Showing posts with label life. Show all posts
Showing posts with label life. Show all posts


White Tower Found On Mars, Sign Of Life! 3-26-2021, Photos, UFO Sighting News.


Date of discovery: March 26, 2021
Location of discovery: Mars Sol 732
Source photo:

Now here is something you don't hear NASA talking about on Mars. A white tower on Mars stands about two meters tall in the far distant background. The object is so white, that the color doesn't match any of the things around it. This is a huge photo mind you. So being the only white object in the entire thing really makes it stand out. I know that some inexperienced people may try to explain it away by saying its a reflection. Well, thats ridiculous. The rocks near it have no such reflection, nor does anything in this entire huge photo! So...this material has been seen before and reported by me before. Just last week I reported a white fungus triangle on the side of a rock. This is the same living material. I believe it to be the outer casing of a living creatures home. Like hornets make a nest, or termites make tall mounds, this too is such a creature. What ever created it, its small, its alive, and it usually creates these things in the shadows. This one however is out in the open and very big. Two meters almost. So it could be a fungus or it could be a created nest of a small species that has learned to survive the harsh environment of Mars. Life...finds a way. 
Scott C. Waring - Taiwan 


Ancient Structures Found On Mars Fits 8cm Tall Aliens! 2-15-2021, Photos, UFO Sighting News.


Date of discovery: Feb 15, 2021
Location of discovery: Mars, sol

I found an interesting structure on Mars. It has an upper look out tower where they could see anyone coming from far away. It also helps that the building is on the side of a hill. There is also a strange twisted structure not far away. That twisted structure also looks intelligently made and looks like nothing else seen on Mars. A third structure...a monument or monolith is fallen over but you can easily make out the structure and its size. The first structure is only about 1 meter across and the monolith is two or more meters across. The aliens who built these were small in stature, about 5-8cm tall, and yet, they designed the structures so well, that they stood the test of tell us their story.
Scott C. Waring - Taiwan


Creature Found On Mars, 100% Proof Mars Has Life, UFO Sighting News.

Date of discovery: May 22, 2020
Location of discovery: Mars, SOL 1033
Source photo:

Today I found two unique animals on Mars, both seem to be creatures that live in a shell and travel with it. The animals are similar to a snail, but think fist size. Here in Taiwan we have snails that size, so its not impossible at all. Also they may be more crab like in their body...meaning an many land crabs or hermit crabs. 

I and other UFO researchers have discovered time and time again that life exists on Mars, yet every time I confront NASA about anything...they rudely ignore every message I send on Twitter. 

I wish I had control of just one of the Mars rovers for a few months. In that time I could find, record and reveal the truth about Mars. Something NASA is not about to allow. 

Did you know there were seven rovers missions sent to Mars?
The Mars rovers missions of the past decades are: Mars 2, Mars 3, Sojourner, Beagle 2, Spirit, Opportunity, Curiosity.
Scott C. Waring 


Ancient Alien Face On Hillside On Mars, Sol 2334, UFO Sighting News.

Date of discovery: Feb 2020
Location of discovery: Mars, Sol 2334

I was looking at some mars photos when I found this highly detailed face on the hilltop. I actually noticed the huge fallen statue in front of it first, then the face after. The face looks human like, because of the shape of its face and hair. The face has a human like eyebrow ridge, closed eyes, nose, check wrinkles, lips, and mouth. The detail is remarkable. The only visible difference in the face is that the head is more circle shaped rather than oval shaped. I find that detail in most the faces I find. 

These discoveries should not come as a surprise. The universe is full of intelligent life. Each rose and fell in their own time not ours. This face above, is the face of their entire species. Its a clue...its what we have to go on, so lets use the clues we find more often. We will find the answer faster this way.
Scott C. Waring 


Alien Structures Found On Mars In NASA Photo, UFO Sighting News.

