Showing posts with label Venus. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Venus. Show all posts


Huge UFO Over Munich, Bavaria On Oct 15, 2021, Photos, UFO Sighting News.


Date of sighting: October 15, 2021
Location of sighting: Munich, Bavaria

The eyewitness spotted a disk cloud moving across his city of Munich, Bavaria yesterday. The eyewitness states, "I saw this this morning from the window of a moving train." The disk cloud which is known to hold a cloaked alien ship also has a long thin contrail moving from the ground to the cloud itself. This means the the break of dawn...was on the ground for an unknown amount of hours...possible allowing the pilots to get out and explore the city of Munich. They then get noticed by someone walking past and they make a bee line for their ship and shoot away up, to the mothership which already has a cloud around them so they can continue to observe. Very fascinating photo and 100% proof that aliens not only observe...but they also come down and to the ground level to explore and examine things. 
Scott C. Waring - Taiwan 


Massive Alien Cities On Venus As Big As Los Angeles! Photos, UFO Sighting News.

Date of discovery: April 28, 2020
Location of discovery: Venus
Source Map: (deleted by NASA)

I went to the Venus NASA map and it was no longer working. Its ok, I got my own copy of it I downloaded last year. Let me show you why they took this map down. There are many alien cities visible on this map. Some so big...they look like a single structure, but are actually bigger than the city of Los place of birth. Just like LA this wheel structure extends 70 km across. 

I found that the structure above has a wheel like design and is very similar to descriptions of the ancient city of Atlantis. Can you see the tunnels, the intelligent design? Its just extraordinary to see, let alone to think about. 

I never expected the US gov to take down the Venus map, but lucky I had a copy of it. I will continue to post structures from it now and then. 

And a personal message to NASA, you will never be able to hide the existence of other alien species by hitting the delete button. That is so 1980s of you. 
Scott C. Waring - Taiwan


Alien Built Structures On Venus The Size Of Texas! Video, UFO Sighting News.

Date of discovery: Oct 12, 2019
Location of discovery: Venus 
Source photo:

I was looking for decent photos of Venus and found this incredible full planet view. The photo is on the Wikipeadia and has detail that is of the surface structures. Normally the clouds over Venus prevent us from seeing its surface, but now I'm going to show you the alien structures that NASA doesn't want you to see. Watch my video and tell me your thoughts. Some of these structures are bigger than the US state of Texas! This is 100% proof that aliens exist on our neighboring planet. 
Scott C. Waring


Alien Cities Found On Venus IS 100% Proof Venus Is Inhabited Now. Video, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: April 24, 2016
Location of sighting: Venus

This is a great video that shows structures on Venus. Theres structures were made into computer renderings to make them more clear. Recorded but he Magellan probe, few people care to look for structures in this map, but the fact is, its easy to find them here. Much easier than on moon maps. 
Scott C. Waring

Mondodesconocido of Youtube states: 
The Magellan probe sent to Venus that operated in the late 80s and 90s, collected an enormous amount of images that have finally been published by NASA in which huge cities, artificial structures and all kinds of elements that seem to obey constructions appear intelligent effected by some kind of alien race that inhabited or colonized the second planet in our solar system, in the following video, we show those buildings that we have found and their interpretations in 3 Dimensions of them. The Link where the maps is as follows, where you can check yourself the images shown in the video as well as find new locations with suspiciously artificial elements.

Giant UFO Passes Venus And Sun, Caught On SOHO Images, Nov 18, 2016, Video, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: Nov 18, 2016
Location of sighting: Earths Sun

A very long UFO passed by the SOHO/NASA satellite on the 18th of Nov. It was caught by Streetcap1 of Youtube and is clearly long rectangular shape. 

Certainly a ship like this looks boring, but anti gravity tech could make an elephant fly, so some alien species will focus on efficiency over aesthetic beauty. You could understand how one would be more useful than the other. 
Scott C. Waring-Taiwan


Venus and all its glory, Buildings all across 100% of its surface, July 2016, Photos, UFO Sighting News.

Date of discovery: July 2016
Location of discovery: Venus

To be honest, I was always intrigued by Venus ever since I read Dr Frank Stranges book, A Stranger In The Pentagon. Its all makes a lot of sense, and yeah, I see how an alien could easily have done all this. You may have to look into that to understand me.  Anyways, on this particular map, I found that structures cover 100% of the planet. Some stand out more than others. Here are a few, and this only is a sample. I had to restrain myself from continuing. Maybe later, little by little, or maybe some of you will continue where I left off. Ether way...this Venus, a habited planet with more alien structures than can possible be counted. Oh...and to Commander Val Thor...don't give up on humanity. They have grown so much since the 1956. It may be time to try it again. 
Scott C. Waring


Buildings On Venus Map Show Structures Miles Tall, April 2016, Video, UFO Sighting News.

