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Reporter Asks Biden About UFOs, Biden Walks Off, May 21, 2021, Video, UFO Sighting News.
Date of interview: May 21, 2021
US President Biden asked for questions at the end of the news conference with the South Korean President. An American reporter raised his hand asking, "If you have one more minute for a question Mr President?" Biden replies, "If you don't ask me a mean one like you usually do." The reporter stands up and replies, "Its something interesting." Then he continues, "President Obama says there is footage and records of objects in the skies and he says we don't know exactly what they are. What do you think?"
Biden is taken aback by this...wrinkles form on his forehead and his eyes open widely in surprise. Even a large blood vein protrudes from his right side of his forehead which tells me this is not a subject he wants to talk about. Mr Biden takes a deep breath and answered, "I would ask him again, thank you." Then he makes a fast exit to avoid further questions about UFOs.
It's clear to me that President Biden knows about UFOs, but he has someone in his earpiece telling him to avoid the subject, that it's a matter of national security and cannot be talked about by the US President. This is why he made such a quick exit. Had he known nothing and he would have stayed at the podium and taken other questions from the world press. But he was scared...scared to reveal something that he was not suppose to reveal yet. This interview tells me Biden knows about UFOs and aliens and that knowledge is putting a weight on his conscious that clearly shows in his facial expression when asked.
Scott C. Waring - Taiwan
UFO Seen From Space Station, May 19, 2021, UFO Sighting News.
Black UFO Over Minden, Nevada On May 14, 2021, UFO Sighting News.
UFO Hiding In Clouds Visible From Space Station, UFO Sighting News.
Location of sighting: Earths orbit
Source: Live International Space Station Cam
Glowing UFO In Clouds Over Colorado On April 9, 2021, Photos, UFO Sighting News.
Location of sighting: Blackhawk, Colorado, USA
Source: MUFON 114659
Glowing UFO Over Venezuela Mountains Seen Landing In Area, Feb 2019, UFO Sighting News.
Date of sighting: February 16, 2019
Location of sighting: La Puerta, Venezuela
Source: http://inexplicata.blogspot.com
This type of UFO has been seen in South America several times. When close to the craft it will appear as a bright orange light, too bright to make out any detail, but if its high enough in the sky, it can easily be mistaken as the sun during a sunset.
This particular craft is flown by an alien species that is almost godlike. They came in hopes of preventing a horrible future for humanity and have constantly come back to abduct people and then teach them about how humanity has several possible endings looming very close in time. They hoped that they could change the future by teaching a few humans, but they were wrong. The humans they spoke to were too frightened and had no social power or important roles in which they could make those changes.
Scott C. Waring
Eyewitness states:
Woman Figure Seen During Sunset Over China, March 21, 2019, UFO Sighting News.
Date of sighting: March 21, 2019
Location of sighting: Jiaxing City, China
Source: https://www.newsflare.com/video/284154/weather-nature/cloud-shaped-like-a-girl-seen-floating-above-horizon-in-china
Two days people in many cities in China saw something during sunset that took them by surprise...the figure of a naked woman kneeling in the sky.
Here is a fact many people don't know...that aliens visualise in such detail that sometimes their mere thoughts cause nearby clouds to take those shapes. Some call it Telekinesis others call it Psychokinesis...moving objects with your mind. Using thoughts only to control the movement of things around you. Aliens however often have a mind so powerful that they themselves don't even know that they are creating some of these cloud formations. They may just be thinking about a distant memory of their past and all the while a cloud near the alien UFO or base will take the shape of the persons figure, face or silhouette. It looks like this alien had a very happy memory of a very beautiful woman.
This planet we live on...we share it.
Scott C. Waring
New Mars Discovery Of Sheet Metal With Perfect Circle In It, March 2019, NASA Link, UFO Sighting News.
Google Has Edited Out 2 of 3 Photo Indexes Of Alien Base At Zeeman Crater, moon, March 2019, UFO Sighting News.
