Showing posts with label Fox. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Fox. Show all posts


Moon Size UFO Shoots Out Of Our Sun, But NASA Wont Tell You About It, March 4, 2017, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: March 4, 2017
Location of sighting: Earths Sun

Now, can you see the UFO that shot out of our sun? I circled it, but didn't add color, its nature color above. 

Now, had this not been a UFO, it could have shot in any direction, including at Earth. Had this moon size object been solar material ejected from our sun and heading in Earths direction,  all life on Earth would have been wiped out in just minutes. The heat alone would burn our atmosphere from our entire planet, stripping all air, water, ice from our surface. But of course, if we were about to die, NASA couldn't even alert the public. There would be no time.

So the big question is, which do you prefer to believe? The moon size UFO theory, or the plasma ejection theory? I believe its the first...a long UFO. Excellent find by Streetcap1.

I do feel that had Trump been up there, he would be more forthcoming about what he knows about UFOs. He doesn't seem to be the kind of guy that beats around the bush about a subject.
Scott C. Waring


UFO Orb Fleet Over Conway, Washington On Sept 2016, Photos, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: 9-29-2016, reported today.
Location of sighting: Conway, Washington, USA
Source: MUFON #82483

This report just in. Its about a fleet of glowing orbs buzzing around a hill area in Washington back in September of 2016. As you can see from his photos (I didn't change them in any way) the glowing UFOs stay in a group of 4 while a single orb explores the ground. This keeps the ground one safe from being seen to closely, and the UFOs higher up are just there to keep look out.
Scott C. Waring

PS, guys if I ever do change a photo, I will usually say so and I will only add light or add darkness, never other things. SCW

Eyewitness states:
Event date: 9/29/16 20:45-21:30 My friends and I were at a place we have previously seen UFOs at, catching up, when we noticed at an approximate heading of 190 a craft that was first assumed to be a plane. First photograph shows first object approximately 1° below horizon. Craft is later seen 4-5° above horizon with an estimated distance of 2-8 miles. Shortly after first observation, a smaller light emerged from the first, and took up position near it. Then, a second did the same, along with a 3rd. Emerged lights seemed to orbit in irregular patterns around original object, as the larger one slowly seemed to move to a heading of 180° After roughly 10 minutes of observation, the 3 other objects seemingly rejoined the original, as though they were docking. 

 (Witness reporting is a pilot, and states that helicopters are incapable of docking, and that these craft, including craft from previous sightings in same location, behaved in ways impossible for even the most advanced military aircraft.) The 4 objects were completely silent, and operated in a manner resembling spacecraft in orbit, though the objects maintained geological position ± 5° for 45 minutes, unlike an orbiting craft. Unfortunately, it was dark, and any surface details of the objects were impossible to see. Images will be provided in hopes that the reader of this report will observe them with photo editing software and share their observations with the witness. At 2129 hours, craft was last photographed before disappearing in the following 5 minutes. Craft was observed to 'fade away' instead of departing. (Witness states that standard night-flying procedure involves the constant use of lights to display location to local traffic. To turn off lights at 9:30 pm would be unsafe.)

UFOs In Delta Position Over Mesa, Arizona March 2017, Video, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: March 1 2017
Location of sighting: Mesa, Arizona, USA

This video shows a UFO moving over to a triangle group thats in sitting in delta position. I also love that the person pulled their car over to take a more steady video of the UFOs. This could be the Tall Whites since they have a base just a few miles away over at Nellis AFB. One thing the Tall Whites hate...and thats being told what to do or not to do...they just do it. They probably felt cramped in the base and wanted to fly around to have a look. 
Scott C. Waring


Alien Building Found In NASA Rover Photo, March 2017, Video, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: March 2017
Location of sighting: Mars
Source photo:

This building was found by Paranormal Crucible of Youtube today. The building is at the top of the hills and sticks out. The building is obvious and clearly something made by intelligent beings. This is beyond amazing. 100% proof that aliens existed not long ago on Mars. 