Date of discovery: April 2016
Location of discovery: Venus
Venus Map:

Wow! This person not only found these structures, but made a CGI duplicate so we can see what it truly looks like. I are really impressed with his video. Nice detail and it really highlights the structures on Venus well. Note, the entire...and I mean entire, surface of Venus is covered in structures. Val Valiant Thor said he lived there, but most inhabitants like himself, live below the surface. 
Scott C. Waring 

President Eisenhower had three secret meetings with Captain Val Valiant Thor From Venus - 2 Witness Speak Out!

Mundodesconocido of Youtube states:
The Magellan probe sent to Venus that operated in the late 80s and 90s, collected an enormous amount of images that have finally been published by NASA in which huge cities, artificial structures and all kinds of elements that seem to obey constructions appear intelligent effected by some kind of alien race that inhabited or colonized the second planet in our solar system, in the following video, we show those buildings that we have found and their interpretations in 3 Dimensions of them.


Venus, like you never seen it before, Buildings, Freeway Tunnels, Giant Cities Covering 95% of The Planet! April 2016, UFO Sighting News.

Date of discovery: April 2016
Location of discovery: Venus
Source Venus Map:

Mars, Mars, Mars...thats all anyone ever seems to care about, and yet, we have so many planets and moons in our solar system. Why are humans focusing so much on one little planet? A fixation perhaps, or maybe, just maybe its something more dark and frightening. 

I want to suggest that the Earth has been enveloped in a covering that manipulates our thoughts and focus. Meaning, someone, somewhere doesn't want us to look at Venus. Strange since Val Valiant Thor came from there and even walked out of a spaceship in the park near the pentagon. I believe that humanity has been and always will be manipulated by aliens in some way or anther. Just as the smarter humans on this planet manipulate the other 99% making them rich. 

All I'm asking is that you try to look into finding alien structures on other planets or moons. Just try, you feel something preventing you from carrying though with it? Exactly! Let me show you Venus. 
Scott C. Waring 

 On the photo below, focus on the walls. Can you see the walls?


Two Pill Like Objects Sticking Out of Shadows On Mars, March 2016, UFO Sighting News.

Date of discovery: March 7, 2016
Location of discovery: Mars
Source photo:

I found something unusual near the tread marks of the rover. Under the ledge of a rock, hidden by the shadows were two long, thick metallic tubes coming out of the rock. They are hanging so the bottom doesn't touch the ground, but The perfection of its pill shaped surface is extraordinary. Now these are only about 2 inches long, but their symmetrical shape says that they are made with technology and not by nature. It is baffling  Also I found a face looking sideways to the left of it. The face has good detail, but pitted from age. 
Scott C. Waring 

2,000,000 Year Old Figurine Found In Idaho Challenges Evolution Theory, UFO Sighting News.

Date of discovery: 1889
Age of discovery: 2,000,000 years old
Location of discovery: Nampa, Idaho, USA
Current Location of discovery: Idaho State Historical Society in Boise, Idaho, USA
News source:

We were all taught...history repeats itself. I believe this is truth with the rise of many civilizations on this planet, many of them were not human. Here is more evidence that backs that up. This carved figure being over 2 million years old. If scientists are right and humans were not evolved enough or even in the Americas at that time, then there is only one solution...its from an ancient alien civilization. 
Scott C. Waring

News states:
A tiny artifact depicting a human figure was found in 1889, when workers were drilling water well near Nampa, in southwest Idaho. The artifact skillfully formed in clay, is a true mystery that has baffled scientists for many years. “The record of the well shows that… they had penetrated first about fifty feet of soil, then about fifteen feet of basalt, and afterwards passed through alternate beds of clay and quicksand…down to a depth of about three hundred feet when the sand pump began to bring up numerous clay balls, some of them more than two inches in diameter, densely coated with iron oxide,” geologist of Boston Society of Natural History, George Frederick Wright (1838-1921) reported in his book “Origin and Antiquity of Man” (1912). “There is no ground to question the fact that this image came up in the sand pump from the depth reported.” 

