
UFOs Seen Streaking Across Oregon and Washington State, 3-25-2021, Video, UFO Sighting News.


Date of sighting: 3-25-2021
Location of sighting: Oregon, Washington, USA

Watch this video below and you will see some mysterious glowing objects streaking across the sky. Now the us agencies are trying to spread disinformation by falsely telling the public that this is SpaceX debris falling. I know for a fact that Elon Musk would not allow such debris to fall over America. He instead would aim it at the ocean area  where it can crash to earth safely. Elon thinks ahead, he plans ahead and would never ever allow SpaceX parts to crash over American soil, or any land for that matter. So, this is not SpaceX, what is it? Easy...a fleet of UFOs trying to look like meteors...but meteors fall, these are following each other and not falling but moving in a straight line. These are UFOs! 
Scott C. Waring - Taiwan