
UFO Sighting of Triangle Craft Flying over NASA Kennedy Space Center, July 2003 Video.

UFO Sighting of Triangle Craft Flying over NASA Kennedy Space Center, Video.

Date of sighting: Correction…new date discovered to be 10-9-2003
Location of sighting: Orlando, Florida, USA

Eyewitness states: "This is a rare video of a triangular UFO , this ufo was captured with sky cams at NASA Kennedy Space Center."

☯ Scott C. Waring wrote “UFO Sightings of 2006-2009” and "Dragons of Asgard." ☯


  1. Date of sighting: July 19, 2011 ???
    check the low left botton of the video, there's a date. this was recorded in 2003 and not in Florida but in Japan.

  2. Wow, thanks for catching that. I am messaging the person and waiting for a response from them. Perhaps the date was not set correctly on the telescope. We will see.


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