Showing posts with label matrix. Show all posts
Showing posts with label matrix. Show all posts


Giant Alien Disk Moving Across The Moons Surface On Nov 14, 2016, Video, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: Nov 14, 2016
Location of sighting: Earths Moon

This UFO is making a shadow on the moons surface which is proof that the UFO is flying over the moon, and its not in orbit around Earth. When you add light to it (below) the dark UFO stands out more and has a triangle on its top. This is great video and surly the fact that it was a super moon...meaning the moon was closer at this moment in time than normally, which made it possible to spot this UFO so well. Compared to the surface of the moon, this UFO had to have been about 2-5km across or more. 
Scott C. Waring

News states: 
On November 14, the largest moon was seen in many years, the moon could be better appreciated to investigate and Aurelio Carbajal managed to capture that image where you can clearly see an object flying on the lunar surface.

Bright Light Shoots Out Of Rock Along Extraterrestrial Highway, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: 7-1-2015 but reported today.
Location of sighting: Southern California, USA
News source: MUFON #80430

From the looks of the terrain, I would say this was not far from the California, Arizona, Nevada boarder. This looks like it was taken on Route 375, notoriously known as the Extraterrestrial Highway, not far from Area 51. I use to live in Needles and Bullhead City for a few years. 

The driver saw a beam of light coming out from in-between the crevice in a rock along the road. I would say this is a light being from the looks of it, and it is leaving an underground base that is about 4-5km below the ground in this very location. These light beings are often mistaken as angels.
Scott C. Waring

Eyewitness states: 
Driving along a road in California, I stopped to take a picture of a small light hovering above a rock. It grew and then in an instant it was gone.


Alien face found on Mars near NASA rover, Nov 15, 2016, UFO Sighting News.

Date of discovery: Nov 15, 2016
Location of discovery:  Mars

I found this face in a Mars Curiosity Rover photo and it semi resembles humans. I'm am not certain if the yellow I colored is hair, or horns...its difficult to estimate the artists intentions. The hair line, the eyes the bulbous nose, thick lips, mouth, chin and cheeks all scream out intelligent being. 

I also found another partly buried face above this one. I circled it in the photo below. I also found a statue of two beings that was tipped over on its side. 

I like this face a lot. It looks deep in contemplation, and kind hearted. Maybe one day we will get to meet them. 
Scott C. Waring

Giant UFO Exits Ground Causing Earthquake In New Zealand, Nov 14, 2016, UFO Sighting News.

Date of event: November 14, 2016
Location of event: Christchurch, New Zealand

UFOs are often seen during and after earthquakes, just like in this video below you see lights from a UFO that exited from the ground. It had to have been giant, about 1km for the opening to cause such an earthquake as it did. Christchurch is a hotbed of UFO activity over the last five years, so this is really no surprise. 

Its known from the Friendship case (Rocca Pia, Italy) that when aliens were to make an opening for a city or leave a city, they only had to command it, and the technology would open a cavern in the ground the size of city that even had its own weather system.  Friendship case also states that people would just stand on the ground and the ground would gently and fast, lower itself, while the opening on top closes, until the person arrived at the city below the ground. 
Scott C. Waring

UFO Fleet Takes Guy Buy Surprise Over Barcelona, Spain On Nov 2016, Video, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: Nov 2016
Location of sighting:  Barcelona, Spain
News source:

These are cloud orbs and they usually appear white, but when very close they really have a translucent appearance with a slow color changing that takes over different parts of the orb and either grows in area that the color has or becomes smaller of an area. The orb will have many colors areas at the same time. 
Scott C. Waring

News states: 
British holiday maker Paul Zinger said he filmed the UFOs over Barcelona while celebrating his 40th birthday at the fountains on La Rambla.

He said the white orbs flew over the BBVA bank building nearby.

The painter and decorator, who lives in Clitheroe, Lancashire, estimated there were at least 100 objects moving in different directions.

He said: "It was amazing, there were at least 100 if not more in the sky. The footage I took doesn't show how many were there.

"The holiday was a surprise 40th birthday present from my girlfriend.

"We both got food poisoning so the only time we spent outside was basically a couple of hours on La Rambla.

"The Rambla was chocca with people.

"I think there was more than 100 objects. I watched them for ages."

Mr Zinger, who appears to be an alien believer, has considered what the white orbs could have been.