Date of discovery: Feb 2020
Location of discovery: Nile Crater, Mars
Source photo:

This is a great video by Youtuber Jean Ward. He found some incredible structures on Mars that is without a doubt absolute proof of an ancient civilization once living on its surface. The structures perfectly balanced on both sides, with some impossible 90 degree curves that would be found on most structures here on Earth. The structures look mostly intact and could probably be a great place for humans to start up a colony. This is amazing! This is 100% proof of an ancient alien race once living on Mars. 
Scott C. Waring - Taiwan 

Amazing Swarms Of Living Creatures Move Past NASA Satellite, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: Jan 17-20, 2020
Location of sighting: Earths sun
Source: NASA/SOHO images

Look at the image above. You see a blued out center...with a white circle...that white circle is how big the sun is and where it is. These objects are not going too or from the sun...but they should since the gravity of the sun is so strong. What this tells me is that these objects are self propelled. They are moving in all directions, but none seem to be coming to or from the sun. That should be impossible, yet there it is. I believe these objects are living creatures moving in swarms past the NASA SOHO sun satellite lens. These swarms of creatures are not rare, rather we see them every week on the viewer if we search carefully enough. NASA of course would not talk or report such things, for fear the public will find out the truth...that we are not alone in the universe...that the universe is teaming with life that we cannot yet imagine. 
Scott C. Waring - Taiwan


Jumping Alien In Mars NASA Photo, 100% Evidence Of Life, UFO Sighting News.

Date of discovery: January 11, 2020
Location of discovery: Mars
Source photo:

I was searching for evidence of life in a gigapan photo of Mars when I came across this object on the side of a hill. The object seems to have three long appendages...maybe legs and arms. There is something similar to a head that is also visible. This could however also be a living plant growing on the side of the hill. Its difficult to make a 100% conclusion of what it is due to the the photo losing some detail at this close distance. Either way, it is 100% proof of live on Mars. 
Scott C. Waring - Taiwan 


Black Heart UFO Seen In 1969 Apollo Photo! UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: May 1969
Location of sighting: Earths orbit
Source 1:
Source 2:

Here is an extraordinary UFO in the shape of a black heart found in an old Apollo photo. The UFO was discovered by Youtuber Terrys Theories, who finds some extraordinary eye popping UFOs. Back in 1969 it was a lot harder for them to edit these UFOs out, compounded with the fact that they probably were not even trained to look for them. Apollo evidence cannot be ignored. 
Scott Waring 

Terrys Theories States: 
I found some strange objects in Apollo 10 photos in what appears to be in a low Earth orbit. The Apollo 10 mission launched on May 18th 1969 it had a three man crew Thomas P. Stafford Commander, John W. Young Command Module Pilot and Eugene A. Cernan. The mission was a dress rehearsal for the Apollo 11 mission to land on the moon.The crew of Apollo 10 had to go through all the procedures and test all the equipment for the upcoming Apollo 11 mission they did everything except for landing on the moon.

Ancient Casket Found On Mars Near Statues, Oct 2019, UFO Sighting News.

Date of discovery: Oct 13, 2019
Location of discovery: Mars
Source Photo:

When looking at a Mars photo I found a long casket similar to what you will find here on Earth. Its a stone casket, much like the larger outer stone boxes for Egyptian golden sarcophagus. Has a top stone that is perfectly cut to match the lower case. The casket itself is about 2 meters across.

There are also a few other discoveries in this photo that are ancient statues with large faces on them. W hy did they make faces like theres? To show pride in their heritage most likely. 
Scott C. Waring-Taiwan 


The Woman Figure On Mars, Also Has A Man And Child Nearby, UFO Sighting News.

Source 1 photo: 
Source 2 photo:

Nine years ago I reported a whole lot of alien artefacts in one photo, including a woman, man and child statues on a hillside. Then NASA deleted one of the photos, but I found a similar, yet darker photo a few years later. 

The statue of a woman has a highly detailed green robe, which you can see the folds within it. She has long hair down to the shoulders  a thiner waste and here arm is also covered with here robe sleeve up to the wrist area, where the color of her hand turns to pinkish. Her figure is undoubtedly that of a human-like female. The man laying down in front of her also has a green outfit on. He has a bald hairless head that is pink. The little child in front of them is less obvious to the untrained eye. He is sitting down, legs forward and arms behind himself. 

