Showing posts with label CTR. Show all posts
Showing posts with label CTR. Show all posts


Blue Plasma UFO Seen By Scientist During Hunting Trip In Canada, 45 Min Video, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: August 2014
Location of sighting: Canada
Source: MUFON

Its understandable that a person in the DOD wants to keep things off the record. In the government, you either play by their rules, or their rules will kick you out. Its just about job security. 
Scott C. Waring

News states:
A extremely credible Scientist that works with highly advanced technology who is also a contractor with the Department of Defense tells about a encounter with a large U.F.O. while on a hunting trip , 3 hunters see a dog bone shaped U.F.O. that is 170 feet long, covered in blue plasma, watch a interview with two of the hunters who witness this out of this world craft 400 feet away from them, Investigated independently by myself and Robert Powell (Director of Research for MUFON) Mutual UFO Network , for a considerable time, this event has produced specific details normally not observed and is now being released to the public, with the witness needing specific help furthering his research. 

UFO Caught In Apollo 14 @NASA Photo Observing Astronauts On Moon! March 2016, Video, UFO Sighting News.

Date of discovery: March 7, 2016
Location of discovery: Earths Moon
Photo source:

Streetcap1 of Yotube found this UFO over the surface of the moon. The photo was taken during the Apollo 14 mission, a maned mission that walked on the moon back in Feb 1971. In this photo we can make out a dark rectangle UFO mostly cloaked in the distance as it observes the astronauts. Why observe them? Well, if you had some strange people come onto your property, wouldn't you want to see what they were up to? Of course you would.  Over 15 American and Russian astronauts have come out saying they saw UFOs in space...if we can't believe these heroes, then who can we believe? The Apollo missions were to observe, record and if possible retrieve alien technology. 
Scott C. Waring


UFO Over Mountain Neighborhood In Utah, March 6, 2016, Photos, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: March 6, 2016
Location of sighting: Eagle Mountain, Utah, USA
News source: MUFON #75033

Tis UFO is tilted at a 45 degree angle, which is what Bob Lazar has said a UFO must do in order to move. Also, this object looks different in the fact its not a perfect disk, but a block-like disk. Amazing catch and compounded by the fact that the person was trying to contact aliens though meditation...this is just awesome. Proof meditation or focused thought works. 
Scott C. Waring

News states: 
The night before this event I had been meditating and attempting to contact E.T. life through CE-5 protocols as I have done in the past. I caught a possible orb the night before but this is a motion activated camera. Within 0.3 seconds it shoots off a 3 round burst. The second picture has an object not located in number one and three. I believe I set the camera off myself when I went to get it from the spot I have it mounted in my backyard. Pay attention to the time on this camera as it never moves even so much as a second forward. The fourth picture is an edited version of number two so it can bring out the object if you can not spot it beforehand.


UFO Shoots Past Aircraft While On Runway, Cape Town, South Africa, Feb 27, 2016, Video, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: Feb 27, 2016
Location of sighting: Cape Town, South Africa

A reader (Wesley Saunders) recently said he caught some footage of a UFO at Cape Town, South Africa, just 28 miles from where I reported the MH370 jet, and 15 miles from where I reported finding a UFO on Google map. What I'm saying is there is some mysterious stuff happing at Cape Town, and its boiling down to the fact that its alien central. 

This jaw dropping footage of a dark UFO drone shooting past a Shackleton aircraft, which was first introduced back in 1951, but this one looks much newer. Its a beautiful aircraft and its easy to see why aliens would be interested in seeing this massive old style plane fly, but I believe this to be a alien drone, which focuses on anything within a few kilometers of it. It especially focuses on aircraft, since its in the air and higher up, but for some unknown reason, this one made a low pass near the ground over this plane. Cocky alien drone!
Scott C. Waring

Wesley Saunders of Youtube states:
While recording the Shackleton's ground run, at Ysterplaat in Cape Town, a UFO enters and exits the frame at high speed Date taken 27 Feb 2016.


Meteorite Hunters In Florida Find Four Meteorites, Photos, UFO Sighting News.

