Showing posts with label NASA. Show all posts
Showing posts with label NASA. Show all posts


Four Glowing Objects Over Dallas, Texas 7-4-2023, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: 7-4-2023
Location of sighting: Dallas, Texas, USA
Source: MUFON

This interesting video just came in last night. Four egg shaped UFOs were seen over Dallas and they moved swiftly away and out of sighting. The objects were white glowing objects and were too bright to see any details. UFOs frequent the Texas area, for instance the 300 meter rectangle UFO flying low over Stephenville just a few years ago seen by thousands of residents. These glowing white eggs are alien craft. 
Scott Waring

Eyewitness states: I was driving home right off I-35 when I saw 3 orb like objects in the early night sky. I pulled out my phone and began filming these objects with my phone. As I observed further, I noticed a 4th object suddenly appear. They broke the triangle formation and went into a horizontal hover. As I kept driving closer to the objects, the 4th one appeared directly in front of me within seconds of being on my left. I came to a stop sign. I observed and listened. I saw a helicopter near the object that appeared near me, but did not get that on film. The object began hovering closer to me. From my past experiences, I assumed I would be taken and placed back with missing time like I was before. It is woth mentioning I've had many sightings of UFOs, encounters with various beings, and up to 12 hours of missing time. I've seen these beings, "the Greys" fully manifest these egg crafts with harmonic and tonal frequencies, along with the advanced use of psionic technology. 


Ancient Face On Moon, same as on Mars! July 15, 2023, UFO Sighting News.


Date of discovery: July 15, 2023
Location of discovery: Earths Moon

Faces, they tell us much about the alien species that created them. Sure my masters degree in counseling knows it's not pareidolia (seeing things that are not there), because it is there. The amateur who has never searched for ancient artifacts in photos will not see anything. It take time, dedication and patience. This face is very interesting to me. It's similar to a human face, but its warn and been there for millions of years. Long before the human race ever existed. Just like the face on Mars at Cydonia I discovered over 37 years ago (the discovery was announced and then stolen from me.) This face was made by the same species as the famous face on Mars. Same species, same features. It is identical. 100% proof that ancient aliens did once exist on our moon and Mars at the same time. 
Scott C. Waring 


UFO over Arizona, Colorado, New Mexico and Texas on Thursday, Video, UFO Sighting News.


Date of sighting: April 27, 2023
Location of sighting: Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA

This object was flying much to slow to be a meteor. It's actually about 10X slower, so yeah, much. The object was recorded passing over Arizona, Colorado, New Mexico and Texas on Thursday and was actually recorded from 37 different eyewitnesses across the US on Thursday. This was a UfO. UFOs that are large will have to find a way to disguise themselves so everyone on the ground who sees them will shrug away thoughts of it being nothing important. So the UFO will create a long tail, no fire, just a gaseous tail and powerful white glow, but it moves as slow as a passenger jet. So yeah, didn't fool me at all there. Watch the video below and judge for yourself. Aliens are intelligent and pride themselves on being smarter than humans. Nah...not today aliens. Not smarter today. 
Scott C. Waring - Taiwan 


Is a UFO hidden in the California hills? Google Earth, UFO Sighting News


Google coordinates: 35°29'5.63"N 120°49'37.51"W 
Date of discovery: April 22, 2023
Location of discovery: California hills, USA

I found this on Google Earth map and it looks like a 40 meter UFO hidden on a farm in California hills. Its location is far from the big cities and anything flying and landing in that area at night might go totally unnoticed. Tell me your thoughts please. 
Scott C. Waring - Taiwan 


UFO out window as guy watches Ancient Aliens on TV in Texas, 4-15-2023, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: April 15, 2023
Location of sighting: Texas, city unknown. 

Now this just in guys. This video was just sent into MUFON a few minutes ago. The eyewitness was watching Ancient Aliens on TV and the show was talking about Easter Island statues which you can hear in the background. The UFO flew past a window, so he grabbed his camera and got us some proof of what he saw. I believe this is proof that UFOs do use telepathic powers to listen to a persons thoughts, see the pictures in our heads and even understand if we would be scared or not of a UFO even without us see it yet. Telepathic UFOs are real, this is 100% proof of that. 
Scott C. Waring - Taiwan 

Eyewitness states: This object caught my eye out of my window. This object caught my eye and was moving unnaturally so I grabbed my phone to capture this video so I could get it recorded to then analyze it and I still can't explain what this is.


Mysterious bright light over Kyiv on April 19, 2023, Video, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: April 19, 2023
Location of sighting: Kyiv, Ukraine

On Wednesday at 21:57 hours, a bright white flash lit up the sky. The light was seen by thousands of people and dozens of cameras. However what it is, remains a mystery. Many news outlets tried to say its a NASA satellite, but NASA said that particular satellite is still in orbit around earth right now. So thats ruled out. 