Scott C. Waring


Ghost of Abraham Lincoln Spotted At The White House In Photo! March 2017, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: 1949-1952
Location of sighting: White House

This is an exciting photo that has captured a ghost at the White House. The person is transparent, tall and confident as can be read from his stance. Ghosts are real, but could this be an alien visitor cloaked, watching the consecution of the most important house in America? Good find by Paranormal Crucible.
Scott C. Waring

Paranormal Crucible states: 
After extensive authentication efforts, the "White House Ghost Photo," captured in 1950, has been proclaimed "The world's most amazing ghost photo. The black and white photograph appears to show a translucent human figure standing in the basement of the White House, at the back of a construction zone. This official government photograph was taken by photographer Abbie Rowe during Harry S. Truman's reconstruction of the White House 1949-1952. Many experts claim its the ghost of President Abraham Lincoln.

Alien Cube And Wormhole Appear Next To Sun, March 2017, Video, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: March 2017
Location of sighting: Sun

This is a fantastic find by Paranormal Crucible of Youtube. It shows the cube suddenly appearing on the SOHO video, then disappearing. Thats how they travel, in small leaps from place to place. 
Scott C. Waring

Paranormal Crucible states: 
I have noticed quite a few of these type of anomalies while browsing the helioviewer data, but none that appear so defined or next to a possible portal. The six frames clearly show two anomalies that appear connected, a portal appears first, then a cube materializes next to it, this could indicate that extraterrestrial ships are using the power of the Sun to create wormholes or portals. I have enhanced the footage and screen shots to make it better quality, but all the details are there in the raw data.

NASA Takes Photo Of Oval Moon In Infrared, March 2017, UFO Sighting News.

Date of discovery: March 3, 2017
Location of discovery: Earths orbit
NASA source:

I found this oval moon photo that was taken by NASA.  The oval moon contradicts everything we have ever learned about the moon. It suppose to be round, and yet here it is a full moon that is oval. I wonder how many more secrets NASA is trying to keep from us about the moon. I presume its because the moon is a space station and is there to look out over the Earth and protect it from other alien species that might not treat humanity so kindly. This photo was taken in infrared, so it sees things the human eye cannot, so it may be that the moon is oval, but is cloaked to appear round. 
Scott C. Waring


Cigar UFO Caught Over Springfield, Oregon On Feb 27, 2017, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: February 27, 2017
Location of sighting:  Springfield, Oregon, USA
Source: MUFON #82410

This UFO was caught over Oregon this week. The UFO was never seen, and the camera owner never remembered taking the photo. That means the camera must have taken the photo by accident when he was holding or setting down the camera. This is one amazing accident. 
Scott C. Waring

Eyewitness states: 
I am looking for Property in Lane County, OR thru online real estate sites. I came across this photo with an apparent Cigar shaped craft in the upper right side. I noticed it on Feb 27, 2016. I did not take the photo, I do not know who did or when it was taken. I have the address of the property listing, but cannot post address online here. I think this is a spectacular photo! Any thoughts??? Thanks


UFO Sightings Reports Growing Around The Globe More Than Ever Before! Feb 28, 2017, Video, UFO Sighting News.

Date of article: February 28, 2017
Location of article:

The Internet has caused many things to change in our world. One of them being that more UFO sightings are being reported daily than ever before. Its my estimate that over hundreds of UFOs per day are being seen by thousands of eyewitnesses, but still only a few of them report the sightings. Evidence is growing on a daily basis, which will one day confirm that aliens exist, yet its difficult to know who to trust on the Internet. On Youtube alone when I began this site 6 years ago, no fakes existed. Today 90% of the videos uploaded in the last 24 hours are fake. Its still easy to tell a real video from a fake, so they don't often fool me. Cameras, on line sharing networks are changing, making sharing these sightings easier, more convenient. 
Scott C. Waring

Fox News states:
According to data from the National UFO Reporting Center, UFO sightings around the world have reached an all-time high. Statistics show individuals in the US are more likely to witness a UFO.


