Showing posts with label Chicago. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Chicago. Show all posts


UFO Fleet Over Lake Michigan On March 21, 2021, Video, UFO Sighting News.


Date of sighting: March 21, 2021
Location of sighting: Chicago, Illinois, USA

A family was looking out a window of their apartment from a very tall building in Chicago, when they noticed some large lights hovering over the Lake Michigan not far away. The lights were so close to the water that sometimes the reflection of the UFOs could be seen. Aircraft can be seen flying over the lights once in a while, but the lights and aircraft stay far apart. These lights are a sign that there is an alien base below lake Michigan. Absolutely amazing and even the eyewitnesses noticed other people not looking at the UFOs. Very strange how people are too busy to look out the window. 100% proof that an alien base sites at the bottom of lake Michigan off Chicago coast. 
Scott C. Waring - Taiwan 

Eyewitness states: 
These lights appeared literally again the very next day. I honestly do not know what they are. I ordered some binoculars in case they appear again. If I find that they are human craft I will post in the comments. If anyone in the Chicago area has seen this please leave a comment.


UFO Fleet Over Chicago Causes Guy To Drop His Take Out, Sept 20, 2020, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: Sept 20, 2020
Location of sighting: Chicago, USA

This is really a great catch from Chicago. A UFO fleet was seen over a neighborhood and if you watch carefully and in full screen mode, you will see the UFO is not a lone but with a whole fleet. I saw at least five UFOs, but there may be more since some may glow faintly and the video may not pick them all up. Many white UFO fleets being seen this week around the globe. 100% alien technology, no doubt about it. 
Scott C. Waring

Eyewitness states: 
I just pulled up to my home and someone flashed me. So I set my P.F. Chang’s on the ground and commenced to record!! Then I said thank you for showing me!! Activity in this part of the USA seems to be gaining momentum. 


UFO Fleet Of Glowing Orbs Over Chicago Recorded On July 3 And July 4, 2013,

Date of sighting: July 4, 2013
Location of sighting: Chicago, Illinois, USA

A massive amount of glowing UFOs were seen over Chicago during July 4th and several breathtaking videos were taken of the event. Even the eyewitnesses are still scratching their heads over this one so have a look and if you were in Chicago please tell us about what you saw. SCW

This person who posted the 1st video below states:
This footage was filmed by a friend of mine whos from Chicago, USA. He filmed this on 07/04/13, Independence Day from his balcony. The bright, flashing light at around the middle of the video is apparently a firework going off, cause you can hear the sound shortly after. He posted this on his Facebook, and since I'm into UFO stuff I found this footage pretty awesome, cause stable, clear recordings of these things are rare. I give you my word for this to be not edited or to be fake in any way.

Another person posted a 2nd video below and states:
fleet of ufo's heading east then north, filmed from Bridgeport, Chicago illinois 2:10 am the 4th of july. technically the fifth, after the fireworks had stopped.

The video below was taken by the 3rd eyewitness and states:
Last night when I left the office, I walked to my car on 2400 N. Spaulding and looked up and saw 2 orange orbs with very close proximity from each other, I would say 30 ft. apart and maybe 1500 feet off the ground. Then I saw another two more orbs flying, which this video covers. Not airplanes, usually you would see blinking lights or the red and green lights underneath in a triangular fashion, not a balloon with a haybale on fire, very quiet, no jet engine noise, just flying casually across the sky. I saw at least 5 different orbs heading in a north direction. Flying way too slow to be an airplane. I don't think planes can stay up in the sky traveling at 20mph. Looked like a small star flying across sky. Started video taping it for documentation. UFO's do exist, I would say they're just probes checking how far advanced humanity is. (Or maybe the orbs are actually gov't UAV's or drones, wish I had a superzoom lens.) Enjoy.

Strangely enough, there was also a similar sighting of a similar UFO orb fleet, just one day earlier in Chicago, however the orbs appear to be white or light blue.

The video below was taken July 3, 2013 in Chicago.

Poster of the video states: This video was provided by a viewer, and part of a segment for WBBM Newsradio 780 and


UFO Follows Passenger Aircraft At Night From Houston Heading To Chicago, Dec 23, 2012.

Update: Eyewitness also stated "Yes. It was while I was en route from LA GUARDIA AIRPORT in NYC to HOUSTON,TX."

Date of sighting: December 23, 2012
Location of sighting: Between La Guardia Airport, New York and Houston, Texas, USA

This plane took off from Houston and was headed to Chicago when the person recorded this glowing object outside the window. The bad thing about windows is that it can cause a reflection of light from behind you, making me concerned about this sighting, yet the person waves his hand in front of it and you see the reflection of the hand without the UFO changing in any way. 