Date of discovery: Jan 24, 2016
Location of discovery: Florida, USA
News source:

These meteorite hunters found several of a fallen meteorite a while back. A very cool discovery. Its really not as impossible as it sounds. Some of these meteorites predate the Earth, going back many billions of years. Its my belief that some meteorites might have alien nano technology in junk of aliens if you will. To hold one in your hand feels amazing. Collecting meteorites is a hobby of mine. I recently purchased one from Russia that fell in 2013. Its in the mail and will be here in a few weeks. I will post photos of it when I get it. I bought it from Ebay last week. Its a lot easier than finding them, but the adventure to try, is exciting. 
Scott C. Waring

News states:
The last time a meteorite was found in Florida was in 1983. While it is rare for meteorites to be found in the state, six of them were recently found near Lake City. The meteorites are believed to be a result of a daytime fireball — a space debris randomly meeting the Earth’s atmosphere and producing an intense light — that travelled across the skies of northern Florida on Jan. 24 around 10:25 a.m., according to Vincent Perlerin, community manager for the American Meteor Society. Perlerin said the Society received about 120 eyewitness reports of this one. “Thanks to the reports we received about this event, we calculated a rough trajectory of the fireball and an estimated impact point,” Perlerin said. “We were very lucky this time. The first meteorite had been found less than 500 yards from our estimated impact point.” Mike Hankey, AMS operational manager, along with Larry Atkins, Laura Atkins, Josh Adkins and Brendan Fallon went hunting for the space rocks for several days in the dense swampland just north of the Osceola National Forest, located between Lake City and Sanderson. After tracking down the first four meteorites, it took the meteorite hunters two weeks to find the two remaining pieces, Hankey said. “The hardest part of the search is probably fatigue that sets in after walking around for eight-plus hours a day, multiple days in a row,” Hankey said. “Your body starts to hurt after awhile.”

UFO Flies Low Over Prat, France On March 1, 2016, Photos, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: March 1, 2016
Location of sighting: Prat-Peyrot, France
News source:

UFOs often want to observe humans in their normal day to day behavior and to do this they must come close. To watch a monkey in the jungle using a drone camera is one thing. To see it with your own eyes...thats a whole new experience. Thats why sometimes they bring a ship closer to the ground and make clouds around them. To gain this experience and if they communicate thought telepathy, they might even link to the minds, thoughts and desires of the humans below. That is why they need to move slowly, to make this link. 
Scott C. Waring 

News states: 
The weather phenomenon was seen and reported in the Gard, Lozère and the Bouches-du-Rhône. According to our colleagues Weather Languedoc , lenticular usually form above reliefs in stable airflow and especially during strong wind events, as was the case Monday and Tuesday.

Building On Mars Found Using Rover Micro Imager Camera, March 52016, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: March 5, 2016
Location of sighting: Mars
Source photo:
Date Rover took photo: March 5, 2016

While checking out one of the many NASA rover blogs, I noticed NASA was trying something different. NASA realized that if they used the Remote Micro Imager Camera to look at the landscape far away, it would magnify it like a telescope. Usually its been only used for observing close ups of rocks and sand, but this is out of the box thinking. 

Today I saw images of the Remote Micro Imager taking shots of distant hills, and flat plains in a 360 degree turn, shot after shot. Its kinda cool someone at NASA decided to utilize this camera for this new job. 

I found a oval shaped structure that was divided into sections, and it reminds me of the Apple Headquarters building in Silicon Valley. I colored it Yellow to make it easier to see. 
Scott C. Waring


The CIA declassified hundreds of UFO documents, video, UFO Sighting News.


Here is a great video by Open Minds that discusses the CIAs release of a few CIA documents last month. I have to admit I am surprised the CIA would release the documents, but when you look at it, you will see the files have two extremes, half are extremely negative on UFOs, the other have are extremely positive on UFOs existing. Kind of the same thing the TV show X-Files does to its viewers. 

Its very important read these files, since they also teach you little tidbits of facts that take place before, during and after a UFO or alien sighting. These hidden facts will help you in detecting if a sighting is true or not and if you yourself may be experiencing such an event. 
Scott C Waring


UFOs Near Earths Sun In SOHO/NASA Photos, March 3, 2016, Video, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: March 3, 2016
Location of sighting: Earths Sun
News Source:

These UFOs near our sun were found by a well know UFOlogist Myunhauzen74 of Youtube. I have been watching his work over the years and he always posts real and amazing photos he found from the NASA/SOHO site. 

