Updated May 10, 2014: Better photos orange on grey. New Video in HD with better explanation of where the squirrel is in the NASA photo.
A friend emailed this in to me today (Original Photo on NASA Website…click here!) and its really amazing and strange. I guess thats why I love this one so much. Its a cute rodent on Mars. Note it's lighter color upper and lower eyelids, it's nose and cheek areas, its ear, its front leg and stomach. Looks similar to a squirrel camouflaged in the stones and sand by its colors. Hey, who doesn't love squirrels right? That doesn't look like a squirrel you say? Then have a look at the photo below of similar squirrel in the same position on Earth. This might have been the big historical announcement that NASA was suppose to make, however they decided life on Mars was a secret worth keeping since they don't want China or Russia to beat America to Mars. So they shut up about it and can take their time to Mars this way. The scientist jumped the gun and told the public about a major historical discovery on Mars…this must be what he was talking about. SCW
Full photo below, but in low resolution…go to source for full detail.