I noticed a UFO leaving the area of the explosion of light. Did you see it too? Something powerful came in, destroyed this second object, possibly saving millions of lives and even stopping catastrophic events in the future worldwide. Humans see the present, aliens see the past, present and future when calculating future outcomes. The UFO is like a tictac on its side. No human made craft looks like that. 

I think this light is something else. I believe Russia may have launched a hypersonic missile with a nuclear load on it, which they got from China. But aliens intervened and destroyed it before it could detonate its payload. Aliens often make a show of force in a less violent way, by neutralizing nuclear weapons, cars, even human movement can be stopped making it feel as if time had suddenly jumped past you a few hours. Often called lost time. 

If Ukraine falls to Russia, it will set off a pattern of events in the south china sea that will be catastrophic for democracy, giving China the distraction they needed from Russia taking Ukraine, China would take all the islands between it and Taiwan, including Taiwan itself. Aliens...they see the big picture, the future possibilities that could happen, and yes, they do step at vital moments to give assistance. 
Scott C. Waring - Taiwan 


Burning orbs Over Lakeland, Florida, April 1, 2023, UFO Sighting News.


Date of sighting: April 1, 2023
Location of sighting: Lakeland, Florida, USA
Source: MUFON

UFOs are often a frightening subject for many people, because the movies, TV shows usually show aliens as attacking Earth and exterminating humanity. However that view is not a true image of intelligent alien life. Here we see two glowing orbs playfully moving around, showing that they are not dangerous, not to be feared, just wanting to be seen. Yes, UFOs do perform for eyewitnesses sometimes. Especially if the UFO senses through telepathy that the human or humans watching are curious about them. Then, they may movie unusually in loops, circles above the eyewitnesses, and even stop and change locations all while monitoring the thoughts of the eyewitnesses through telepathy, recording it. Such info is useful data to aliens for the future if they want to reveal themselves to huge populations all at once. 
Scott C. Waring - Taiwan

Eyewitness states: I like all I can see is that it was doing loop the loop in the sky right in front of me. And look up and see this fire thing going down going left going around in a circle and coming down that shooting up. It was just too weird. This is one of two videos that I will be submitting. Second video the objects were stationary then one of them shot straight up then left it was incredible to see.


UFO split into two, seeding Portland, Oregon with ET drones, Dec 6, 2022, UFO Sighting News.


Date of sighting: Dec 6, 2022
Location of sighting: Portland, Oregon, USA
Source: MUFON recieved April 11, 2023

Here is a cool report with a video, although it happened about four months ago, it just came in today. A glowing object with an aura around it was seen dropping out another more powerful glowing object. I have seen cloud orbs do this in the day, with a mother orb (alien drone basketball size) dropping out other orbs as if seeding an area to expand the area it studies and records. These worker orbs will all unite one day in the future at the same location and be taken back into the mother orb which returns to its home world. 

Why would aliens use drones? Because not all aliens would survive on our surface, breathing our air. The first time you catch a virus is always the worst effects it has on you. But if you survive, then afterwards it effects are weaker, but aliens don't want to risk their life just to study our world. Smart move on their part. Many alien species breath different gases other than oxygen due to their home planet have different atmospheric gases than our own. So cloud orbs are used for alien research. 
Scott C. Waring - Taiwan 

Eyewitness states: It was a red glowing object moving slowly in my direction it seemed to fade in and out as if the color of it would dim and then get brighter red as it approached it seemed to begin to hover and then all of a sudden it split into two and the new red glowing spear went in the opposite direction it was coming from at a high rate of speed. There was an aura or haze around the object.


UFO Recorded Over Kingman, Arizona, March 28, 2023, UFO Sighting News.


Date of sighting: March 28, 2023 1PM
Location of sighting: Kingman, Arizona, USA
Source: MUFON

Like many UFOs, the digital eye often catches sight of what the human eye misses, such is the case here. UFOs sometimes move so fast that we just don't notice them or we think its our eyes playing tricks on us. But the digital camera sees all. Kingman is home to a very famous sighting back in May of 1953 when eight UFOs disks were seen in the sky dogfighting and three were reported falling to the ground. A US Army retrieval team from Indian Springs (now Creech AFB) took the crashed. Indian Springs is also the location closest to Area 51, Area S4 and closest to the location of the Tall Whites alien base which the USAF gave to them in exchange for technology, all the land back there is off limits to the public.  
Scott C. Waring - Taiwan 

Eyewitness states: I did not see it when I took the picture, only later did I see something in the picture that looked like a UFO.