This woman on Mars, is literally the Mona Lisa of Mars. She is flawless in every way, and yet even this evidence is not enough to convince some. Its obvious to me that no photo, regardless of how clear or how close the evidence is...will every bring about disclosure. So the real question is....what will?
Scott C. Waring


Asteroid Bennu Close Ups Of Alien Ships And Buildings That NASA Tries To Hide From The Public, NASA Source, March 2019, UFO Sighting News.

Date of discovery: March 19, 2019
Location of discovery: Asteroid Bennu, northern part

Have you ever wondered how NASA chose to explore a certain asteroid in space? Well, they chose according to those closest, slowest and with the most alien tech on it. 

These structure are on Asteroid Bennu and show buildings, towers, pyramids and even some abandoned ships. All of which look a bit beaten up since they have probably been abandoned on this asteroid for millions of years. Nevertheless they still exist and here are the close ups to prove it. 

The asteroid is littered with rocks, however some of those black or silver objects are more interesting than NASA wants you to know.

You are probably wondering is Scott reporting everything in this gif that he has found? No, not at all. I am reporting only what I found in one of 31 photos within that gif. Can you imagine the secrets in the other 30 photos? I'll include the gif at the bottom of this post...slowed down to better see it. 
Scott C. Waring 


Ancient Alien City Discovered On Mars Shows Complex Primitive Culture, Faces, Pyramids, Statues, March 2019, UFO Sighting News.

Date of discovery: March11, 2019
Location of discovery: Mars
Source photo:

When you find one alien artifact on Mars, its thought provoking, but when you find dozens of artifacts in the same becomes indisputable evidence. Well...that happened today. 

At first, I had only found one interesting object in this photo...a white object which could easily be...a living species...of the Mars. I believe the white object is actually a freshly made statue, which means a sparse population of this alien species still live here. 

Then...I let my eyes adjust to the photo and slowly I saw the doorway to the right of the white object. A few seconds later I noticed the pyramid...and then when I thought I had found it all...I noticed the lion face near the doorway. And yet a few seconds later I noticed the second doorway to the left of the white creature. Needless to say...I realized that I had just discovered an ancient city in this location. 

Further out in the photo were a lot of other alien artifacts, proof that aliens existed once on Mars, but they were scattered and often half buried in Mars soil. I'll put a few of the artifacts below. 

This one photo of enough to change the beliefs of most non believers instantly and yet, most of the world will never get to see it. So I ask you, please share this post. Reposting it on any social site or news site you can find. We need to let the public know the truth...that intelligent life once existed on Mars. 
Scott C. Waring


Alien Body Found On Mars In Photo, Dec 13, 2018, UFO Sighting News.

Date of discovery: Dec 13, 2018
Location of discovery: Mars
Source photo:

I found a fossilised body of a animal or intelligent alien creature on the surface of Mars. The body is not complete, but missing its upper arms and head. The back and lower legs are still visible. 

I also found some ancient faces in the photos below. The faces are unusual to say the least but there are there. This area looks like it use to be a structure or something important. There are large and small wall fragments and pillar fragments all over the area. This Mars photo is a very interesting one, but I only wish it was in higher detail. 
Scott C. Waring


Ancient alien statue or fossil found on Mars surface in NASA photos, Dec 2018, Photos, UFO Sighting News.

Date of discovery: December 2018
Location of discovery: Mars
Source photo:

Here is a strange sculpture of an alien face found near the Mars rover. The face at first looks demon like, but in reality is a person wearing a mask. I colored the screenshot above so you can see it more easily. Now if they were an ancient race that lived longer than us, then they will have more than 3 strands of DNA and with every stand of DNA...their body becomes harder to break down in the environment when they die. So...its possible this is a fossil of a face of a species that once lived on Mars and died in battle. 
Scott C. Waring