http://areo.info/mer/spirit/771/tn/2P194808210ESFAPBCP2593L5M1_L2L5L5L6L6.jpg.html
I found this interesting face that resembles a that of an ancient monster from greek mythology...Medusa. This face has wavy snakelike hair.
The face is placed at the top of the rock and upright in the correct position...so it must have been this way before the mass extinction that took place on Mars. You may have to look at it for a minute to let your eyes adjust to light and dark areas, but you will soon see it.
I also found some other unusual shapes that resemble sculpture, including something very intriguing...something that resembles an angry rabbit, but with a mouth like a salmon.
Well, maybe if I was born on Mars I could tell you exactly what the hell these are and who the hell made them, but I am of Earth...a normal guy, who only studies this area. I know you have the burning question in your mind just as I do. But answers only create more questions...not less. With less answers...we ask less questions, which means less new and unusual info...which means less fear of the unknown in our minds. Maybe thats better.
Scott C. Waring
Date of discovery: July 29, 2016
Location of discovery: Mars Sol 2010, opportunity rover
Source photo: http://areo.info/mer/opportunity/2010/tn/1P306622571EFFA600P2410L5M1_L2L5L5L7L7.jpg.html
I found this face on Mars in a rover photo. The face looks like a dwarf face that is often in story books. The face is sitting up right, which means it did not break off a statue and fall here, but was made in this location. Its easy to make out the two eyes, eyebrows, round bulbous nose, thick lips and long chin. It also has curly hair around its ear area and upper forehead.
Its been long believed that Mars once had life on it, the evidence that UFO researchers have found has already confirmed this many years ago.
Scott C. Waring
Date of sighting: November 8, 2016
Location of sighting:
Source NASA photo: http://mars.jpl.nasa.gov/msl-raw-images/proj/msl/redops/ods/surface/sol/01512/opgs/edr/ncam/NRB_531734905EDR_F0591596NCAM00653M_.JPG
Source NASA photo 2: http://mars.jpl.nasa.gov/msl-raw-images/proj/msl/redops/ods/surface/sol/01512/opgs/edr/ncam/NLB_531734873EDR_F0591596NCAM00653M_.JPG
Source NASA photo 3: http://mars.jpl.nasa.gov/msl-raw-images/proj/msl/redops/ods/surface/sol/01513/opgs/edr/ncam/NLB_531805412EDR_F0591596CCAM15903M_.JPG
I was looking at the NASA Curiosity Rover photos and found this face in one last night. Then this morning, I found two more of the same face. When you have one photo its nice, but when you have three, its 100% proof of something.
This face is the side view of a intelligent species. How do we know its intelligent? It made this artwork or structure, so it has a high intelligence.
Its eye really stands out thanks to the large eyebrows and forehead. The nose is long, but closer to the face. The checks are not fat, but seem muscular. The mouth has a smile on it...a grimace. The chin is strong and powerful.
The only evidence of life better than this is if we see an alien walking past the Mars rover...oops, yeah that happened twice before actually.
Scott C. Waring-Taiwan
Click here to see life walk past the Mars rover.
Date of discovery: May 10, 2017
Location of discovery: Mars, Sol 2519
Source photo: http://areo.info/mer/opportunity/2519/tn/1P351810711EFFB1E2P2586L5M1_L2L5L5L7L7.jpg.html
I found this really cool face on mars with a long hat or crown on it as you see in the photos below.