
UFO Near Moon, Plane Investigates, Colorado, 4-30-2023 UFO Sighting News. Video.


Date of sighting: April 30, 2023
Location of sighting: Colorado, USA
Source: MUFON

This is a recently sent in UFO video, even though it was taken last April. A glowing white object is seen near the moon and a minute later a jet is flying towards it at the end of the video. You can hear the eyewitness notice the plane coming to investigate the UFO. This UFO wanted to be seen. It must have noticed the person looking at the moon and then decided to uncloak. Aliens are slowly trying to drop feed the public information of them so that they can one day reveal themselves to the world all at once. 
Scott C. Waring 

Eyewitness states: Reflective looking object looked distorted around edges a bit. No sound just steadily moved across the sky.