Date of discovery: 2006-2007 abouts
Location of discovery: Edge of Zeeman Crater, Earths moon
Source: Google Earth Map (push moon button)
I was exploring Google map (free to download) when I found the infamous ET base at Zeeman crater. I was astonished that Google had not deleted it yet. Google had already deleted the ET base from both the VISIBLE IMAGERY and the COLORIZED TERRAIN photo map. Lucky for us the Lunar Orbiter Mossaic map has less editings...so far, but I'm sure this wont last. So I made this video which is 100% proof that Google is working with the US government to hide the existence of alien life from the public. Google is part of the problem, not part of the solution. Google is making a covert war that the public doesn't know even exists right now under our noses...the war on information. A war that fights to keep the public in the dark, and the information out of our minds. That is something I cannot allow. By editing what information the public sees and doesnt see...Google is taking part in THOUGHT CONTROL. The information the public knows is like programming code, it determines the future actions of those with it. Thus...by editing out certain alien info...they control the public by making them passive.
Scott C. Waring-Taiwan
Ancient Alien Faces On Mars In NASA Rover Photo, 100% Real! March 2019, UFO Sighting News.
Date of discovery: March 7, 2019
Location of discovery: Mars
Source photo: http://www.gigapan.com/gigapans/214460
I was totally blown away while making this video below. I found that not only was there one alien human like face, but there was actually dozens of other giant artefacts that I had not noticed before. There were several large faces on the top of the hill, most looking out or up at the sky. This tells me they were all placed there on purpose. None were upside or fallen over.
I also found a cyborg face. I have never found a half tech half alien face before so this was very unexpected and exciting. It means that alien on Mars did integrate technology into themselves, not just around them, but in them.
The size of the ancient artefacts and the huge number of them in this photo really blew me away. At first when I looked at the photo, it looked boring and empty, but on closer inspection I found a flood of evidence that Mars once had a thriving intelligent culture on it.
Scott C. Waring-Taiwan
Two Orange UFOs Over Sechi, Czech Republic On Feb 25, 2019, Photos, UFO Sighting News.
"Leaked" footage of United Nations discussing giant UFO pyramid over the Pentagon, Feb 2019, video, UFO Sighting News.
Date of sighting: December 21, 2018 (4PM)
Here is something mind-blowing. A speech was given by Aliya Prokofyeva in the United Nations building...yes its really at the United Nations. Its not faked. This is video taken at the United Nations podium. She gives witness testimony about a giant triangle UFO hovering over the Pentagon in Washington DC.
Even thought the UN asked to not record...of course thats the time when you know something important is worth recording. So yes, its legit. What really is interesting here is that its a Russian woman, probably a spy that is releasing the information to the UN, not an American, not a US congressman or Senator or President...but a Russian!
Scientists recently measured mysteriously repeating radio signals coming from a galaxy 1.5 billion light-years away. FRB 180814.J0422+73 was the signals name. The repeating signal was part of 13 fast radio bursts (FRBs) detected by a new telescope in Canada. This signal was the same signal received from the triangle UFO over the Pentagon. The meaning of the signal...still not divulged to the public...but must be very significant...maybe even a final warning before a cataclysmic event.
Now hear me. Many will try to debunk and tell you that this video is a lie...but believe me...they base their words on optioning without a single fact to back them up. This...is 100% real.
Scott C. Waring
Alien Ship Found In Moon Crater Looks Like Flyable Condition, Feb 2019, NASA Link, UFO Sighting News.
Black Square UFO Seen Over Conyers, Georgia on Jan 30, 2019, MUFON Report #98202 UFO Sighting News.
Date of sighting: January 30, 2019
Location of sighting: Conyers, Georgia, USA
Source: MUFON #98202
An eyewitness records this dark square shaped UFO over Conyers yesterday. Heavy winds, but this object is not turning or rotating like a balloon, nor does it have stings...its huge! Like a 727 in size, but I do notice a wobble to it slightly. Also, if you fast forward to the 1:18 mark I noticed there are two UFOs there for about 7 seconds....one dark black square, the other is semi transparent and far above it...but almost in the same position. Wow I really hope we get more footage from more people in Conyers. I'm sure others must have seen it, but believe it or not, only 1 out of 6 will actually think about recording the UFO on their phone at the time of any sighting. There must be more footage out there.
Scott C. Waring
White UFO Seen Over Two Cities In Mexico During Day, Dec 10, 2017, Video, UFO Sighting News.
OVNI en Las Heras. Objeto brillante en el cielo Lasherino @ConteGabriel @MzaRevista pic.twitter.com/x7DXkYdQxe— Gaston Conte (@gasamco) December 10, 2017
OVNI en Las Heras. Objeto brillante en el cielo Lasherino @ConteGabriel @MzaRevista pic.twitter.com/x7DXkYdQxe— Gaston Conte (@gasamco) December 10, 2017