When I enlarge the object I see that its not a reflection from light...but appears to be a solid object with a very distinct shape. UFOs do follow planes all the time and probably more so at night, so in my opinion yes it is real and that is why I am posting it, but please tell us your thoughts on this. SCW

Eyewitness states:I removed the previous postings due to the fact that they showed passengers inside the plane. Also, the fight attendant was shown as well. Since I don't have their permission to post both passengers and flight attendant, I cut the footage short in order to show the main part. I have sent to the FAA the short footage for them to review it and give me some explanation as to what it could have been. I will keep you all posted on what they say. Granted, it could be anything from a distance. However the footage is real and it is now under the hands of the FAA . I do not want anyone else to handle this until the FAA returns their input. Please give me time. Many have requested interviews and the actual footage. UFOlogist please be patient.


Daytime Ghostly White Shape Shifting UFO Chicago 11 May 2012

Date of sighting: May 11, 2012
Location of sighting: Chicago, Illinois, USA

Eyewitness states: "I caught this weird looking ghost white UFO today May 11, 2012 at 3.40PM over Chicago IL. I am West of this blob of energy looking East toward the Downtown sky. Sorry bout all the shake when I zoom in, ive to learn to not zoom in so much next time. I tried to stablize the video the best I could. It was very bright out this thing was pretty high up so it was hard to capture it smooth esp thru a 3 inch LCD screen. 3 mins of video and 3 mins of enhanced still photos from the video."


Two UFO Orbs Escort A Passanger Jet Taking Off From O'Hare Airport, Chicago, Jan 2012 VIDEO.

Date of sighting: January  2012
Location of sighting: O'Hare Airport, Chicago, Illinois, USA

In this video the we can see two UFO orbs escorting this passenger jet as it takes off from O'hare airport, during the month of January 2012. It was seen at 11:45 am recorded by Kevin McCarthy. The main question I have about the sighting is where is the radar data to confirm it? Where are the pilots statements? Where there other eyewitnesses? I hope we get more info on this sighting. 


UFO Sighting of fleet of glowing orbs over Chicago, Illinois on August 22, 2011.

Date of sighting: August 22, 2011
Location of sighting: Chicago, Illinois, USA

Watch this video closely and you will see one of the glowing orbs seems to explode several times with light. Is it producing smaller orbs or is it communicating with humans in an attempt to make sure you see it?


UFO sighting over Chicago of orb near clouds, May 26, 2011 video.

Date of sighting: May 27, 2011
Location of sighting: Chicago, Illinois, USA

Eyewitness states:

"I saw this gold shape shifting UFO sphere flying over Chicago May 27, 2011. This is the 3rd time this year I have seen it. It also flew over on 4/29 and 5/22. It appeared as a point of light looking East towards the Downtown. It was a gold sphere then a diamond shape back to a sphere it seemed to flicker and change from copper to burnt orange back to gold color. I saw to seperate MUFON reports of this being seen over Chicago I will include the links to those sightings and my own here in the description." Video of this even below.

Also note the above report is similar to two other MUFON reports. So a total of three eyewitnesses reported this UFO.

MUFON UFO Report # 29269
On Saturday, May 21st at approx 12am I noticed a glowing ball of light above our heads as I sat on a friend?s outdoor deck. He lives on Malden just north of Wilson in Chicago. Four of us were there and someone thought it looked like a balloon. This seemed inconsistent as to the way it was traveling, in my opinion.

MUFON UFO Report # 29271
I was looking out my window when I saw this object. In the past, when I see something strange, it goes away quickly. However, this particular time the object hovered back and forth for about 20 minutes. It was in the sky for about 10 minutes before I started filming. Prior to filming, the object blinked red and orange. While I was filming, the object was only blinking two red lights. Once, I thought the object was out of view I stopped filming.

☯ Scott C. Waring wrote novels UFO Sightings of 2006-2009, Dragons of Asgard, West's Time Machine, George's Pond at all on-line bookstores. ☯


Chicago O'Hare UFO sighting 2011, Mass UFOs at Chicago O'hare airport Feb 13, 2011

Chicago O'Hare UFO sighting 2011, Mass UFOs at Chicago O'hare airport Feb 13, 2011

According to eyewitness video taper testimonial "Down below video does not do what my father and I saw with our eyes (and binoculars) justice!"

Down below video was recorded in Bloomingdale, Illinois at approximately 8:00 PM on February 13, 2011. The time on the camera is an hour behind.

The lights were originating from the direction of O'hare airport. A couple airplanes were seen in between the lights at points throughout the filming. I discovered the lights initially at 7:50 PM, in a spot where lights did not belong in the view of the sky near my home. I then ran back home to grab my dad, some binoculars, and a camera. We found a good vantage point and filmed them for about 20 minutes. This footage is cut down quite a bit. I went back to the filming spot at 10:30 PM and the lights were gone.

Some quality was lost once the film was transferred onto the computer. Make note that the row of lights on the horizon are at times possible to mistake for the hovering lights.

Down below is another video of the same event from the same day February 13, 2011:

☯ Scott C. Waring wrote novels “Dragons of Asgard” & “UFO Sightings of 2006-2009” at online bookstores, or visit my UFO Video channel at ☯