When the workers reached a layer of clay over 300 feet down in the well boring, their steam pump suddenly spat out a piece of brownish clay formed into a small figurine. “The object is about an inch and a half long, and remarkable for the perfection with which it represents the human form.” He added, “It was a female figure, and had the lifelike lineaments in the parts which were finished that would do credit to the classic centers of art,” Wright wrote. Professor F.W. Putnam of Harvard University found through microscopic analysis that quartz grains under the doll’s right arm had been cemented by iron molecules. This too indicates a great age of the artifact and is reason to believe it is not of recent manufacture. It was deeply colored with the iron oxides characteristic of the deposits from the 300-foot level (91 meters). The strata at this depth is dated at about 2 million years old. Who formed this mostly unusual figurine if not Homo sapiens? “Other than Homo sapiens sapiens, no hominid is known to have fashioned workds of art like the Nampa figurine,” writes Michael Cremo in his famous book ” The Hidden History of the Human Race“. “The evidence therefore suggests that humans of the modern type were living in America at the Plio-Pleistocene age which dates about 2 million years ago. 

“According to current Darwinian theories of evolution, figurines like the Idaho image are made only by humans of the modern type, who came into existence only about 200,000 years ago,” Cremo writes. The oldest statues of human figures of a degree of artistry similar to that of the Nampa image only go back to the Late Paleolithic period of Europe, about 20,000 or 30,000 years.” “According to the ancient Sanskrit writings of India, however, humans have been present since the beginning of life on earth. There are figures of gods and goddesses in Indian temples that, according to traditional sources, are as old as the Nampa image and older.” Many scientists investigated this extremely controversial figurine and conducted diverse tests shortly after the discovery. They agreed that the figurine is authentic and of very ancient origins. “One expert, Professor Albert A. Wright of Oberlin College, it was not the product of a small child or amateur, but was made by a true artist. Though badly battered by time, the doll’s appearance is still distinct: it has a bulbous head, with barely discernible mouth and eyes; broad shoulders; short, thick arms; and long legs, the right leg broken off. There are also faint geometric markings on the figure, which represent either clothing patterns or jewelry -they are found mostly on the chest around the neck, and on the arms and writs. The doll is the image of a person of a high civilization, artistically attired.” (J.R. Jochmans, Litt.D., 1979) According to Cremo, the Nampa figurine strongly challenges the evolutionary scenario. Indeed, it does. Nampa artifact is on exhibit at the Idaho State Historical Society in Boise.


Horizontal Glowing Disk Recorded Over Scotland On Dec 2013, PHOTOS, UFO Sighting News.

Location of Sighting: Dunfermline, Scotland
Date of Sighting: December 5, 2013
Time: 5.45Ppm

Witness Statement: We were having our tea last night around 5.45pm and I noticed the Crescent moon and then I noticed a really bright light that we thought was a UFO although with a little bit research learned was Venus as despite having a slight knowledge ,of the night sky, I am no Patrick Moore .

We got out basic binoculars and had a closer look at Venus .

To our amazement ,and only through binocs we could see a saucer shape object hovering horizontally ,just left of Venus that was grey in colour and illuminated and sat stationary in that position for at least 5 minutes as we all took turns with the binocs.

As I took about a minute trying to take a photo using my iPhone through the binocular lense “Attached” when I returned to observe the object again through binocs it was now on the right hand side of Venus and was no longer stationary and now moving ,still horizontally ,about the same speed as an aircraft appears to fly through the sky ,and then disappeared or fizzled out about the same distance we had first observed it left of Venus but now on the right.

Strange thing is ,as when I looked at the picture on phone ,and as can be seen ,the object appears to be pointing vertical and it definitely was sitting horizontal and stationary whilst I was trying to ready the camera as my wife and daughter confirmed.
We are not UFO hunters and our attention was mainly drawn to Venus as it was really bright last night in the southern sky .

My wife suggested that it may appear vertical in the picture if I maybe took pic at wrong angle ,although the tree line is visible so that can’t be explanation ?
1 pics Taken on iPhone showing Venus and said object to the left and is also in focus quite well as we seen.

Two other close up captures of the original pic also attached.
Any help would be great to possibly explaining this for us .as you couldn’t see this object with the naked eye and I think I was lucky to capture the image through a basic binoc lense with the IPhone too as it is clear as looking through the binoculars .


Building and Cross Discovered On Venus Map...Possibly Validating Val Valient Thor's Existence.

Date of discovery: August 14, 2012
Location of discovery: Venus surface

I was looking over the Venus map and found these building like structures. One stood out more than the others. It was a massive rectangle shaped structure with two towers on each side of it. Also not far away I found a giant size cross on its surface. I chose to look at Venus because of the Val Valient Thor who is an alien that landed his UFO near the white house (park area) in 1957. Val was a captain of his ship and the ship remained below a lake in the park until his return. He held secret meetings with US President Eisenhower. More info and photos of Val, just click here.  If these structures are tells us that Val could really be from Venus as he said. SCW

Source Venus Map: