
ALERT: NASA To Confirm The Existence of a UFO Sighting And Alien Life In Late November 2012 BBC

Update (Nov 17, 2012): The video of this report on Fox News was taken off of Youtube for unknown reasons. I found another that is close, but different. The Fox News story was real, I saw it and wish they had not deleted that too. SCW

Date of sighting: November 2012
Location of sighting: Unknown

Thank you to someone for recording the Fox News report…because otherwise it would be gone. It seems that Fox News posted the story early, because it is dated November 22, 2012. Also I checked the Fox News "Air and Space" section and the story was taken down for unknown reasons, which also makes me believe someone is editing the media. Copy these videos because someone is trying to keep you from seeing them and they may disappear soon. (use Firefox browser to do that). SCW

Fox News States: 

A video has been leaked showing footage captured by an American amateur astronomer of an Unidentified Flying Object. Apparently this footage will be released to the general public in late November 2012.

It has been suggested that this is part of a NASA acclimatization program preparing the world for confirmation of the existence of extra-terrestrials.

It has also been hinted that an exciting revelation will be forthcoming regarding NASA's Mars Curiosity mission. It is believed proof that the Red Planet was once populated by an advanced civilisation will be revealed. It has long been postulated that NASA has been routinely manipulating images to remove such things as ruined structures and artefacts from photographs prior to them being released in to the public domain.

If you know more about this PM me directly - we don't want you getting killed by the authorities!
Glonass to all of you in the know - and stay safe!
AZSett1 - Your theory is currently in the lead.