
Alien Cities Found On Venus IS 100% Proof Venus Is Inhabited Now. Video, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: April 24, 2016
Location of sighting: Venus

This is a great video that shows structures on Venus. Theres structures were made into computer renderings to make them more clear. Recorded but he Magellan probe, few people care to look for structures in this map, but the fact is, its easy to find them here. Much easier than on moon maps. 
Scott C. Waring

Mondodesconocido of Youtube states: 
The Magellan probe sent to Venus that operated in the late 80s and 90s, collected an enormous amount of images that have finally been published by NASA in which huge cities, artificial structures and all kinds of elements that seem to obey constructions appear intelligent effected by some kind of alien race that inhabited or colonized the second planet in our solar system, in the following video, we show those buildings that we have found and their interpretations in 3 Dimensions of them. The Link where the maps is as follows, where you can check yourself the images shown in the video as well as find new locations with suspiciously artificial elements.


  1. Excellent post Scott. More 100% proof, who could possibly doubt such incredible evidence. Aliens are really entering our forbidden orifices. They will shaft us steadily but firmly until we give in to their every desire. Protect your back passage before it's too late.

  2. There's NO ENGLISH translation offered on you tube. How did you understand this?

    1. I read the about section below the video.

    2. I dont know why youtube offers spanish but not english translation ? He's definitely found stuff but had to flick through it

  3. From the evidence shown here and in many of your other planet building posts, it is obvious aliens enjoy large erections. My question is will they stay erect when getting shafted from behind? The truth is out there.

  4. Your definition of %100 proof continues to astound me.

    1. It's hilarious.

      He always says 100% proof but has absolutely NONE.

      You think after so many people pointing it out that he would get it but he is either stubborn, ignorant of what proof actually means...or just outright stupid.

  5. Great video! Makes u think. Imma forward this to my mom.

    1. Imma forward this to my donkey.

    2. Great find. Disclosure is very soon now. These erections are amazing and so big!

    3. Imma going to give this to my doggy.

    4. Imma going to send it to Scott

    5. Imma coming to Thailand. Know of any good Ladyboy clubs Scott.

    6. Imma going to give it to a rock alien.

  6. Lmfao I swear it don't be 100% proof. It be like 30%

  7. That man speaks in an alien language. Could he possibly be a reptilian. Watch out before he takes us all from behind. The aliens are entering from the back passage.

  8. If you have explored Venus's crevices as I have you will discover many wonderful things. They are often inhabited by small crab like creatures which venture out of the orifice at the slightest provocation.

  9. Incredible info. The mounds of Venus and its deep crevice is something Aliens will want to penetrate. I saw some in my telescope with their large cigar shaped ships entering and leaving Venus. When will the worlds media awake to this massive intrusion.

  10. Excellent news Scott. The crevice in Venus's mound is frequently penetrated by those cigar shaped alien ships. Keep Venus's back passage clear. We need to send star troopers to protect her honour.


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