40 Foot Hairy Sea Creature Found On Coastal Shores Of Philippines, Video, UFO Sighting News.

Date of discovery: February 2017
Location of discovery: Philippines 
News source:

This alien creature was discovered on the coast of the Philippines this week. Its 20 foot size is baffling scientists since there are not 6 meter creatures that have white hair...but since this creature was bitten in half, its full size could be 12 meters or 40 feet! Yes I call that an alien, because no such animal could ever exist on Earth that size without being noticed in the last thousand years. It could be an alien visitor that was amphibious living on both land and water, but didn't account of the dangerous sharks and whales in the area. Or worse yet, it was killed by another of its own kind.
Scott C. Waring

News states:
The 20ft long beast is covered in what looks like thick white fur, prompting some to liken it to the Yeti or Abominable Snowman. The beast washed up on the shores of the Philippine’s Dinagat Islands on Sunday, on Cagdainao beach. Residents and tourists alike have flocked to the site to gawk at the incredible sight with some snapping selfies with the creature as it went viral online. Several suggestions have been put forward as to what the beast may be, with one twitter user, John Paul Garcia, saying: “Globster/Trunko right? Half whale half polar bear?” (more at source).


UFO Fleet Passes NASA Space Station On Live Cam, Feb 2017, Video, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: Feb 2017
Location of sighting: Space station, ISS

This amazing catch was by Streetcap1 of Youtube as he watched the space station and caught a fleet of UFOs doing a fly by of the ISS. They came in close and they came within about 30-50 meters, so the aliens were fully aware that they would be seen on the live Internet cameras and they just didn't give a flying f@#$. You see, on Earth, aliens in the most part, have to follow our rules, especially the rules made by former presidents that say that alien cannot reveal themselves to humans...yet. But in space, its their home turf, and that means, their rules. As you can see for yourself, they do as they please. 
Scott C. Waring

Two Suns Seen Over Slovakia During Sunset, Video, UFO Sighting Daily News.

Date of sighting: February 2017
Location of sighting: Slovakia

This week a person was watching the sunset and noticed two setting suns. Now I have said time and time again, if you want to see a UFO, watch a sunset. The setting suns angle creates a problem for anything cloaked, so that any UFO is revealed for a few minutes. This UFO was huge and in the direction of the sun, but pocking though the clouds. A glowing orb UFO, which is very commonly seen over places like Dome of Rock and Denver, Colorado mountains. Great video posted by Martin Mikuas of Youtube. 
Scott C. Waring


Alien Hacked NASA Voyager Probe As It Exited Solar System, Video, UFO Sighting News.

I have often wondered about the Voyager probe shut down and this video sums up most of our worries about it. When it shut itself down, many of us suddenly thought back to that Star Trek 1979 movie where V'ger returned after making contact with aliens. Lets hope nothing like that happens, but if it does, hopefully when Voyager returns we will be ready to communicate with it and learn from it about the alien species that found it. 
Scott C. Waring

Video states: 
SHOKING!! NASA ADMITS: VOYAGER HAS BEEN HACKED BY ALIENS! 2016 NASA admits: Someone took control over our aircraft, we received messages from an unknown language Space probe “Voyager 2” during its path through space sent a message to the base of the Earth in a quite unintelligible language. NASA after over six years did not know the reason, but they know that it can not be accidental. “Voyager 2” is the first spacecraft to leave the solar system in 2010 and it was in the moments when the spacecraft could enter into interstellar space that a strange thing happened, that NASA would consider “someone or something” had assumed control over it. “At a distance of about 15 billion kilometers from Earth, the probe suddenly started sending data in a language which they could never understand,” said NASA expert Kevin Baines, reports Physics Astronomy. “Something or someone changed the communications system of the space probe Voyager 2,” added Baines.

Bases On Clementine Moon Atlas, Oldies From The 1980s, Feb 16, 2017, UFO Sighting News.

Some of the most amazing photos I have ever found structures in were the Clementine Moon photos. And guess what, they were not put on the internet, because at that time, there was no internet. So I guess they never got around to do it. Anyways, there are load of crappy photoshoped alien buildings in it. 

Now the photos I saw came from a large NASA book that I believe was called Clementine Moon Atlas, but it was a 1st edition. I assume they edited out the buildings from other editions. It looks like many others found the same structures I did in this book. That was in the mid 1980s. 

These photos are from a site dedicated to saving those early photos that NASA didn't place on the Internet. 
Scott C. Waring


UFO Files Released From US Forestry Service, Recent Sightings In It, Feb 2017, UFO Sighting News.