Why do I care? Actually I cared years before seeing these things. I heard in a news story about 6-7 years back about two Russian scientists that discovered that there were numerous UFOs around our sun at the same time, 24 hours a day, every day. Not only that, but they said the UFOs are as big and bigger than our moon! They stated the UFOs would increase and decrease their speed suddenly for no reason and they would make sudden hard right 90 degree turns without slowing down. Even though that news story has long since vanished on the web, every time I look at the SOHO photos, I think of that news story. They are out there...around our sun, doing god knows what? They may actually be controlling the sun, to keep a steady temperature here on Earth, or they could be harvesting a very rare and powerful heavy element. Lets hope they don't make a mistake and Barbecue our planet. 
Scott C. Waring

UFO Sightings Daily

ESA Is Planning To Build A City On The Moon! March 2016, Video, UFO Sighting News.

Date of article: March 2016
News source:

I love the ingenuity that goes into making these 3D bases on Earths moon. If it works the first time and houses 4 people, then it builds another joining it, then another and another until hundreds or thousands are available. Protection from radiation, meteorites and the cold of space...this is just plain awesome! 3D printers are about to reach the next level. Yeah, I can see this happening very soon. Great work ESA. 
Scott C. Waring

News states:
With all the talk about manned missions to Mars by the 2030s, its easy to overlook another major proposal for the next great leap. In recent years, the European Space Agency has been quite vocal about its plan to go back to the Moon by the 2020s. More importantly, they have spoken often about their plans to construct a moon base, one which would serve as a staging platform for future missions to Mars and beyond. These plans were detailed at a recent international symposium that took place on Dec. 15th at the the European Space Research and Technology Center in Noordwijk, Netherlands. During the symposium, which was titled “Moon 2020-2030 – A New Era of Coordinated Human and Robotic Exploration”, the new Director General of the ESA – Jan Woerner – articulated his agency’s vision. The purpose of the symposium – which saw 200 scientists and experts coming together to discuss plans and missions for the next decade – was to outline common goals for lunar exploration, and draft methods on how these can be achieved cooperatively. Intrinsic to this was the International Space Exploration Coordinated Group‘s (ISECG) Global Exploration Roadmap, an agenda for space exploration that was drafted by the group’s 14 members – which includes NASA, the ESA, Roscosmos, and other federal agencies. (More info on 3D printers here).

Electricity in Ancient Egypt? Alien Teachings Humans How To Build The Dendara Lightbulb, March 2016, UFO Sighting News.

Date of Egyptian hieroglyphs: 4,000+ years ago
Location of hieroglyphs: Egypt

The evidence that aliens helped the people of Egypt is visible on the walls of their temples and structures. This Dendara lightbulb is undeniably evidence of aliens mingling with early Egyptians. I understand why an alien may want to work in a temple. If the alien or aliens worked in a temple they would have the power to read peoples minds and make their prays answered. This would make the temple famous fast, but would also help the locals. This species that did this seem to care about humans a lot. Thats a good thing to know, but what species were they, and where were they from.
Scott C. Waring

Strange Mysteries of Youtube states:
Hieroglyphs depict the ancient Egyptians using electricity with a light bulb....but how could electricity have existed over 4000 years ago? In the temple of Dendara, one of the most secretive complexes of ancient Egypt, there lies some fascinating hieroglyphic pictures on the that uncannily point to the egyptians using electricity. Sound impossible? Wait til we take a closer look. The evidence is almost irrefutable. In fact, the ancient Egyptians needed a source of light to create all the hieroglyphs and drawings inside the pyramids and other places. Why weren't they just using torches you ask? Many places are way too small and don't even have a place for smoke to escape. Basically, if they used torches they'd very quickly suffocate to death...whatever room they were in would be filled with smoke. Thus, there was a need of an alternative light source in places that would have been impossible to light with a torch or the sun. Otherwise, many drawings or hieroglyphs wouldn't be where they are now. Let's look at a particular drawing deep in the temple of Dendara - we'll investigate what each piece of the hieroglyphs are depicting.


Missing Flight MH370 Found? On Google Earth Map Near Cape Of Good Hope, March 2016, UFO Sighting News.

Date of discovery: March 2, 2016
Location of discovery: Cape of Good Hope, South Africa
Google Earth Coordinates:  34°21'21.82"S   18°28'56.02"E
Date of Google Earth Photo: 7/26/2015

Update: March 12, 2016. I sent a message to Malaysian Airlines on Twitter, Instagram, Facebook and even Youtube, but as of yet, no response about it. I tried guys. 

