
UFO Caught Over Cantonment, Florida Frightens Eyewitness, Nov 8, 2017, Photos, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: November 8, 2017
Location of sighting: Cantonment, Florida, USA
Source: MUFON #88800

This is a fantastic photo of a UFO caught mostly by being in the right place at the right time. Thats usually how it happens. 

Look at the detail on the UFO. Its moving so fast, its still blurred on its edges, however we can clearly make out the right angles of its edges, which tells me its a alien made object. Not all alien structures and UFOs have right angles, most do not. This could also be a top secret USAF drone being tested over Florida. Wow, what a photo!
Scott C. Waring

Eyewitness states:
I was taking pictures of my son and the sky. I never saw this with my eyes. It wasnt until I got home and looked at the photos I took that I was shocked to find one photo in particular that CLEARLY shows some sort of disk with a dome flying somewhat low to the ground. I never believed in this stuff prior to taking this photograph and events that have happened since I took the photo have me a little shaken. I don't know what to think anymore honestly.

 Full photo below. 


Alien structures found on Planet Mercury in old Mariner 10 photos, Dec 15, 2017, UFO Sighting News.

Date of discovery: December 15, 2017
Location of discovery: Planet Mercury
Source photo: http://ser.sese.asu.edu/M10/IMAGE_ARCHIVE/CLEAN/0027349.png

I was surprised today when looking at some Mariner 10 photos of Mercury. There were some obvious buildings visible, and some not so obvious. The structure in the center of the crater has a tall tower at its center. Also, the entire right side of the photo is entirely covered by a fungus-like alien structures. These structures are similar to some of those found on earths moon. I colored them orange so its easier to make them out. It must have taken millions of years to cover so much of the surface with structures. 
Scott C. Waring


Triangle UFO Over Freeway In Charlotte, N Carolina, Dec 2017, Photos, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: December 6, 2017
Location of sighting: Charlotte, North Carolina, USA
Source: MUFON #88749

I went over these photos very carefully and I can say without any doubt that this is not stuck to the windshield. That being said, the UFO is a dark brown triangle about the size of a 727. The UFO also has a light field around it which probably causes it to look cloud like, but its not. Fantastic photo of a triangle UFO. 
Scott C. Waring

Eyewitness states: 
My Girlfriend was taking pictures as usual, she probably takes on average 30 to 50 pictures a Day of everything we do with our phones. So December 6th were headed home from a visit to charlotte and we saw a black dot that appeared that was more than the dirt on my windshield and b4 I could say hey look ..She was telling me...Hey Look wheres your phone and we found the phone and she snapped a few pictures...the pictures were taken from front passenger seat of a pick up, through the windshield.


UFO Sighting Over Chino, California May Be Evidence Of Alien Base Below State Park, Dec 2017, UFO Sightings Daily.

Date of sighting: 9-24-2017
Location of sighting: Chino, California, USA
Source: MUFON #88726

This particular style of UFO has been seen many times around the globe over the years. Sometimes its even a hexagon shape, hovers, then moves away. 

Chino has a huge park called Chino Hills State Park. It has over 14,000 acres, or 57 square km. Many UFO bases are hidden below mountains and volcanos, for instance the Colorado mountain range where even police officers reported round spherical glowing whit balls of light, much like todays sighting. So I do feel there is some alien presence below this park. Probably a small base about 5km below the surface. 
Scott C. Waring

Eyewitness states: 
I was inside my car when I saw the object and took out my camera and it did not make any noise. It disappeared behind a tree, so I  got out of the car to see it, but it was not gone or disappeared.


UFO Hexagon above Crazy Horse Monument, South Dakota, Dec 2017, Video, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: December 8, 2017
Location of sighting: Crazy Horse Monument, South Dakota, USA

This UFO was caught over Crazy Horse monument in South Dakota this week. I take personal interest because my personal (Scott C. Waring) sighting started in Rapid City, just 30 miles from Crazy Horse, back in 1989-1990. If this UFO was rotating I would say its the same. Also, the UFOs (about 25+) I saw headed toward the Black Hills, but passing them. Great sighting that MRMBB333 of Youtube brought out to our attention. 
Scott C. Waring

MRMBB333 states: 
Something strange was discovered in a couple, not just one but TWO photos of Crazy Horse Monument in South Dakota. Jonathan, the man that took the photos discovered what appears to be a hexagon craft in the sky high above the monument!


Praying Statue and Tower Found On Planet Mercury, Dec 2017, UFO Sighting News.

Date of discovery: December 10, 2017
Location of discovery: Planet Mercury
URL: http://ser.sese.asu.edu/M10/IMAGE_ARCHIVE/CLEAN/0027415.png

 A tower on planet Mercury that stands taller than the crater walls around it...looks like a giant monolith left behind by a species of ancient aliens. Most craters are several miles across 5 or more. If this one falls into that area, then the tower is over a mile high. That is advanced architecture. 

Below you see a close up of an oddly shaped structure. Its a statue, but its only visible from the chest up. Shadows cover it below that. Its a giant statue of a person praying. Do you see the hands pressed together? Can you make out the hair line, the eyes, the nose, arms and shoulders, elbows? 

What do we know from these two discoveries on Mercury? A lot. The aliens who made the monolith clearly look like us in many ways, yet their ability to create a one mile structure in space on the surface of Mercury makes them incredibly advanced compared to us. They or most of them believe in a higher power...god...creator...becoming one with the universe in general. We humans are and always will be related to those other species  out there in so many ways. I try to find those similarities to pull us together. To show humanity and aliens that we are more alike than either thinks. 
Scott C. Waring-Astrobiologist


UFO Disk Over San Antonio, Texas Causes Black Out, Dec 8, 2017, Video, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: December 8, 2017
Location of sighting: San Antonio, Texas, USA

This just in, a UFO was seen over San Antonia and caused a black out as it flew nearby. Past UFO research has indicated that often power outages of lights, buildings, vehicles and cellphone sometimes occurs. To me, this it added evidence that the UFO in the video is legit. 
Scott C. Waring

Eyewitness states:
I just happened to be watching a video I loaded yesterday with the UFO flying over the interstate when all of a sudden my lights then all my utilities cut off. This was at about 11 p.m. and I did pay my bill, so I knew something was wrong went outside with my dog and low and behold guess what's floating right there about the apartment complex a giant ball of light ran inside to get my camera came back out start a recording. I'm about to post plenty more video of this thing and two others that were around San Antonio doing god-knows-what but I have plenty of footage on the way.