Christian Mace, a French UFO researcher just sent me over a message that The US Forest Service has declassified UFO files that they release. The files are more detailed that a lot of Blue Book files and many are UFO reports that took place just a few years ago with photos. This is very amazing to see recent UFO reports. For instance the first report is from February 7, 2017. 

We also need to thank the UFO site THE BLACK VAULT for petitioning  the US Gov under the Freedom of Information Act to get these files. 
Scott C. Waring



Giant Cities Found On Mars On Google Mars Map, Feb 2017, Video, UFO Sighting News.

Date of discovery: Feb 2017
Location of discovery: Hellas Basin, Mars

These structures were found by Youtube user TuzenRha this week and shows not one, but hundreds of structures built in the Hellas Basin on Mars. This construction shape, size and how they are built near each other is very similar to how humans construct cities. This is a remarkable discovery. 
Scott C. Waring

Alien Statue of a Reptilian Humanoid Found in Peru, Feb 2017, Video, UFO Sighting News.

Date of video: Feb 2017
Location of discovery: Peru

This alien statue was spotted in Peru this week. It looks like an alien reptilian, similar to the faces we have found on Mars. Many reptile faces have been found on Mars over the last few years, making this very likely. Peru has had more than its share of UFO sightings and contact cases, so it is very possible the artist was one of those contacted by aliens and either met or was taught about the reptilian aliens. The signs are all around us, if we care to look.
Scott C. Waring

Video states:
The Mochicas considered the Iguana Man as a powerful character who helped to descend the dead and be the mediator between the world of the living and the dead. ​The Paseo Yortuque located in the province of Chiclayo in Peru, offers various representations dedicated to the ancient Mochica, among which stands out a statue of Morrop or the Iguana Man, former deity moche, related to death. Although the sculpture of Morrop has been represented using concepts of sculptors of the present time, its construction was based on the descriptions of the old Moche.

UFO Over Yellowstone Park, A Sign Trump May Sell Its Land Soon! Feb 12, 2017, Video, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: Feb 12, 2017
Location of sighting: Yellowstone park, USA

UFOs have an important recourse that humans don't...they know the world history and future events, because they have time travel. Traveling to the future will cause them to want to go to the past to see the things that no longer exist. 

What I am saying is that President Trump may be thinking about selling off the Yellowstone park land to pay for his wall or other projects. And if Trump did do this, the park wont exist in the future, so aliens may want to time travel back to see it. 
Scott C. Waring

Person states: 
My friend Shawn caught this on tape around 9am a cloud shaped ufo or something else we don`t know about it was very strange and he was baffled by this mysterious unidentified flying object phenomenon; Could this be a ufo over Yellowstone let me know.


Pot Sasquatch Recorded On TV News Trudging Through Snow Storm, Feb 2017, Video, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: February 9, 2017
Location of sighting: Massachusetts, USA

Now this gave me a good laugh this morning so just had to post if for you. A news caster talking about the snow storm was speaking to the camera when a pot Sasquatch just happened by. I love how the newscaster tries her best to ignore it, but by god, I want to see the pot Sasquatch! 

As the story goes, the owner of a pot show saw the news cameras setting up and thought, hey, awesome time for a pot Sasquatch sighting...and boy was it. Sure its just a guy in a costume, sure its real news trying to avoid a cute and funny story while reporting boring snow, but this will make your day.

Since Sasquatch is said to be an alien...not the costume guy, but the real one in the moutons around the world. Oh and several Sasquatch creatures were seen climbing Mexican volcanos at 5X the speed of an expert mountain climber. Big real, just not in this video.
Scott C. Waring



Biological Entity Moves Past NASA Sun Satellite On Feb 2017, Amazing Video Here, UFO Sighting Daily.

Date of sighting: February 2017
Location of sighting: Earths Sun

This UFO was found by Paranormal Crucible of Youtube. It shows a UFO shooting across the sun, but may be very close to the SOHO image satellite, so it may only be about 100+ meters long. The object doesn't seem to move like a ship, but seems almost alive in its behavior. I have long believed that animals, intelligent or otherwise could be living in space like animals live in water. They may not be carbon base life forms, but its seems that the activity around the SOHO images and those of the space station would concur with my conclusion. 

I altered the photo to show that it has a solid outside, not just a white glowing object, but it has a surface area. 
Scott C. Waring