He said: "I've asked myself the question many times. When you see objects like this it truly changes the way you view the world. (More at source)


100% Proof Of Small Animal On Mars, NASA Rover Photo, Nov 14, 2016, UFO Sighting News.

Date of discovery: Nov 14, 2016
Location of discovery: Mars
Source photo:

Now how do I say this? I found a burrow of fresh wet dirt in an area surrounding the right side of a rock. This is 100% proof that something about the side of a crab or mouse is under there digging when this photo was taken. Look closely at the original photo and you will see there is no other dirt this color. So, we have freshly dug up dirt thats been pushed out from under the rock.  It wasn't dug up by the rover because there are no tracks leading up to it and all the dirt is aimed out from under the rock. There is a living creature...small though it may be, digging under this rock. 

Also there is a white object out on the dirt edge around the this white crab-like object the animal that made this? Tell me your thoughts in the comments below. 
Scott C. Waring-Taiwan
The above photo shows a face, similar to many I have found before. The bottom shows a alien body, but I have found this before already and it was more clear in that old post (Click here to see).

 The above photo shows a statue I found today. It has many similarities to Chinese jade in its smoothness, coloration, and carving shape. Similar Chinese jade statues were found at Red Hill, China, and are over 5,000-20,000 years old at Red Hill. I own one with angel wings and a crown with alien eyes. 
 The above photo appears to be an animal statue, or animal coated in a stone coating. 
 In the photo above you can see an alien figure from head to toe from the side view. Note that it has a Egyptian crown on its head...long and round. 
 The above was carved with a groove in it. Very unusual and out of place, but 100% evidence of use of tools. 
I found this today in the photo, however someone else had found this in a different photo. They said it was an animal looking around the corner of the rock. I have to agree. The face looks human almost and it looks alive. SCW

UFO disappears into clouds seen from Space Station, Nov 14, 2016, Video, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: Nov 14, 2016
Location of sighting: Earths orbit, ISS

This is an extraordinary find by Streetcap1 of Youtube. This is a UFO recorded on the live NASA space station cam. The interesting thing about it is that it actually passes below the clouds. That means this object has perfectly matched the speed of the space station and is traveling at an altitude of most passenger jets. Sure alien tech has no difficulty in keeping up with the 27,600 km/h space station, but still its remarkable to see it pass below those clouds. The size of the UFO looks to be about 1/3 that of the space station. That makes the UFO about 33 meters across. Great catch, please go to Youtube and give Streetcap1 a supportive thumbs up for his hard work. 
Scott C. Waring

UFO Turns Lights On Over Lima, Peru Excites Locals, Nov 2016, Video, 👽 UFO Sighting News 👽

Date of sighting: Nov 2016
Location of sighting: Lima, Peru

This is cool. A UFO was recorded over Lima, Peru this week and in the recording we see a street light suddenly light up. Coincidence? Probably not, since hundreds of UFO reports report electrical problems when the UFO was near. This is important evidence that this object was a UFO. 
Scott C. Waring

News states:
A mysterious ‘burning’ UFO has been filmed traveling across the sky above a capital city. Residents of Lima, Peru, were left stunned as the orange light floated slowly through the air in the slightly darkened sky. The video, which lasts a full minute and was revealed by Peruvian media last night, has left observers mystified. To add to the mystery, people in other parts of the South American country, including the highlands to the southeast of Lima and the area near the Amazon rainforest, also spotted strange lights in the sky. One theory is that the lights could be the high-altitude balloons used by Google’s Project Loon, an initiative that provides Internet access to people in remote and rural areas. The balloons float in the stratosphere about 18km, 11 miles, above the Earth’s surface and do contain lights. Is this where aliens from Mars relax? British conspiracy theorist spots a SOFA on Red Planet However, there are a number of people who believe Peru is a regular stop-off for aliens who are drawn to the country by its many ancient sites, including the world famous Machu Picchu citadel in the Andes Mountains.


Alien Space Ship Found On Comet P67 In ESA Photo Is Proof That The Comet Has Alien Life, Nov 2016, UFO Sighting News.