Glowing Balls Near Palm Springs, California 3-23, 2023, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: March 23, 2023
Location of sighting: Near Palm Springs, California, USA
Source: MUFON

Now they objects look like two spheres but I have to say that they are only spheres for a few seconds, most the time they look like one triangle and one rectangle shaped object. Some people are telling me on comments on Youtube that it looks like flares, however flares don't usually last this long and are not usually shot over the homes of people, but instead are over the desert area. I can clearly see home under these lights. Military would not do that! I do feel that these lights are not man made, but are two alien spacecraft that have appeared from an underground base in the area and are waiting to hyper jump out of the area. 
Scott C. Waring - Taiwan 

Eyewitness states: 2 Yellow/Orange lights glowing then combine as one and disappear in the Southeastern Coachella Valley near Palm Springs CA.


Leaked - The Real "Gimbal" UFO Footage Recorded by the US Navy, UFO Sighting News.


Date of video: 2015?
Location of video: unknown
Source: US Navy 
Video reported by UFO Mania Youtube at 

Watch this recent release of new footage of a UFO recorded by the US Navy. This one has detail we normally would never see, but its important. The UFO starts off as a sphere and begins to change shape, from a sphere to five separate pieces, to the five pieces uniting like a bird. In the video you can hear the guy say its traveling at over 140 mph against the wind. You can hear his awe at what he was seeing in his voice. Why would aliens bother playing like this for the US military? Good question and one that most people would not believe. You see, aliens were here long before us and they have been watching over us, helping here and there, like when you see a baby turtle on the sidewalk in the park and you pick it up and put it into the pond. They are amused by us and by showing us what their drones, UFOs, craft can do, they are announcing that our technology is far behind their own. Why again would they wont us to know that? Because of the nuclear, biological and chemical weapons the US has. They don't want the US to use those weapons and ruin or end life on the planet for all. Its nothing new, they have done this for over 70 years and will continue to do so in the future. 
Scott C. Waring - Taiwan 


UFO Recored Entering Mexico Volcano Popocatepetl, 3-2-2023, UFO Sighting News.


Date of sighting: March 2, 2023
Location of sighting: Popocatepetl, Mexico

Saw this craft and thought wow, thats something right there. Its huge, the mouth of the volcano is 600 meters across and this is at least 1/6th that at 100 meters wide! The tail of the object is evenly as it comes down, but then suddenly as it enters the volcano the tail becomes super thin! That means the craft suddenly slowed down! 100% proof that this is an intelligently controlled craft. 
Scott C. Waring - Taiwan


Lights Over Montreal, Quebec Building, Canada 3-2-2023, UFO Sighting News


Date of sighting: March 2, 2023
Location of sighting: Montreal, quebec, Canada
Source: MUFON

Now this one is very intriguing to me. The craft is almost like Phoenix lights just not as long and shorter time span. What I thought was a plane at first, clearly was something much, much bigger. For this to be a plane, it would have to be 3-4 side by side maneuvering perfectly synchronized together. It's not, it's a UFO. 
Scott C. Waring - Taiwan 

Eyewitness states: I felt my room vibrate and this low vibration in my stomach before looking outside and seeing this absolutely massive object passing by my window. I scrambled to grab my phone and record it within the next 12 minutes I saw another massive object, this time it wasn't boomerang shaped, but instead a straight diagonal line going the same direction with the same vibrations and low humming and rumbling sound. Afterwards I saw a star like object moving and got a good recording of it moving.


Pulsating Orb Over El Paso, Texas Feb 25, 2023, UFO Sighting News. Video.


Date of sighting: Feb 25, 2023
Location of sighting: El Paso, Texas, USA

Wow, this one was recorded over Texas a few days ago. The eyewitness saw it coming from over the mountains and then all about for 15+ minutes. From the colors, I would say this one has a real friendly and happy glow about it. The orb knew it was being watched and didn't want to cause any fear. Oh, and yes, orbs can change colors, saw a softball size UFO up close 2 meters from me here in Taiwan and it was like cloudy liquid silver, colors moving slowly within it, but 50 meters away it was white as a star. Orbs change colors at will, they can also read your mind, your thoughts and if you call them to you with a kind and open heart, I promise, you will see one. But they are sneaky, the one I saw so close, it came behind my camera. As I said, it could read my thoughts and knew where to come safely. 
Scott C. Waring - Taiwan 

Eyewitness states: Orb with pulsating lights. Saw object come over mountain range. Stayed in area 15 minutes.


President Ronald Reagan Felt Burden Of Knowing Aliens Exist, Sept 1983 United Nations Speech, Video, UFO Sighting News.

Date of speeches: Sept 16, 1983
Location of speech: United Nations

Below is a video, of US President Reagan speaking at three different engagements, and in each...he tries to leak the truth...that aliens exist. He really tried hard to inform the public, even when he knew it was against national security to do so. 

On Sept 16, 1983, US President Ronald Reagan gave a memorable speech in front of the United Nations. In it, he subtly suggests that aliens exist and that all of humanity could be lost if they decide to attack. 