I was looking around the Cape of Good Hope for an old UFO sighting I found there years ago, and was hoping to make an update when I came across a shadow in the water. The shadow resembled an airliner. I use to work on B-1 bombers back at Ellsworth SD, at a SAC during my USAF days. I know a plane when I see one. I certainly crawled onto them and in them enough. 

Some sources on the Internet put a Boeing 777-200 fuel at having a range of 12,779 km, which is 1,000 more than it needs to get to Cape of Good Hope, however other sources states that the aircraft has a range of only 10,000 km, so thats  a problem, because then it would crash about 300-500 km from Cape of Good Hope. 

The Google Earth photo is dated 7/26/2015, and it crashed on 3/8/2014. Its had 16 months of moving about. The Cape of Good Hope is going to have powerful currents moving around it with deep crevices, and since the photo on Google is 8 months old, it could have moved 30-60km away if its semi-floating only 4-9 feet under the water. 

I will go to Twitter and tweet this to Malasian Airways @MAS to let them know. If you can retweet it, it will give it a better chance that they will see it, and consider it. My Twitter feed is @SCWbooks. I feel awful for those families who lost friends and family on this plane and I hope this might help get them closure. 
Scott C. Waring


Meteor Or UFO Seen Over Scotland On Feb 29, 2016, Video, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: February 29, 2016
Location of sighting: Scotland

A glowing object shot across the night sky in Scotland a few nights ago, which might or might not be a meteor. It was caught on security cams and car cams and shined more powerfully than the sun itself. If an alien were to enter Earths atmosphere, appearing like a meteor is what a higher intelligence being would do. Meteors have tails, this has none. 

If you dreamed about owning your own meteorite, click here to view some affordable ones found recently. 
Scott C. Waring

RT News states:
A suspected meteor lit up the sky over Scotland on Monday. Local residents took to social media to discuss possible causes of a flash of light seen in the early evening.

Check out these affordable meteorites, excellent for coffee table or desk conversation pieces. 


UFOs Over Phoenix, Arizona On Feb 2016, Video, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: February 2016
Location of  sighting: Phoenix, Arizona, USA

This is a cool catch. It took place where a legendary sighting occurred back in March of 1997, what was called the Phoenix lights. The smaller light seems to have fallen from the larger one. Like a drone coming out of a main ship, to observe more safely and close up. 
Scott C. Waring

Jason Hunter of Youtube states:
This was sent to me by a viewer. Here is a UFO sighting happening right now in Phoenix. Viewer had to pull over to film in the darkness.


UFO Near Moon Viewed From Italy, Dec 6, 2015, Video, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: December 6, 2015
Location of sighting: Foggia, Italy

This is a lucky catch. At 2:35 into the video, we see a UFO shoot past the moon and away. The UFO looks like its in front of the moon and changes direction as it goes. Sometimes its the mistakes in life that take you into the directions you need to go.
Scott C. Waring


Green UFO Falls From Sky Behind Live News Broadcast, Oct 2, 2014, UFO Sightings Daily.

Date of sighting: Oct 2, 2014
Location of sighting: Montreal, Canada
News Source:

During a weather forecast on Oct 2, a green UFO shot past the news announcer. It was 10:37 PM in Montreal, Canada. The news anchor was oblivious to the UFO, but it was noticed by the camera man and later posted to their news site. Also notice the slow movement of the UFO. A meteor would be moving 10X the speed and would have a tail, yet this one moves slowly and appears to be perfectly round. SCW


illuminati Sign On Astronaut In Apollo 17 Image, June 2014, UFO Sighting News.

Apollo 17 eye photo 1:
Apollo 17 eye photo 2:
Illuminati info on site:

Date of discovery: June 12, 2014 by SCW

These illuminati signs in the arm of the astronaut show that even in space, showing status within the illuminati in historical photos is of great importance. I found these photos myself and the eye in the corner of this arm is very unusual. I have looked though tens of thousands of NASA photos, but never once have I seen such a sign. In the photos the astronaut (Schmitt) is posing on purpose upside own in the CM module. This is a deliberate pose and was done on purpose. 

These illuminati are the alien race that car only about themselves and how they can make a profit by controlling humanity to do their bidding. The CTR is a species of aliens you will learn about if you research the Friendship case in Rocca Pia, Italy. 

Also notice that if you type illuminati backwards in Yahoo search, you will have the NSA at the very top of the search area. This has been happening since 2002. If that was just a joke, then it would only last a year...not 12 years! SCW