Date of discovery: Nov 11, 2016
Location of discovery: Comet P67

I was looking at some ESA photo (European Space Administration) when I noticed a triangle shaped craft sitting on comet P67. This craft has a tail fin like a plane and has sides like a stealth fighter jet. Its color is proof that its not part of the surface of the comet, since 99.9% of the comet looks dark, but not this ship. Can you imagine the ESA using their Rosette lander to take close up photos of this? The ESA said the lander no longer responds and has ended the mission...but that is a ruse to make the public believe this, and in reality, they will continue their mission, but this time looking for alien technology that can be retrieved and used, like this small ship of about 10 meters. 
Scott C. Waring

UFO Becomes Visible During Sunset Over Madison, Wisconsin On Nov 1, 2016, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: Nov 1, 2016
Location of sighting: Madison, Wisconsin, USA
News source: MUFON #80330

During sunset, the cloak on any UFO will be vulnerable to becoming visible to the naked eye from a few seconds to a few minutes. That is what we see here. It looks like a second sun, but its a UFO hiding in a clump of clouds. Even when I add contrast (above photo) the UFO only becomes more bright and visible. Its huge and its 100% there. Scientists still can't explain such sightings and some have adopted a farmers quote calling it a sun dog, but that doesn't explain what it truly is...a UFO.
Scott C. Waring

Eyewitness states: 
My husband and I were driving home (we live in downtown Madison) from the west side of Madison after shopping. I simply noticed the object because of how bright it was, and actually thought it was a tiny chunk of a rainbow forming, although there hadn't been any rain that day, until I noticed quickly hiw much light it was giving off on its own. It was just sort of hovering, colors changed a bit. I just remember feeling uncomfortable and worried about it. I didn't feel like it should be there, not sure it just made me very anxious I suppose. I'm not completely sure of its exact direction, as we were driving home in a curved pattern (the city is on an isthmus between two lakes). I just know when I first saw it we were in West Madison facing east, the brightness of the glow sort of had little spurts of being brighter and slightly less, and it gave off blue, orange, green, reddish colors, and about half an hoe later when we got home I saw it again but this time we had moved east 20 miles and I saw it when I faced about SW. I had been trying to take a picture the whole car ride and couldn't catch it with its moving directions, but this photo I did get was at the end of the event where I last saw it from a block outside my building. You can see the sun setting on the right, and the object glowing it's own light and some of the colors to the left.


UFO Buzzes Over Washington DC On Day Trump Is Elected US President, Nov 9, 2016, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting:  Nov 9, 2016
Location of sighting: Washington DC, USA

This UFO was seen today over Washington and in one part of the video, the UFO comes into focus as it tilts slightly so we can see its top surface. Its a half disk shape and should not be over Washington without being intercepted by several F16s which watch this airspace. Apparently this UFO didn't show up on radar. US radar towers have not been updated much since its invention and need a serious upgrade to catch UFOs in US airspace. 

Its my belief that this UFO was over Washington to see how Obama was taking the news of the next US president being Trump. Will Trump reveal UFO info to the public, or will he skirt this issue?
Scott C. Waring-Taiwan

Eyewitness states: 

Check this out Angel Spotted in the sky this afternoon over Washington D.C. whats the meaning of this awesome sighting.

Massive Base Complex Found In Tycho Crater In NASA Photo, Nov 2016, UFO Sighting News.

Date of discovery: November 2016
Location of discovery: Tycho Crater, Earths Moon
Source photo:

This amazing structure was found by Streetcap1. The building is on Earths moon and is one of the three types that I have often talked about. Type 1, the white ceramic structures (medium size and have 90 degree angles). Type 2 the large non reflective black structures (mountain size, but biomechanically grown and have curved edges most of the time). Type 3, the grey metallic structures (these are small, 100 meters or less and are most often near the edges of the large black structures and have 90 degree angles).
Scott C. Waring-Taiwan


RUSSIA Bizzare Portal RING! Military UFO Alert! 11/8/2016, Video, UFO Sightings News.

Date of sighting: Nov 8, 2016
Location of sighting: Russia

This ring UFO was seen over Russia this month and was reported by ThirdPhaseofMoon, a UFO researching Youtube channel that focuses on all areas of paranormal phenomena. 

Ring UFOs are no joke. They have been recorded by the US military since 1957 at Fort Belvoir, Virginia.  (Click here to see it). In that sighting the US Army guard took many photos of the UFO as it was was creating a white cloud around it to hide in. Yes, UFOs make clouds. Its not rocket science to do it. I mean just drop some dry ice into your cup of water and bam! You got instant cloud. So with aliens and their advanced tech, its childs play.
Scott C. Waring-Taiwan

UFO Watching Over Comet P67, NASA Makes Lander Mission Covert, Nov 2016, UFO Sighting News.