President Reagan states: Perhaps we need some outside, universal threat to make us recognize this common bond. I occasionally think how quickly our differences worldwide would vanish if we were facing an alien threat from outside this world. 

Of course President Reagan had inside information from the CIA and NASA and was told that aliens do exist. But he couldn't just come out and say so without breaking national security rules. So instead...he subtly hinted to the rest of the world leaders about what he had learned from the CIA and NASA. He also knows that a small percentage of the other presidents at the United Nations meeting also knew about the existence of aliens. He even hints at one other president...he talked to the General Secretary Gorbachov...who then later became Russian president. 

Now pondering about world peace is nice...but I feel that President Reagan felt a weight on his shoulders...a burden of carrying this knowledge of the existence of aliens. Remember its was the 1980s and back they the technology was very inferior to today tech marvels. It must have been very frightening for him to know that aliens existed, but to have so few people he could sit down and talk about this subject openly. 

Watch the video below and see. He is trying to tell the world the truth...that aliens exist.
Scott C. Waring 


Four UFOs Over Ocean Side Beach, California on Nov 5, 2022, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: Nov 5, 2022
Location of sighting: Ocean side beach, California, USA
Source: MUFON 

This recent video was taken at a beach in California. The eyewitnesses saw several diamond black objects in the sky for about 15 minutes and they moved only a little bit, but just disappeared soon after. In the video you can see several people turn and look upward at the black UFOs, but then go about their business enjoying the beach. Why? Because its the beach, and thats what people love to do, including me. Aliens in thats news to any of us from there. 
Scott C. Waring - Taiwan 

Eyewitness states: 4 diamond shaped objects just hovered there for over 15 mins. Only moving slightly.


Black Object Over Thirsk, England Sept 12, 2022, UFO Sighting News. Video.


Date of sighting: September 12, 2022
Location of sighting: Thirsk, England 
Source: MUFON

This video was taken about five months ago, but reported only today. The eyewitness recorded a dark sphere object over the city of Thirsk during sunset and the stillness of the craft is disturbing. It must have come up out of the forest and was caught during sunset, which crates a triangle from three points (eyewitness, UFO, Sun) at which point any cloaking device on the UFO will be useless for a 30 seconds to 3 minutes. Absolutely fantastic catch, steady camera work, I only wish we could see how it left the area, going up or down to an alien underground base. 
Scott C. Waring - Taiwan 

Eyewitness states: I have been driving back home from work , and I have noticed an object on sky not moving at all. It was way from york to malton , but I change the direction to get closer to object so I turned at thrisk, I seen object long time, but my phone couldn’t make a picture so I decided I will close enough to get pictures and call my wife on FaceTime to show her what happened!!!


UFO Over Scottsdale, Arizona for 12 Minutes! Feb 5, 2023, UFO Sighting News


Date of sighting: February 5, 2023
Location of sighting: Scottsdale, Arizona, USA

The awesome video is 12 full minutes long! Thats rare guys, and its from the Arizona state which means its close to Area 51 and Area S4 and the Extraterrestrial Highway. This is massive evidence that tic-tac UFOs do exist. 
Scott C. Waring - Taiwan

Eyewitness states: I had seen some thing in the sky a few days prior and thought I would go outside and just record and as soon as I started recording, and after the birds flew by, I noticed this object coming from the north traveling south. I tried to zoom in as it crossed overhead and follow the object until it disappeared. I was watching it with both my slow motion, camera mode, and with my eyes. I did not see the second craft until I was watching the video. The first craft was brilliant and flickering and even orb like… it exploded, and what looked like an orb, flash of color a few times. Very unusual, and I saw it with my naked eye as well. I don’t know what is going on in our skies, but I thought it was mandatory that I give you this information. The second craft I did not see, but as I watched the video, I watched it mutate from an orb type craft into some kind of metallic craft. It’s like it changed in the sky.


A really tall tower in the center of a crater on Earths moon, UFO Sighting News.



UFO with Cloud Trail Over Hoofddorp, Netherlands On Jan 17, 2023, Video, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: Jan 17, 2023
Location of sighting: Hoofddorp, Netherlands

Hey check this out. Here is a sighting recorded in Netherlands two days ago and a dark object was seen in the sky leaving a contrail-like cloud behind it. The sky was overcast and easy for it to hide, but it still stood out well. From the looks of it, it appears to be the size of city bus and yet, its just sitting there, as if waiting for something. I wish we had more footage of this. It looks like it came from an underground base, made its way to apoint where it will sit, but I have a feeling it pointed areas each had a single ball of light that lights up when it powers up for shooting away. Seen such things before in other reports. Fantastic capture. 
Scott C. Waring - Taiwan  

Eyewitness states: 
While driving I saw on my window side (co-driver). A small cloud emerged. So I was dumbfounded then that dark wisp came out of the cloud this lasted about 30 seconds and then it was gone.