Showing posts with label Akrij. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Akrij. Show all posts


Four Different People Record UFO Over Castle In Germany, Aug 18, 2012, VIDEO.

Date of sighting: August 18, 2012
Location of sighting: Reutlingen, Germany

Look at this amazing video put together using FOUR different views of the same UFO seen over Achalm Castle in Reutlingen. This UFO rotates over the castle as if there is an underground base entrance near it and it may be there to pick up someone or drop them off. Great footage and remember…each video was posted by a different user on Youtube. Then again, since the UFO was not seen coming but was already there, perhaps the UFO came out of an entrance around the castle, transport leaving. If you remember the Friendship (W56) aliens at the castle of Rocca Pia, Italy then you know they too admitted to having a base below the castle. (read more about Rocca Pia here). SCW

Video 1: / 
Video 2: 
Video 3: 
Video 4:


Glowing UFO Over Tucson, Arizona On Aug 2012.

Date of sighting: August  2012
Location of sighting: Tucson, Arizona, USA

This glowing UFO has been seen for years off and on over Tucson, Arizona and now it's back. Tucson has had a load of sightings and if you live in Tucson please let us know in comments below if you have seen anything as of late.

Eyewitness states: I was having a private conversation so some of the audio is muted. This light showed up and started disappearing and reappearing. It didn't register with me until it did it for a second time. 


Three Glowing UFOs Over Stockholm, Sweden On August 12, 2012.

Date of sighting: August 12, 2012
Location of sighting: Stockholm, Sweden

During this sighting we can see not one but three glowing formations in the sky. On looks to be a large triangle or pyramid craft. Note that sunset is the time when you have the greatest chance to record a UFO because even when cloaked, they will become visible for a few seconds to a few minutes because of their cloak is made to bend light around them from a 180 degree angle. However when the sun is setting…the suns light now has to bend 270 degrees which most alien shields cannot do. Thus they reveal themselves during sunset. Also if you want to help, please click the youtube button on the lower right side of the video and click the like button for this guys great video catch. Showing your support helps show that others care. SCW


UFO Investigated By Plane In Switzerland On August 2012.

Date of sighting: August 1, 2012
Location of sighting: Switzerland

Eyewitness states: 
This is not a joke! My wife and I were watching the fireworks on the Swiss National Day in our garden when we saw an UFO. I filmed with a CANON EOS 600D. The craft was approached by a plane and moved away. You can see that in the movie. Also the way it moved can be seen. I put the sequences with the UFO together: Between the cut there were about 3 minutes where the UFO was not seen. It is probably disc or triangular shaped. So my wife told: "When we have the fireworks, they (theUFO people) think they can make a little trip without beeing seen." So this is no fake. I just upload it to be shared. It was filmed between 11pm and 12pm August first, the day where we Swiss celebrate the birth of Switzerland with fireworks. I compleatly forgot to watch the exact time when I filmed it.


Two Large Glowing UFOs Appear Over Florida July 31, 2012, VIDEO.

Date of sighting: July 31, 2012
Location of sighting: South Florida, USA

These are UFOs that aliens are trying to saddlery show themselves without looking like a threat or striking fear into people. What better way that a UFO that glows like a rainbow. Of course NASA being the undependable source of intel that it is states that the "They are technically known as iridescent clouds, a relatively rare phenomenon caused by clouds of water droplets of nearly uniform size." But we all know how NASA lies to the public and how its just another part of the NSA/CIA area of alien investigation. So honestly in my opinion these are two ships of the Akrij or their other name "W56." Meaning the 56 space faring species they represent. 


Butterfly UFO Seen Near ISS on July 27, 2012 Live Cam Feed.

Date of sighting: July 27, 2012
Location of sighting: Earths Orbit near ISS

In this video we see an unusual shaped UFO that almost resembles a butterfly. It is known that aliens have ships that resemble living creatures like the jellyfish shape commonly seen around the world. 

Eyewitness states: "This UFO was filmed on my camcorder on 27/07/2012 from the live feed from NASA. What it is I do not know. I watch the feed all the time and have never seen this craft before. Maybe NASA knows what it is?"