Date of discovery: Nov 8, 2016
Location of discovery:  Comet P67, Singing comet

Its been a while since I have reported Comet P67, but I decided to have a look at some recent photos and saw a long UFO that is flat, but rectangle shape near the comet. The UFO may be there to greet the NASA/ESA lander that landed on the comet and went silent. This UFO is over 100 meters across when compared to the size of the comet. 

I don't believe for a second that it went silent, but instead, NASA/ESA has a covert mission to wait and greet the aliens that have been sending the signal for over 20 years. Yes, the signal is the reason they are there and they said that themselves dozens of times, so obviously the mission stopped because they had another covert mission to accomplish. Its how NASA gets the Rosetta lander out of the public eye permanently and can keep using it to investigate. 
Scott C. Waring-Taiwan


UFO Near Edwards Air Force Base Checks Out USAF Weapons, Nov 2016, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: Nov 4, 2016
Location of sighting: Edwards AFB, California, USA
News source: MUFON #80269

This UFO was obviously interesting in the Air Force base near it. UFOs are often seen near base, and have even totally and permanently disabled nuclear missiles in their silos. Aliens have even (at my old base, Ellsworth AFB SAC) had an encounter with two aliens that were seen and shot at by the gate guards...but thats another story. 
Scott C. Waring-Taiwan

Eyewitness states:
We were driving East, passing Edwards Air Force Base and I noticed an object traveling very fast across the highway. It had a wobble to it because the suns reflection wasn't constant and it couldn't be seen unless it tilted. I happened to take two pictures of it while it was reflecting the sun with my Canon digital camera. I have raw images that can be examined further, but will only submit a jpeg at this time due to the size of the raw image. It was moving too fast to get a good focus and I did not have time to make proper adjustments to capture a moving object. Raw image can be sent if you would like...


2nd Alien Face Found On Mars This Month, It Is Not Human, UFO Sighting News.

2nd Alien Face Found On Mars This Month, It Is Not Human, UFO Sighting News.

Source NASA photo at:
Note: Please help spread the word by reposting this info, thanks SCW.

Click to enlarge.

Its amazing that so many faces have been found on Mars. This month alone two have been found in different locations, but that is not the only exciting thing that has happened here. This new face on Mars...reveals to us a new aliens species that we only thought existed in stories.

It distinctly has two eyes, eyebrows, a nose, mouth, lips, its forehead, chin and cheek bones well defined, but those are the similarities to humans.

The non similar parts are two sharp pointing ears or horns above each eye giving it an almost bat like face in appearance. There is a line that passes above one eye, below the other and across the face diagonally. It is my belief that this line is an ornament of stature indicating the social level of the individual. The line is too thick and purposeful to by a crack in the mountain.

This awesome face is a monumental discovery of a beautiful unknown alien species and I can't wait to meet him/her.

The pictures above and the zoomed ones below are from ESA’S Mars Express mission. The area the strange face appears in is called Melas Chasma which is located at the bottom of Valles Marineris.

☯ Scott C. Waring wrote “UFO Sightings of 2006-2009” and “Dragons of Asgard”
For More UFO Information Please Come Visit My Main UFO Site, Click Here.

Alien Plant Life Discovered on Mars in Louros Valles, south of Ius Chasma, UFO Sighting News

Alien Plant Life Discovered on Mars in Louros Valles, south of Ius Chasma, UFO Sighting News.

While looking at this photo taken by ESA's Mars Express orbiter I discovered something plant life. Areas of this photo have greenish tints which could only indicate that there is some kind of vegetation growing in these areas.

Click to enlarge.

Another clue that makes me say this is plant life is that ESA states this about the photo: "The dark deposits at the bottom of the Ius Chasma are possibly related to water and wind erosion."

In the statement above, the they said "dark deposits" they mean dark green deposits.

So if water was once there causing this erosion, then it is possible some water may still remain in hidden areas.

ESA also states that the source of the water may still be there: "'Sapping' is erosion by water that emerges from the ground as a spring or seeps from between layers of rock in a wall of a cliff, crater or other type of depression. The channel forms from water and debris running down the slope from the seepage area. This is known from similar features on Earth, but on Mars it is thought that most of the water had probably either evaporated or frozen by the time it reached the bottom of the slope."

Note: I only adjusted the exposure (amount of light) slightly to see more of the color, but the green is still visible with zero adjustments.

Source photo:

☯ Scott C. Waring wrote “UFO Sightings of 2006-2009” and “Dragons of Asgard”
For More UFO Information Please Come Visit My Main UFO Site, Click Here.